
I'm not sure the video killed the radio guy, but it certainly makes for an entertaining topic of discussion, or even a musical classic. If you've ever wondered what would be the result if you just search for video, you won't be disappointed, but maybe try adding a second word to the phrase, you might find what you're looking for.

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Giant Recycled Logs Are Actually Really Great Toys for Elephants

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Lil Bub's Human Takes a Minute to Talk About Her Messy Eating Habits

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Sacramento Woman Makes It Pawsible for Shelter Animals to Get Adopted Before the Holidays

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This Dog Really Hates the Mailman but Tries to Express His Feelings Without Barking

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Russian Man Saves Dog From Icy Water Even After It Bites His Hand

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Why Buy a Vacuum When You Could Just Adopt a Capybara?

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The Patty Cake Cats Have Another Adorably Lazy Fight

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Roger the Kangaroo Shows off His Muscles to Prove That His Arthritis Medicine Is Working

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Bernese Mountain Dog Loses a Tug of War Battle Against a Chihuahua

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Whoa, This Marathon Runner Gets Hit by a Deer at Full Speed

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GoPro Captures Cool Underwater Footage of a Beaver's Den

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Bella the Boxer Is Not Happy About the New "No Dogs on the Couch" Rule

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Here's a Compilation of Adorable Cats to Brighten Your Day

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Loyal Labrador Follows Woman Everywhere She Goes

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This English Bulldog Can't Even Deal With the Ridiculous Noises His Humans Are Making

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Watch a Cat in a T-Shirt Battle Some Shiny Balloons