
I'm not sure the video killed the radio guy, but it certainly makes for an entertaining topic of discussion, or even a musical classic. If you've ever wondered what would be the result if you just search for video, you won't be disappointed, but maybe try adding a second word to the phrase, you might find what you're looking for.

aww wholesome cat adorable heartwarming blind-cat-rescue-sanctuary youtube strong kitten cute blind story Cats Video original - 2204678

Awwdorable Blind Kitten Persevering Despite The Odds: Blind Cat Sanctuary

video of a pigeon putting itself to bed thumbnail includes a picture of a seraphim pigeon walking on the floor

Cute Pigeon That Loves Bedtime Puts Itself To Bed (Video)

video of a Chinese ex-soldier training a cat to do tricks thumbnail includes two pictures including a cat sitting on a tree with a man pointing at his shoulder and another of a cat hopping onto his owner's shoulder

Chinese Ex-Soldier Trains His Amazing Cat To Perform Tricks (Video)

video of a two-year-old girl convincing her mom to adopt a deaf puppy thumbnail includes a picture of a young girl petting a white puppy that's sitting in someone's backpack

2-Year-Old Girl Convinces Mom To Adopt Awwdorable Deaf Puppy (Video)

video of an otter making adorable noises while asking for food thumbnail includes two pictures of an otter asking for food

Otter Making The Cutest Noises When Asking For Food (Video)

video of a rescued bear cub befriending another rescued baby bear cub thumbnail includes a picture of a baby black bear

Rescued Baby Bear Slowly Falling In Love With His BFF (Video)

video of a person trying to nap with an overprotective husky thumbnail includes a picture of a human and a husky lying together with the husky's chin on the human's head

Trying To Nap With An Overprotective Husky (Video)

video of an abandoned kitten getting rescued and finding a family thumbnail includes a picture of a kitten with two casts standing on two legs inside of a carrier

Heartwarming Rescued Kitten Finds The Family It Never Had (Video)

video of a fox cub getting lost in a river then getting rescued and reunited with its family thumbnail includes a picture of a freezing fox cub

Rescuing A Tiny Squeaky Fox Cub From River (Video)

aww adorable youtube cute doggo lol silly seat funny Video - 2191366

Dog Complains About Owner Sitting In His Spot (Video)

video of a dog crashing a live news report thumbnail includes two pictures including a reporter chasing a dog and a reporter interviewing a dog

Dog Interrupts Live Weather Report By 'Borrowing' Reporter's Microphone (Video)

video of a feral cat becoming a couch potato thumbnail includes a picture of a scared-looking cat

Terrified Feral Cat Turns Into Chonkiest Couch Potato (Video)

video of a dog fetching a huge stick thumbnail includes a picture of a dog with a huge stick in its mouth

Pawdorable Doggo Trying To Enter House With Huge Stick (Video)

video of a small bat being rescued thumbnail includes a picture of a bat being fed using a tiny brush

Itty Bitty Bat Gets A Milk Mustache (Video)

video of a cat crashing a baseball game field thumbnail includes a picture of a grey cat sitting on a field

Cat Runs Through Field, Holds Up Game (Video)

video of a kitten playing with a huge dog thumbnail includes a picture of a kitten lying on its back playing with a huge white fluffy dog

Gentle Giant Doggo Lets Energetic Kitten Play With It (Video)