funny tweets

When it comes to this here tag of Funny Tweets, it consists of any attempt on Twitter at comedy, without the necessary qualifier of succeeding. We also keep a list of top funny tweets that might be more along the lines of what you're looking for if you want actual funny tweets.

tweets of badly animated animals in movies thumbnail includes two pictures of scary animated animals from the movie Barbie and a tweet 'Photograph - BenDariCreme #StopTheAttacks @_Miggyyyy- ... nobody: animals in barbie movies: 2:41 PM Mar 29, 2021 - Twitter for Android 44.7K Retweets 3,912 Quote Tweets 308.6K Likes'

Tweets Of Terribly But Hilariously Animated Animals

tweets of weird looking animals thumbnail includes a picture of a weird animals and a tweet 'Rectangle - sarah lugor! @sarahlugor ... there are some animals that i refuse to believe are real until i see see them 6:50 PM - Mar 30, 2021 - Twitter for iPhone 592 Retweets 155 Quote Tweets 17.8K Likes'

Real Animals Too Weird To Look Real (Tweets)

cats trying to steal food - thumbnail of a cat looking at food "my cat when i eat anything that has carbs (hes cross eyed so it makes him look incredibly focused on the food)"

Cats Mischievously Trying To Steal Food (Twitter Thread)

This week’s collection of cat tweets thumbnail includes a picture of a cat looking into a scrying mirror and one tweet 'Cat - MKB @MatthewKBegbie My friend bought a scrying mirror (commonly used in the occult for predicting the future) and walked in to see his black cat standing on two legs and staring into it. 9:21 PM Mar 28, 2021 Twitter Web App 21.9K Retweets 1,887 Quote Tweets 216.4K Likes'

15 Supurrb Cat Tweets From The Comedy Masterminds Of Twitter

fresh cat memes - thumbnail of cat in upspspss "Sorry ur package is delayed l've been sleeping in the box" and image of cat laying besides giant litter spill "If you can't hide a crime scene, just pretend you are a victim"

Halfway To Caturday: Cat Memes And Tweets

calico kitten studying hard - thumbnail of kitten studying at desk "GET OUT!!!! SHES STUDYING!!!!!!!!"

Tweet User Demands People Get Out So Kitten Can Focus On Her Studies

tweets about funny names given to cats thumbnail includes one tweet 'Font - Jennifer Xiao @jxiaoo Dog owners will pick names like max or bailey and cat owners will literally name their cat beef stroganoff 4:58 PM · Mar 27, 2021 · Twitter Web App 34.7K Retweets 4,390 Quote Tweets 297.5K Likes'

Viral Tweets Of Funny Names Given To Cats

this week's collection of animal tweets thumbnail includes one tweet 'Font - senior vice president of jerks @rajandelman Thinking about how dogs just had the best year of their lives 9:01 AM Mar 27, 2021 Twitter for Android 27.3K Retweets 1,182 Quote Tweets 333.8K Likes'

Weekly Treat: Animal Tweets (March 29, 2021)

best of this week's dog tweets thumbnail includes one tweet 'Font - Swamp Witch @SwampWi68671152 I almost died tonight. My dog had a fit, barking till she woke me up in a cold sweat. Made it out to the kitchen a choked down a mouthful of sugar. Checked it on my machine and it was bottomed out at 36. I shouldn't even have been conscious. Thanks, little friend. Steak tomorrow. 9:37 AM Mar 20, 2021 · Twitter Web App 1,524 Retweets 211 Quote Tweets 28.3K Likes'

Ending The Weekend With The Best Dog Tweets

This week’s collection of cat tweets thumbnail includes a picture of a cat walking away from an explosion and one tweet 'Cat - もふもふ動画 @tyomateee2 一仕事やり遂げた猫さん Translated from Japanese by Google A cat who has completed a job 4:01 PM Mar 22, 2021 - Twitter for iPhone 17.3K Retweets 445 Quote Tweets 159.3K Likes'

The Week's Most Supurrb Cat Tweets (March 26)

tweets about borzois thumbnail includes one picture of a while long-nosed dog and one tweet 'Dog - soul nate ... @MNateShyamalan [forgetting the name of this dog breed] hello i would like to adopt a plague doctor 4:56 AM - Mar 20, 2021 · Twitter for iPhone 4,581 Retweets 195 Quote Tweets 56.5K Likes'

Funny Long-Nosed Borzoi Doggo Appreciation Tweets

cat keeps ramming into woman's chest so she goes to a dr to make sure nothing is wrong - thumbnail of tweet "my cat has been ramming his head into my boobs a lot lately and i've read stories about how pets sometimes warn their owners of cancerous tumors using the same method so i went to the doctor and got checked and found out that my cat is just a pervert"

Woman Worries Cat Is Trying To Tell Her Something, Turns Out He's Just A Pervert

collection of animal memes and tweets thumbnail includes two memes including an angry hedgehog 'Organism - My hedgie is largely unimpressed with Tupperware bath time' and a bird touching a thing 'Bird - Anyone: "Don't do that" Me That'

20 Animal Memes And Tweets For The Soul

fresh cat memes - thumbnail of tiny kitten in netted crib "Jailed for smol crimes.... ...guys I can't stop looking at the second photo"

Halfway To Caturday: Cat Memes And Tweets

thoughts of dogs tweet - thumbnail of dog thought tweet " it appears you have loaded the dishwasher without me. do you not need my services anymore. did you lick the plates yourself. this is a disaster"

Heartwarming Thoughts From Twitter's Favorite Dog (Tweets)

this week's collection of animal tweets thumbnail includes two pictures of monks and a dog in a monk's outfit and one tweet 'Outerwear - A I @apostolaich Thinking about the abandoned dog that got adopted by monks in Bolivia 8:17 PM Mar 15, 2021 - Twitter for Android 25.2K Retweets 1,603 Quote Tweets 188.1K Likes'

Weekly Treat: Animal Tweets (March 22, 2021)