
I'm not sure the video killed the radio guy, but it certainly makes for an entertaining topic of discussion, or even a musical classic. If you've ever wondered what would be the result if you just search for video, you won't be disappointed, but maybe try adding a second word to the phrase, you might find what you're looking for.

deer Video window - 83561473

There's Gotta Be a Story Behind This Video of a Deer Smashing Through a Window at American Eagle

pool golden retriever Video rescue - 83558657

Golden Retrievers Rescue Their Puppy From a Pool Floatie

noms Video sloth - 83558401

Watch a Couple of Sloths Nom on Some Treats and Relax

planet earth escape drama snakes lizard Video - 310023

This Planet Earth Clip of a Lizard Running Away From Snakes Might Be the Most Dramatic Thing You Ever Watch

hide and seek Video parrot - 83557889

Parrot Plays Hide-And-Seek in a Kitchen Drawer

Cats funny weird Video - 83556865

Synchronized Cats Land on Top of Each Other and Try to Pretend Like Everything's Normal

whining boxer Video - 83556353

Lily the Boxer's Dramatic Meltdown Is All of Us Right Now

wedding Video - 83544577

You Are Cordially Invited to the Dog Wedding of Kermit and Peach

surprise army Video - 314119

The New York Knicks Surprised an Army Sergeant With His Very Own Service Dog

attack sneaky Cats Video - 313607

Sneaky Cat Finds the Best Spot to Hide and Attack Unsuspecting Toes

golf mongoose Video interrupt - 313863

Watch a Pack of Mongooses Adorably Interrupt a Golf Tournament

surfing Video - 83539969

Mendi Might Be a Dog on the Outside but He's a Chill Surfer Bro on the Inside

christmas advertisement Video animals - 83539201

Minor Miracle of the Day: This Christmas Commercial has Animals on Trampolines. Animals. On. Trampolines.

kitten tail Cats Video - 83509249

Playful Kitten Tries So Hard to Catch Her Mom's Tail

friends lizard Cats Video - 83539713

Patient Lizard Tolerates Cat That's Trying to Play With Her

impersonation Video - 83515137

Wow, This Tortoise Does a Pretty Good Owen Wilson Impersonation