funny tweets

When it comes to this here tag of Funny Tweets, it consists of any attempt on Twitter at comedy, without the necessary qualifier of succeeding. We also keep a list of top funny tweets that might be more along the lines of what you're looking for if you want actual funny tweets.

A collection of dog tweets thumbnail includes two pictures including one of Camilla Cabello hugging a dog and another of Shawn Mendes hugging a dog and one tweet ‘Dog - camila ... @Camila_Cabello our dogs kind enough to take pics w their biggest fans 1:52 AM Feb 28, 2021 · Twitter for iPhone 9,847 Retweets 2,009 Quote Tweets 89.5K Likes’

Paws And Enjoy This Week’s Best Dog Tweets

tweets of dogs getting bad haircuts thumbnail includes a two before and after pictures of a dog getting a haircut and one tweet 'Dog - ICE ... @REALBURTIIS count your fucking days petsmart 5:18 AM Feb 26, 2021 - Twitter for iPhone 76.3K Retweets 16.5K Quote Tweets 548.9K Likes'

Dogs Getting Offensively Funny Haircuts At PetSmart (Viral Tweets)

this week's collection of animal tweets thumbnail includes one tweet 'Font - Mrs. Detective Pikajew, Esq., Birthday Girl @clapifyoulikeme Imagine being an apex predator and constantly getting picked up and kissed on the head 8:11 PM Feb 23, 2021 Twitter Web App 18.1K Retweets 1,697 Quote Tweets 196.8K Likes Mrs. Detective Pikajew, Esq., Birthday Girl @clapifyoulike. Feb 23 Replying to @clapifyoulikeme My cat: has very sharp claws, teeth; Also my cat: has repeatedly been forced to dance around w'

Weekly Treat In The Form Of Animal Tweets

tweets of cats in places they shouldn't be thumbnail includes two pictures including a cat inside of a water bottle package and another of a cat sitting on stairs that say "please do not sit here" ''

Cat Chaos: Cats In Places They Definitely Shouldn't Be

viral twitter thread about cats sleeping on their faces thumbnail includes two pictures of cats sleeping with their faces pressed to the floor and a tweet 'Font - rina @m1kiu a thread of cats sleeping on their face 6:43 AM Feb 22, 2021 · Twitter for iPhone 47.2K Retweets 2,567 Quote Tweets 158.9K Likes'

Viral Twitter Thread Of Pawdorable Cats Sleeping On Their Faces

tweets about the difficulties about raising fish thumbnail includes one tweet 'Font - sarah lugor!! @sarahlugor getting a pet fish is 1000x more work than anyone tells you. it should not be ANYONES first pet 9:41 AM Feb 23, 2021 · Twitter for iPhone 1,960 Retweets 396 Quote Tweets 33.6K Likes'

Funny Unexpected Difficulties Of Having Pet Fish (Tweets)

this week's collection of cat tweets thumbnail includes one tweet 'Font - Celeste Labedz @celestelabedz I can't believe people are STILL struggling with basic Zoom etiquette. Remember: - MUTE yourself when not speaking - USE "raise hand" to avoid interruption in groups - Make sure your CAT is in view - Don't forget to tell me your cat's NAME - Please tell your cat I LOVE them 6:07 PM · Feb 22, 2021 - Twitter Web App 40.2K Retweets 1,518 Quote Tweets 234.1K Likes'

The Week's Most Supurrb Cat Tweets (February 26)

tweets about pets being confused by normal human things thumbnail includes one tweet 'Font - Ron Iver @ronnui_ Do dogs understand elevators or are they just like ok it's time to get into the world changer 6:06 PM - Feb 21, 2021 Twitter for Android 57.3K Retweets 1,348 Quote Tweets 635K Likes'

Funny Tweets About Pets Confused By Human Things (Mostly Dogs)

funny pics of a dog chilling on the roof while its owner freaks out | darius.christ darius_julian My dog done lost his DAMN MIND WTF

Totally Unfazed Dog Hanging Out On Roof While Owner Loses His Mind (Viral Tweets)

twitter thread and tweets about a person who doesn't own a cat suddenly having a cat in their apartment thumbnail includes a picture of a cat standing on a desk 'Computer - B @_BillieBelieves We don't have a cat 4:04 PM · Feb 17, 2021 · Twitter for iPhone 11.6K Retweets 1,830 Quote Tweets 168.2K Likes'

Cat Breaks Into Twitter User's House (Viral Twitter Thread)

this week's collection of animal tweets thumbnail includes two pictures of a cat standing up on its two paws looking confused 'Cat - Hammer Pants For Humanity @MikkiHereEgo Girlfriend's cat snorted then did this. She's still doing it. 4:56 AM Feb 20, 2021 - Twitter for iPhone 38.7K Retweets 1,875 Quote Tweets 297.6K Likes'

Weekly Treat: Animal Tweets (February 22, 2021)

thumbnail of cow by fireplace  "People are bringing their farm animals into their living rooms Texas so they don't freeze death."

Texans Brought Their Farm Animals Into Their Home During The Snowpocalypse (Thread)

viral tweets about moss covered capybaras thumbnail includes a picture of capybaras covered in moss and one tweet 'The recently discovered new species: the green Capybara'

Capybaras Covered In Moss Take Over Twitter (Viral Tweets)

this week's collection of cat tweets thumbnail includes one tweet 'Font - Jennifer Adcock, RPG Designer @JenKatWrites ... You know who doesn't get impostor syndrome? Cats. Not only does every cat know they're a cat, I think every cat believes firmly, with conviction, that they are the best possible cat, the prime example of a cat, the most cat a cat could be. 5:20 AM Feb 13, 2021 - Twitter for iPhone 53.1K Retweets 2,048 Quote Tweets 283.6K Likes'

Cat Twitter Purrfection: 20 Funny Tweets, All About Cats

viral twitter thread about getting chased by a cow thumbnail includes one tweet 'Font - samaira @knjpathy A COW STARTED CHASING ME MY HEART IS BEATING SO BAD 6:00 PM · Feb 13, 2021 · Twitter for Android 7,487 Retweets 2,519 Quote Tweets 136.6K Likes'

Twitter User Gets Chased By A Cow (Viral Thread)

tweets about loving cats who are weirdos thumbnail includes one tweet 'Font - charlie @chunkbardey so much of the pleasure of having a cat is getting to watch this creature make decisions that will always be at least partially inscrutable to you. it's such a pleasure, inexhaustibly fascinating because cats can't speak or explain. like why did you go over there 7:10 PM Feb 10, 2021 - Twitter for iPhone 9,439 Retweets 322 Quote Tweets 59.2K Likes'

Tweets About Strange Loveable Cat Behaviors