
18 screenshots from subreddit about advice on exercising reactive dogs | Thumbnail includes an encounter between two dogs 'Way to exercise reactive dogs?'

17 Ways To Exercise Your Reactive Dog Besides Your Local Dog Park

11 reddit text images | thumbnail blue background text "Hi I'm an EMT and service dog handler and I have some tips for how to keep your dog safe in the car and how to get help EMS care for them in an accident." "Based off of crash tests the best place for your dog is in the rear seat. There are crash tested harnesses that you can buy and secure your dog with. A dog roaming freely becomes a projectile in even minor accidents. Crash tested kennels and crash tested car harnesses are your best bet."

EMT And Service Dog Handler Advises Reddit On How To Best Protect Dogs In Car Accidents

13 tweets cat training advice | thumbnail blue background text tweet "BrooklynDad_Defiant! @mmpadellan SERIOUS QUESTION: How the hell do I stop my cat from climbing onto the dining room table? She is defiant AF. 1:29 PM · Feb 12, 2022 · Twitter Web App"

Twitter User Seeks Cat Training Advice After His Cat Develops Penchant For Dining Room Table

a daughter wonders if she should take away her childhood pets from her mom's house | thumbnail includes text saying 'My (21F) mom (58F) won't let me take my childhood pets, but is neglecting them.' and 'She just laughed, and then said I couldn't. She said they are her "rocks." I can't fathom that with their neglect, but I don't know what to say or do. She's got terrible attachment issues, that only got worse when I left for school. I'm worried, but I care about my animals' wellbeing.'

Daughter Feels Mom Is Neglecting Her Childhood Pets: Internet Weighs In

11 text reddit images from thread on woman seeking advice | thumbnail blue background with small animated dog in right bottom corner, text "Although my partner and I will be covering the costs of the operation - which are going to be quite high- my family has been saying very hurtful things about it. "Why waste all that money a dog". "

Woman Seeks Advice On How To Deal With Family Members Who Say 'Why Waste So Much Money, It’s Just A Dog'

a thread about a woman whose cat hates her boyfriend | thumbnail includes text saying ' don’t know what to do. I have never seen my cat hiss or act aggressively towards anyone else, including her vet. Do I trust that my boyfriend doesn’t mistreat her when I’m gone? Is there another explanation for why she’s behaving this way towards him? I keep'

Woman's Cat Suddenly Hates Her Boyfriend: Internet Weighs In

a wholesome story about a cat being given medical care thanks to reddit " thumbnail includes bnail says 'This Maya,a smol void,we've had her for about 3 months and she hasn't grown at all.' and 'Don’t want to take away from the cuteness, but have you seen a vet about this? Could be that she is just a smol bean, but could also indicate some other medical issues'

Internet Bands Together To Take Care Of Incredibly Smol Cat

a reddit thread where a man questions whether his girlfriend is too obsessed with her dog | thumbnail includes text saying 'I think my gf has an unhealthy obsession with her dog. Family are telling me to run. She has SO many clothes for her dog brushes her dogs teeth every single day has all these dental products for her dog like dental mouth wash'

Man Claims Girlfriend Cares Too Much About Her Dog, Internet Weighs In

a reddit am I the asshole thread about a woman who was contacted by a woman who wants her cat | thumbnail includes text saying 'I did everything I could to find her owner, contacted shelters, put it on social media, but no one claimed her so I kept her for myself.  However, a few days ago I was contacted by a woman claiming to have been her owner. She said that she had been in rough financial shape and going through a toxic relationship, and her now ex boyfriend dumped the cat.'

Woman Is Asked To Give Away Her Cat, Takes To Reddit For Advice

reddit thread about the worst species of animals to adopt | thumbnail includes text saying 'hedgehogs. as a former hedgehog owner, even the most domesticated ones are just bullies. those cute snuggly hedgehogs on the internet are one of two instances: -they’re being starved to appear more docile -they actually had a good, caring breeder with ethical ways to raise and train the babies, and a good, caring owner that listens to the hedgehogs’ needs.'

Redditors Share The Worst Animals To Try And Adopt As Pets

12 text based reddit images, foster wants to keep dogs drama | thumbnail background two small golden puppies hugging each other "Posted by u/rose-ramos 1 day ago 389 Adopting two dogs; foster mom is being very clingy and trying to talk me out of it. Help? [Help], My wife and I are adopting two dogs from a rescue we're both fond of. The foster mom doesn't seem to understand boundaries; she will text and call me multiple times a day, including on Christmas Day,

Sus Woman Fostering Dogs Begs Adoptive Parents To Let Her Keep The Pups, Unpleasantry Ensues

12 text based reddit images dog sitter debacle advice | thumbnail image of dog with laundry in mouth "dog sitter doing oodles of laundry,

Dog Sitter Does Oodles Of Laundry, Conflicted Client Seeks Advice On How To Respond

a story about a blind and deaf cat who was born and the advice that people gave | thumbnail includes text saying 'I had a cat with cerebellar hyperplasia. He was born deaf, had a bit of a bobble head motion going on, and walked in circles a lot. I loved this cat like crazy. He could do pretty much anything the other cats could, just not with as much grace.'

Advice For Taking Care Of A Deaf And Blind Kitten: Wholesome Thread

a twitter thread about whether it's safe for your pet to sleep outside | thumbnail includes text saying 'This is where my girl sleeps. Where she belongs' and 'I had an old dog that preferred to sleep outside on the deck. She was welcome inside anytime'

Twitter Thread: Neighbor Has Their Dog Sleep Outside During Winter

12 tips for comforting a scared or lonely guinea pig | thumbnail includes a picture of a guinea pig and a caption ' Sing to her! It helped me bond with my pigs immensely.'

Informative Thread: How To Comfort A Scared Guinea Pig

14 text based images with advice for doggy day care workers | thumbnail text "You'll get to know the personalities of the regulars pretty quickly, which will help you know who needs to be watched more closely. Some might get along with every newbie who comes through, and some might be a little more picky about who they get along with. Ask you coworkers if there are any particular dogs that cause problems with others/advice for the particular pack you're working with"

Pawesome Bits Of Tips And Advice For New Doggy Day Care Employees