
I'm not sure the video killed the radio guy, but it certainly makes for an entertaining topic of discussion, or even a musical classic. If you've ever wondered what would be the result if you just search for video, you won't be disappointed, but maybe try adding a second word to the phrase, you might find what you're looking for.

video of a dog protecting and befriending a newborn duckling thumbnail includes a picture of a dog sniffing a newborn duckling

Dog Protecting Its Newborn Duckling Friend (Video)

adorable cat waking up - thumbnail of orange cat sleeping

Cat's Adorable Wake-Up Routine (Video)

baby gorilla leans how to walk - thumbnail of cute baby gorilla crawling

Awwdorable Baby Gorilla Learns How To Walk (Video)

video of a stray dog that was caught on camera on woman's doorstep gets adopted thumbnail includes a picture of a large black dog lying on a porch

Stray Dog Caught On Security Camera On Woman's Porch Gets Adopted (Video)

video of a huge dog being afraid of a tiny kitten thumbnail includes a dog looking scared of a kitten

Big Doggo Is Intimidated By Tiny Baby Kitten (Video)

rabbit peacefully chilling with baby chicks - thumbnail of rabbit and baby chicks

Rabbit Peacefully Chilling With Baby Chicks (Video)

video of a puppy who was abandoned in a cats' colony getting rescued and adopted thumbnail includes two pictures including a puppy eating from a pile of food next to a cat and another of the puppy being held by a woman

Tiny Abandoned Puppy Found Inside A Cat Colony Gets Adopted (Video)

original animation of a senior cat learning to love its new adoptive parents thumbnail includes a picture of a cat sleeping and purring while being petted

Meowmoirs: Learning To Love Your New Furrever Parents

cute animal video introverted shy cat makes friends in a playground adorable bonding friendship

Introverted Cat Finally Makes A Friend (Video)

sleepy seal get woken up - thumbnail of hand about to touch seal belly

Short Video Of What It Is Like To Wake Up A Seal

video of two wild horses reuniting after three years apart thumbnail includes a picture of two horses running together

After Years Apart, Two Wild Horses Immediately Recognize Each Other (Video)

cat sleeps comfortably on floor of busy restaurant - thumbnail of cat sleeping on restaurant floor

Comfortable Cat Happily Falls Asleep On Busy Restaurant Floor (Video)

most viral and adorable cat videos trending on instagram - thumbnail includes two images one of a cat and his slipper: a love story, and one of a kitten eating some canned wet food "i found him abandoned in the parking lot so i took him home with me"

Instagram Cats: Funniest, Cutest And All-Around Best Of The Week

video of a rooster who walks into a family's home one day and decides to stay thumbnail includes two pictures including a rooster looking in the mirror and a rooster standing on a woman's head

Sassy Wild Rooster Welcomes Himself Into Family's Home And Stays There (Video)

video of a fawn visiting a woman every day and becoming friends with her dog thumbnail includes two pictures including a dog and fawn standing next to each other and a dog cuddling a woman

Affectionate Fawn Visits Lady Every Morning And Becomes BFFs With Dog (Video)

capybaras in a hot spring with mandarins and one capybara has a mandarin balanced upon its head - thumbnail of capybara with a mandarin balanced upon its head

Capybara Chilling In Hot Springs With A Mandarin Orange On Its Head (Video)