funny tweets

When it comes to this here tag of Funny Tweets, it consists of any attempt on Twitter at comedy, without the necessary qualifier of succeeding. We also keep a list of top funny tweets that might be more along the lines of what you're looking for if you want actual funny tweets.

compilation of 15 animal tweets | thumbnail cat tweet on right, cat tweet on left

Weekly Treat: Animal Tweets (May 24, 2021)

This week’s collection of cat tweets | thumbnail includes one tweet 'Font - @samthielman One of my favorite scientific discoveries in recent years is that among domesticated animals, dogs recognize the difference between themselves and people, but cats just think the people who live with them are terrible incompetent cats 5:58 PM - May 16, 2021 - Twitter for iPhone 6,946 Retweets 737 Quote Tweets 58.1K Likes'

15 Supurrb Cat Tweets For Some Much Needed Smiles

fresh collection of tweets from @dog_rates | thumbnail includes two pictures of a huge fluffy black dog near a tiny food bowl and one tweet 'Dog - WeRateDogs @dog_rates ... This is Humphrey. He would like to discuss bigger bowl options whenever you get a chance. It's just that this looks ridiculous. 13/10 2:54 AM Apr 20, 2021 - Twitter for iPhone 14.2K Retweets 1,347 Quote Tweets 163K Likes'

Fresh Collection Of Awwdorably Funny Doggo Rates (Tweets)

This week’s collection of cat tweets | thumbnail includes one tweet 'Font - Sarah Adams @SarahJoyAdams Replying to @doioweyoumoney Did you hear the NPR report about as search and rescue animals? They concluded that cats were superior to dogs in locating victims BUT they "are unmotivated to please their handlers." So.u.totally useless in an actual emergency. 2:28 AM - May 9, 2021 - Twitter for iPhone 437 Retweets 51 Quote Tweets 7,545 Likes'

The Week's Most Supurrb Cat Tweets (May 14)

viral tweets about a mom thinking their kid is coming out when in reality she's just getting a pet hedgehog | thumbnail includes one tweet 'Font - caroline conrad @CPConrad when i was 19 i was very nervous to tell my mom i had spent most of my savings on a baby hedgehog and built it up so much that she interrupted me to tell me she would love and support me no matter who i was or who i loved and that's when i realized she thought i was coming out 4:52 AM · May 10, 2021 · Twitter Web App 3,266 R'

Viral Tweets: Mom Confuses Hedgehog Purchase For Coming Out

this week's collection of animal tweets | thumbnail includes one tweet 'Font - Erin Kyan @Erinkyan MON This pandemic has ruined my social skills so fucking much, I couldn't smile at a person in the lobby because I was wearing a mask so I fucking SLOW BLINKED AT THEM LIKE A CAT TO SHOW I'M NON THREATENING 1:39 PM - May 5, 2021 - Twitter for Android 12.3K Retweets 1,053 Quote Tweets 125.2K Likes'

Sweet 16: Sixteen Funny Animal Tweets We Found On Twitter

informative viral tweets about funny cat facts | thumbnail includes one tweet 'Font - james tison like "tyson" @doioweyoumoney ... Everyone wants to talk about "gaslighting," nobody wants to talk about "how cats domesticated themselves and modeled their meows off of human baby cries to better manipulate our emotions." 4:06 PM · May 8, 2021 Twitter Web App 15K Retweets 811 Quote Tweets 115.6K Likes'

Funny Yet Informative Viral Tweets About Cats Domesticating Themselves

This week’s collection of cat tweets | thumbnail includes two pictures including a cat in a box and a cat falling out of a box 'Vertebrate - Eret ... @Eret The Duality of Cat 11:47 PM · May 4, 2021 - Twitter for Android 2,714 Retweets 69 Quote Tweets 90.1K Likes'

The Week's Most Supurrb Cat Tweets (May 7)

collection of tweets about dogs | thumbnail includes a picture of a fluffy white dog with its ankles shaved and a tweet 'Dog - lily @LilyPichu ... they shaved her paws at the vet and i hate it 4:45 AM - May 1, 2021 - Twitter for Android 2,526 Retweets 298 Quote Tweets 112.1K Likes'

Doggo Tweets Of Wholesomeness And Hilarity

viral tweets about a cat hanging out in clothing hangers | thumbnail includes a picture of a cat stuck in clothing hanger and three tweets 'Font - Jack Manifold @JackManifoldTV Replying to @schlatt let him out 9:47 PM · May 2, 2021 · Twitter for Android 124 Retweets 14 Quote Tweets 48.9K Likes' 'Azure - Schlatt @jschlatt Replying to @JackManifoldTV and @schlatt He likes it up there 9:52 PM · May 2, 2021 - Twitter for iPhone 144 Retweets 2 Quote Tweets 47.4K Likes' and 'Font - Jack Manifold @Jac'

Viral Twitter Thread: Cat Hanging Out In Clothing Hangers

viral tweets and tiktok videos of parrots and other birds talking | thumbnail includes two tweets 'Font - BIG BR @BabyRayy_ I don't think people are concerned enough about why parrots can talk?? 12:59 PM · May 1, 2021 Twitter for iPhone 51.6K Retweets 4,532 Quote Tweets 366K Likes' and 'Person - BIG BR @BabyRayy_ Replying BabyRayy_ Like whole parrot has testified court and were just like yeah they do sometimes 2:04 PM May 1, 2021 Twitter iPhone 1,253 Retweets 171 Quote Tweets 23K Likes''

Viral Tweets: Videos Of Parrots Talking In Different Accents

this week's collection of animal tweets | thumbnail includes one tweet 'Font - Northern Sparrow @NorthernSprw ... Remembering that time in grad school when my advisor, a great ornithologist, got a random call: drunk guy, bar noises in background: IS THIS THE BIRD PROFESSOR? my advisor: um.yes? drunk guy: DO HUMMINGBIRDS HAVE FEET? my advisor: .yes *wild cheering over phone from bar* 3:31 AM - May 2, 2021 - Twitter for iPhone 8,683 Retweets 353 Quote Tweets 56.1K Likes'

Weekly Treat: 19 Funny And Wholesome Animal Tweets

pics and tweets about cats interrupting their humans while working | thumbnail includes two pictures including a kitten on top of a laptop and a cat climbing onto its human while he's studying

Funny Yet Adorable Cats Interrupting Their Parents While Working

viral tweets about 'long boi' the tallest mallard duck to have ever lived | thumbnail includes a picture of a really tall duck and one tweet 'Bird - Dick King-Smith HQ @DickKingSmith ... "The tallest mallard duck to have ever lived (since records began) known as 'Long Boi.' He lives on the campus of the University of York, England. He stands just over 1m tall (3.5ft)." 8:54 AM Apr 29, 2021 Twitter Web App 32.5K Retweets 9,645 Quote Tweets 208.2K Likes'

Funny Viral Tweets About The 'Tallest Mallard Duck To Have Ever Lived'

This week’s collection of cat tweets | thumbnail includes three pictures of a cat reacting to seeing a pregnancy ultrasound and one tweet 'Computer - Queen Preshiii ... @preshdeyforyou The cat reaction when she found out she's pregnant. 11:32 AM Apr 27, 2021 Twitter for Android 18.2K Retweets 1,220 Quote Tweets 93.3K Likes'

The Week's Most Supurrb Cat Tweets (April 30)

twitter thread about a guy who feeds stray cats running out of food and giving them a fried egg | thumbnail includes two pictures of a cat next to a fried egg and one tweet 'Ecoregion - zach silberberg ... @zachsilberberg theres a stray cat who visits my yard and i usually give him a can of tuna but i'm all out so tonight i fried him an egg and i dont think he knows what to do with it'

Twitter Thread: Cats Fascinated Yet Confused By Cooked Egg