I Can Has Cheezburger? Newsletter
animal tumblr posts | thumbnail includes two pictures of tiny cats in huge spaces and one tumblr post 'Property - gertrudisnacht Follow I love pics of tiny cats where the pic is taken a bit further away to put into perspective how ridiculously tiny the cat is like'

Tumblr Animal Posts Of Hilarity And Awwdorableness

Tumblr animal goodness.
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list of funny and fresh animal memes | thumbnail includes two memes including a tiny bird 'Organism - 12. KWCH 12 Eyewitness News 12 hrs O KWCH A man who "had a few too many" alcoholic beverages ordered an Uber for a baby goldfinch that he found struggling on the ground. The baby bird was the sole passenger on the ride to a wildlife rehab. https://bit.ly/ 2Xz2uY1 #kwch12 Uber i KWCH' and a funny looking cat 'Cat - oiruman: i am kind of sad ok this cat's name is Princess Monster Truck thank you'

Rise And Shine With Fresh Animal Memes (December 5, 2021)

Fresh animal meme deliciousness.
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Cheezburger Image 9649750272
Via Lolcats
video of a huge cat and a grandma cuddling | thumbnail includes a picture of an old woman hugging a huge cat

Massive Cat And Elderly Woman's Heartwarming Love For Each Other (Video)

Overwhelmingly awwdorable <3
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Bad Doggos

Cheezburger Image 9649757696
Via Animal Comedy

I'm Big Boned

Cheezburger Image 9649754112
Via Animal Comedy

Thanks For The Help...

Cheezburger Image 9649751296
Via Lolcats
an article about different interesting bison content | thumbnail includes a frozen buffalo and a buffalo grazing

13 Gentle Bison Existing In Beautiful Ways

Buffalo Magic
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new bed frame that comes with an internal maze for cats - thumbnail includes two images of the maze bed for cats

Purrfect Cat Bed Design With Internal Labyrinth

This is freakin' amazing
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a story about a woman riding first class being asked to change seats for a woman who had a service dog | thumbnail includes text saying 'The lady spoke up and said my seat would be great because it was bigger and could fit her service dog (Labrador) who was too big for her previous seat and I quote 'I usually get upgraded and people are kind enough to say yes and swap places without having an incentive'. This annoyed me as it came off entitled (imo) and'

Passenger Is Asked To Downgrade To Economy To Accommodate A Service Dog

Who is the a-hole here?
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pictures of cats caught at funny moments | thumbnail includes two pictures including a cat with its tongue out mid-head shake and a cat doing a hand stand on a cat tree

17 Funny Cat Photos Caught At The Purrfect Moment

Purrfect timing
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fun facts and info about sea creatures | thumbnail includes a tweet about sea anemones saying 'sea urchins protect themselves by putting rocks and shells on their "heads" so apparently if u give them tiny hats they will put them on and wear them'

Learn More About Silly Sea Creatures

Fish fun facts!
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a video about a cat who acts just like a dog | thumbnail is a photo of the cat

Woman Raised Her Cat Like A Dog (Video)

The Paw-er Of Love
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a list of cute dogs celebrating hanukkah | thumbnail includes one dog wearing a menorah costume, and a second dog dressed in a kip[ah with a menorah next to him

Delightful Dogs Showing Some Hannukah Spirit

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tumblr thread about a snake who's afraid of staplers | thumbnail includes a picture of a snake in front of a stapler 'Font - kaijutegu Follow The ongoing saga of Harker and the stapler My ball python, Harker, is really scared of this one stapler.'

Tumblr Thread: The Saga Of The Snake Who's Afraid Of Staplers

Wholesome and amusing.
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collection of facts about polar bears | thumbnail includes a picture of a polar bear 'Sky - ICANHAS Scientists can SHEEZ BURGER gather DNA from a polar bear's footprint in the snow. A polar bear track can reveal the DNA of the polar bear and even the seal it had recently eaten.'

Paws For This Week’s Animal Facts: Have A Polar Beary Good Week

Laugh and learn.
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