
I'm not sure the video killed the radio guy, but it certainly makes for an entertaining topic of discussion, or even a musical classic. If you've ever wondered what would be the result if you just search for video, you won't be disappointed, but maybe try adding a second word to the phrase, you might find what you're looking for.

best weekly cat vids on instagram- thumbnail includes two images - cat looking confused at hand and kitten biting a laptop screen

Instagram Cats: Funniest, Cutest And All-Around Best Of The Week (Videos)

video of a baby stoat meeting another baby stoat for the first time thumbnail includes a picture of a baby stoat with its mouth open

Tiny Baby Stoat Meeting Another Baby Stoat For the First Time (Video)

arctic fox steals fishermans fish - thumbnail of arctic fox with fish

Awwdorable Baby Arctic Fox Steals Russian Fisherman's Fish (Video)

video of two huskies guarding a cat thumbnail includes two pictures of two huskies sitting next to a cat

Two Giant Huskies Guarding A Kitty (Video)

video of a cat bringing a kitten home and the family adopting it thumbnail includes a picture of a cat and a kitten

Cat Brings Stray Kitten Home and Family Adopts Him (Video)

rescue squirrel smiles when getting scratches - thumbnail of smiling squirrel

Rescue Squirrel Smiles When Getting Scratches (Video)

video of a wolf cleaning snow off his mate thumbnail includes picture of two wolves

Red Wolf Lovingly Cleaning Snow Off His Mate (Video)

heartwarming adorable video of a man who didn't like cats adopting a disabled cat

"Non-Cat" Guy Adopts Disabled Kitten, Falls Deeply In Love (Video)

thumbnail includes two images - thumbnail includes two images - eyes flowing in dark corridor and a kitten looking up at her human lovingly

Instagram Cats: Funniest, Cutest And All-Around Best Of The Week (Videos)

rescued baby skunk rehabilitated and begins to stomp around - thumbnail of baby skunk stretching

Baby Skunk Stomps Around In An Adorable Way (Video)

video about a dog who inherited 5$ million after owner's passing thumbnail includes a picture of a dog barking

Senior Doggo Inherits $5 Million After Owner’s Passing (Video)

rescue cat loves her owner - thumbnail of cat on mans shoulder and image of cat asking to be pet

Rescue Cat Is Obsessed With Her Owner (Video)

black cat playing in the snow - thumbnail of cat playing in the snow

Mini House Panther Plays In The Snow (Video)

video about a dog who was in a cage for his whole life getting rescued thumbnail includes a picture of a happy golden retriever

After Spending Whole Life In A Cage, Dog Runs On The Beach (Video)

video of cats attempting to get treats out of plastic cups thumbnail includes a picture of a cat with its head stuck inside of a plastic cup

Cats Attempting To Get Treats Out Of Cups (Video)

golden retriever drags cat out of catfight - thumbnail of golden retriever dragging a cat away from a cat fight

Doggo Drags Cat Out Of Catfight (Video)