
I'm not sure the video killed the radio guy, but it certainly makes for an entertaining topic of discussion, or even a musical classic. If you've ever wondered what would be the result if you just search for video, you won't be disappointed, but maybe try adding a second word to the phrase, you might find what you're looking for.

rescue cat loves her owner - thumbnail of cat on mans shoulder and image of cat asking to be pet

Rescue Cat Is Obsessed With Her Owner (Video)

black cat playing in the snow - thumbnail of cat playing in the snow

Mini House Panther Plays In The Snow (Video)

video about a dog who was in a cage for his whole life getting rescued thumbnail includes a picture of a happy golden retriever

After Spending Whole Life In A Cage, Dog Runs On The Beach (Video)

video of cats attempting to get treats out of plastic cups thumbnail includes a picture of a cat with its head stuck inside of a plastic cup

Cats Attempting To Get Treats Out Of Cups (Video)

golden retriever drags cat out of catfight - thumbnail of golden retriever dragging a cat away from a cat fight

Doggo Drags Cat Out Of Catfight (Video)

thumbnail includes two images - "Having a cat is really nice, but you are going to have to make some sacrifices" and kitten by dumpster "was living in a dumpster"

Instagram Cats: Funniest, Cutest And All-Around Best Of The Week (Videos)

red panda wanders zoo, meets raccoon - thumbnail of red panda coming face-to-face with raccoon

Red Panda Comes Face-To-Face With Raccoon As It Freely Wanders The Zoo (Video)

video of two kittens meeting each other after their quarantine period is over thumbnail includes a picture of two kittens trying to reach each other through a barrier

Two Kittens Meeting After Kitty Lockdown Is Over (Video)

animation of a cat reluctantly befriending a dog thumbnail includes a picture of a tired cat and a hyperactive dog

Meowmoirs: The Classic Tale Of Cat Meets Dog

simons cat serenades a cat on valentine's day - thumbnail of simons cat approaching a sleeping cat

Simon's Cat New Valentine's Day Special "Perfect Pitch" (Animation)

baby elephant playing in the sand - thumbnail of elephant in the sand

Baby Elephant Playing In The Sand (Video)

video of an abandoned kitten getting rescued and living despite the odds thumbnail includes two pictures including a tiny black kitten and a large black cat

Abandoned Sick Kitten Beats The Odds And Survives (Video)

video of a rescued beaver hanging out with his adoptive family thumbnail includes two pictures of a beaver cuddling a person

Rescued Beaver Loves Cuddling Its Adoptive Parents (Video)

thumbnail includes two images - cat biting laptop "when you forget to clear your browser history" cat in snow "chonk on a mission"

Instagram Cats: Funniest, Cutest And All-Around Best Of The Week (Videos)

huge family of owls make a home for themselves in man's apartment window - thumbnail of dutchman smiling with owls in his window

Family Of Huge Owls Settle Down In Man's Apartment Window (Video)

video of baby harp seal crying out for mom and mom comes - thumbnail of adorable baby harp seal

Harp Seal Adorably Calls Out For Mom (Short Video)