
Cute is a subjective word used for describing small, pleasing and non-threatening features, typically found on people, animals, objects and even ideas.

story about a breeder asking new owners to return their cats so he could breed him again | thumbnail includes one picture of a fluffy Maine Coon cat 'Do you know how much these cats sell for?'

'Do you know how much these cats sell for?' Shady cat breeder requests family return their adopted Maine Coon "for a few days" after previously threatening to throw him out because he wasn't "genetically diverse" enough

story about a daughter rescuing a cat and then her dad falling in love with it | thumbnail includes two pictures of a kitten 'I found this sick little guy under my car'

Daughter rescues sick kitten from under her car and brings it to her father who "didn't want a cat", only for him to fall head-over-heels for her: 'Now... he takes him to the bar and on vacation. It's hilarious.'

24 cat memes

Splendidly Silly Cat Memes to Start Your Day on a Pawsitive Note

20 images and text of adorable smol tuxedo cat mitzi

Man stumbles upon helpless kitten, bottle feeds and nourishes her, she pays him back by comforting him through a messy divorce

20 images and text, xena black cat surrendered

Neglectful owners dump sweet senior cat 'Xena' to make room for a baby, Xena gets brought in by rescue org that makes sure she'll never have to worry again

22 cat memes | thumbnail includes one meme including 'You are sad take this'

22 Wholesome Cute Cat Memes to Warm the Hearts of Every Hooman

video of a grandma Maine Coon cat meeting her grand kittens for the first time | thumbnail includes one picture of an old gray cat sniffing a ginger kitten

'Never seen 3 generations of cats before': Grandma Maine Coon meets her grandkittens for the first time (Video)

story about an elderly woman adopting a senior cat | thumbnail includes one picture of an old woman holding a cat 'she wanted to pick out the oldest cat in the shelter because she was an "old lady" who needed another "old lady" to keep her company'

Wholesome elderly woman who wanted the "oldest cat in the shelter" adopts a senior toothless feline to live retirement out together: 'Don't worry, I'll get you all wet food so you don't have to chew'

20 hilarious cat memes

Floofy Feline Energy in the form of Hissterical Cat Memes

18 images and text, cat adopted by truck driver

Driver finds severely injured cat at a truck stop, nurses her back to health and she joins him out on the open road: 'She barely survived, now she's a truck driver too!'

17 images and text, guy falls in love with neighborhood stray

Kindhearted person takes in injured neighborhood stray cat after she sets up camp on his porch and demands attention: 'Luckily she pushed through'

28 funny cat memes

28 Fuzzy Feline Funnies for Instant Caturday Joy

26 pictures of voids reacting to food

Cat pawrents capture the hissterical meowments of their voids reacting to the presence of delicious noms

18 cats with jobs

Cats on the Clock: Hard-Working Felines Climbing the Corporate Cat Tree

20 memes, tweets, and pictures of cats | Thumbnail includes one meme including '"You're so funny" Thanks, I would have been lobotomized in the 1940s' and one tweet including 'ねこさん/元保護猫 @necosan_cat ?'

Your Weekly Caturday Meowgazine: 20 Most Iconic 'I Can Has Meowments' From Silliest to Sincerely Soul-Soothing (February 22, 2025)

story about a kitten with a hole in her heart who needs surgery | thumbnail includes two pictures of a kitten 'I can't wait to see how she grows up'

Abandoned kitten born with a "hole in her heart" gets rescued by the kindest person, and the internet comes together to cover her life-saving surgery: 'It's nerve-wracking to wait'