I Can Has Cheezburger? Newsletter
20 cat memes | thumbnail includes a meme saying 'people who say go big or go home seriously underestimate my willingness to go home. it's literally my only goal'

Top 20 Memes of The Week - Cheezburger Users Edition #220

Another fabulous series of original cat memes
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What Can You Expect?

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Via Animal Comedy
a video of 30 white rhinos being welcomed into a nature preserve in Rwanda | thumbnail includes a white rhino in the foreground, and several in the background of the reserve

30 White Rhinos Are Introduced To Conservation Center (Video)

Welcome Rhinos!
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Ducks Always Get The Short End Of The Stick

Cheezburger Image 9649755136
Via Animal Comedy

What's Wrong With Me?

Cheezburger Image 9649754880
Via Lolcats

Come At Me

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Via Animal Comedy
clifford the big red dog reimagined as a cat - thumbnail of clifford the big red cat and he's about to push over a water tank

If 'Clifford The Big Red Dog' Was Actually A Cat (Comics)

This is so accurate
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collection of cat pictures, memes and tweets | thumbnail includes a picture of a cat hanging off someone's leg and a tweet with a cat on a teacher's shoulder ''

Scrumpdillyicious Cat Dumperooni: Memes, Pics And Tweets

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a collection of dogs experiencing snow for the first time | thumbnail includes two photos of dogs enjoying snow and the text 'my first EVER walk in the snow' and 'Nice walk..turned very snowy! Theo's first experience snow.'

Puppers Experiencing Snow For The First Time

What could be cuter?
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a video about a cat begging her hooman to buy her a toy | thumbnail is a woman walking out of a car with her pet cat

Cat Begs For Toy From Pet Store (Original Animation)

Cats are jerks.
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story about five kittens being fostered by a dog | thumbnail includes two pictures including five kittens in a pile and kittens cuddling with a dog

Orphaned Kittens Fostered By A Loving Dog Momma

They're a strange but beautiful family <3
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reddit stories about why people abandoned their pets | thumbnail includes a story saying 'A few weeks later he went missing from the farm. I'm convinced he went looking for home. If he ever made it there, we were long gone. He'd never survive without a family. I am so sorry, Riker. I love you.'

People Who Had To Abandon A Pet Explain The Circumstances

Why would anyone abandon an animal?
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an article about a bear sanctuary in Romania | thumbnail includes two photos of bears and the text 'inside a romanian bear sanctuary'

World Of Animals: Inside A Bear Sanctuary In Romania

Bear-y Awesome!
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33 cat snaps | thumbnail left gave the cat a job cat holding up phone with youtube playing, thumbnail right furrito cat wrapped up in towel

Cat Snaps Of Wholesomeness And Adorability

Feline goodness
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21 dog memes | thumbnail left two dogs meme  "my girl doing anything, me wanting to be around here" thumbnail right dog meme "Me: i think i heard something outside. Dad: let the dog go out to check The dog:"

Nothin But Doggos: 21 Mood Lifting Memes For A Better Day

Doggo memes galore
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Pirate Cat

Cheezburger Image 9649756416
Via Lolcats