
I'm not sure the video killed the radio guy, but it certainly makes for an entertaining topic of discussion, or even a musical classic. If you've ever wondered what would be the result if you just search for video, you won't be disappointed, but maybe try adding a second word to the phrase, you might find what you're looking for.

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Watch a Shiba Inu Puppy Get Very Stuck. Much Basket. Wow.

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After Watching This Video, You'll Never Take a Cockatoo Shopping Again

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Munchkin the Teddy Bear Dog Is a Real Life Ewok

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Is Your Cat Depressed? If So, Here's How to Cheer Them Up

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This Spoiled Pet Pig Lives a Better Life Than Most Dogs

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Dog Immediately Regrets Begging to Try a Sour Warhead

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Watch a Newborn Panda Reunite With Its Mother

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Golden Retriever Puppy Is No Match for a Vicious Baby Carrot

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This Sloth's Journey to Find a Mate Is a Better Love Story Than Twilight

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What's the Deal With These Hamsters Pretending to Be on Seinfeld?

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A Leaky Faucet Proves to Be the Best Toy for a Curious Sphinx Kitten

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Boots, the Psychic Goat, Knows Exactly Who Will Win the 2016 Presidential Election

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This Farting Sea Lion Might Be a Little Too Relaxed After Taking a Nap

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You'll Probably Never Sleep as Hard as Titon the Bulldog

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Lil Bub Urges People to Vote Like the World Depends on It

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Timo Shows off His Glamping Skills With a Tee Pee and Fake Campfire