funny tweets

When it comes to this here tag of Funny Tweets, it consists of any attempt on Twitter at comedy, without the necessary qualifier of succeeding. We also keep a list of top funny tweets that might be more along the lines of what you're looking for if you want actual funny tweets.

funny husky moments - thumbnail of two husky snaps | snapped pic our husky just as she sneezed s one most terrifying things seen. | dropping deuce bathroom with no lock and door knob starts turning

Ultimate Collection Of Goofy Husky Shenanigans (Snaps, Memes, Tweets, And Pics)

tweets about cats choosing cheap 'toys' over expensive ones thumbnail includes one tweet 'Font - james @video_jame my cat with a $20 toy: no thanks my cat with the mcdonald's straw i dropped on the floor: u are my vice. my muse. my soulmate 4:56 PM · Feb 10, 2021 Twitter for iPhone 40.2K Retweets 1,402 Quote Tweets 286.7K Likes'

Cats Choosing Cheap 'Toys' Over Expensive Ones (Viral Tweets)

tweets about putting oranges on cats and making them look like eggs thumbnail includes a picture of a white cat with an orange on it 'Food - Barry Lewis @MrBarryLewis ... Life hack: got a white cat? Put an orange on it to look like a big egg a 2:57 AM - Feb 11, 2021 · Twitter for iPhone 7,999 Retweets 591 Quote Tweets 62.3K Likes'

Purrfectly Cooked Eggs In The Form Of Oranges On Cats (Tweets)

this week's collection of animal tweets thumbnail includes a picture of an outline of an owl in the snow 'Eye - Neil Drysdale @NeilDrysdale ... An owl obviously spotted something to eat even in the snow. They are wonderful creatures, but they don't take prisoners! 2:36 AM Feb 9, 2021 · Twitter for iPhone 15.6K Retweets 1,489 Quote Tweets 126.7K Likes'

Weekly Treat: Animal Tweets (February 15, 2021)

fresh new dog rates - thumbnail of dog with vitiligo "This is Fanny. She has rare skin condition called vitiligo, causing her hair depigment. 14/10 would be an honor pet"

Fresh Doggo Rates For A Better State Of Mind

mean bird names - thumbnail of bird called "go-away-bird" "why even go into this line of work?" | Stu Royall @stu_bot300O Why even go into this line work? More images Go-away-bird go-away-birds, Crinifer, are genus bird turaco family. Unlike many brighter forest dwelling turacos these are birds African open country and have drab grey and white plumage. Wikipedia

Birds Who Were Named By People Who Clearly Hate Birds (Twitter Thread)

this week's collection of cat tweets thumbnail includes one tweet 'Font - am kanngieser @geotransversals ... old runs up clutching a picture of me holding a cat: 4 yr "papa, i found a picture of me when i was a cat!" 2:39 AM · Feb 7, 2021 · Twitter Web App 2,451 Retweets 155 Quote Tweets 23.5K Likes'

The Week's Most Supurrb Cat Tweets (February 12)

lawyer accidentally activates cat filter in meeting - thumbnail of zoom call with judge and someone with a cat filter "I'm here live, I'm not a cat," says lawyer after Zoom filter mishap "I can see that," responds judge

Lawyer Enters Virtual Court Hearing With Cat Filter Activated, Clarifies That He Is "Not A Cat"

tweets defending cats' awesomeness thumbnail includes one tweet 'Font - thomas @perfectsweeties ur weird as hell if ur one of those people like "i hate cats." whats ur problem bud. they literally have little paws 3:30 AM - Feb 5, 2021 - Twitter for Android 74.1K Retweets 3,970 Quote Tweets 465.3K Likes'

Viral Tweets Defending How Awesome Cats Are

this week's collection of animal tweets thumbnail includes one tweet 'Font - all the time mais @maisondecris my veterinarian: don't forget we offer a military discount! me to my cat: have you served in the military 4:35 AM Feb 6, 2021 · Twitter Web App 42.6K Retweets 600 Quote Tweets 479.5K Likes'

Weekly Treat: Animal Tweets (February 8, 2021)

tweets of people chasing their dogs while the dogs think it's a game thumbnail includes one tweet 'Font - Brian @itsbriancuh fuck a break up, have y'all ever had to chase your dog down the street and they're thinking it's a game 12:01 AM Feb 5, 2021 - Twitter for iPhone 153.4K Retweets 23.6K Quote Tweets 957.3K Likes'

Funny Stories Of Chasing After Dogs That Think It's A Game (Viral Tweets)

confused and funny tweets about extinct animals thumbnail includes one tweet 'Font - Frankie! ... @FrankieMooon How do they know an animal is extinct like??? U looked everywhere???? 9:07 AM Feb 4, 2021 - Twitter for iPhone 168.2K Retweets 8,153 Quote Tweets 1.3M Likes'

Twitter Gets Funny About Extinct Animals (Viral Tweets)

funny and cute tweets about allowing your pets on the furniture thumbnail includes a picture of a dog sitting on a desk and two tweets 'Rectangle - NeuroCandies @NeuroCandies Are your pets allowed on the furniture? 6:15 AM - Jan 31, 2021 - Twitter for iPhone 869 Retweets 2,786 Quote Tweets 25.2K Likes' 'Dog - Wendy Darling CC @Meidas_Wendy ... Replying to @NeuroCandies Absolutely not! 6:51 PM Jan 31, 2021 · Twitter for Android'

Funny Tweets About (Dis)Allowing Pets On Furniture

this week's collection of cat tweets thumbnail includes a picture of a cat placing its paw on a human's hand 'Product - Bulu Bulu Kehidupan @ulat_bulu_bulu Tell me you're a cat lover without telling me you're a cat lover. 4:31 AM Jan 30, 2021 · Twitter for Android 3K Retweets 977 Quote Tweets 12.3K Likes IN'

Amoewsment Park: 20 Cat Tweets For Extra Fun

this week's collection of animal tweets thumbnail includes two pictures of a dog surrounded by a rainbow 'Dog - Bri ... @brihindthescene she's an angel 1:07 AM - Jan 31, 2021 Twitter for iPhone 96.1K Retweets 1.9K Quote Tweets 840.5K Likes'

Weekly Treat: Animal Tweets (February 1, 2021)

tweets about pets warming up next to SAD lamps thumbnail includes a picture of a cat playing with a SAD lamp and a tweet 'Font - Caissie ... @Caissie I got my son a SAD lamp because he lives in New England & his apartment doesn't get a lot of natural light & he told me his cat taught herself how to turn it on & she has been using it a lot. 3:21 AM - Jan 29, 2021 - Twitter for iPhone 2.7K Retweets 189 Quote Tweets 49.4K Likes'

Funny But Sweet Pets Warming Up Next To SAD Lamps (Tweets)