I Can Has Cheezburger? Newsletter
24 facebook comment and images of pets' weird sleeping habits | thumbnail image of cat cuddling stuffed rabbit "Gracey Angus ... This is Teddy. Teddy sleeps with bunny or not at all."

Cutely Peculiar Pet Sleeping Habits Shared By ICanHas Users

Uniquely adorable pets
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5 insta dog videos | thumbnail three images of golden dog "do you guys ever take a minute and think, there is a wild animal living in my house, and not only a wild animal but like a..."

Insta Doggos: Funniest, Cutest, Most Rufferific Dog Videos Of The Week

Hot doggy dog we've got some silly doggo videos
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photos of dogs and cats before and after being adopted | thumbnail includes two photos of a dog before and after being adopted

Power Of Love: Before And After Adoption Glowups

These pets are living their best lives!
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pics of the cutest animals of the week | thumbnail includes two pictures of an old cat 'Nutmeg, the world's oldest cat, celebrating his 31st birthday. (141 in human years) u/JediWithAnM4'

Time To Take In The Weekly Dose Of Cute (#164)

Too. much. cuteness.
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Tiny Basket Bed

Cheezburger Image 9651171072
Via Lolcats
video of a wolf cub sleeping on top of its older sister wolf | thumbnail includes a picture of a wolf cub lying on a wolf

Wolf Cub Takes A Nap On His Super Comfy Sister (Video)

We wanna join the cuddle pile please.
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Stay Away!

Cheezburger Image 9651171328
Via Animal Comedy

Turn A Problem Into An Opportunity

Cheezburger Image 9651170816
Via Lolcats

We All Would

Cheezburger Image 9651170304
Via Animal Comedy
tumblr thread about a cat who saved a baby from freezing thumbnail includes two pictures including one of a baby and one of a cat in a box 'This baby boy was found with a bag containing baby food and diapers on a cold winter night in Obninsk, Russia. Masha the cat, saved the baby's life by curling around him and shielding him from below freezing temperatures.'

Tumblr Thread: Cat Saves Freezing Baby, Curling Up Around It And Screaming For Help

An unlikely hero <3
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cute videos on tiktok of dogs celebrating Christmas | thumbnail includes photos of three separate dogs celebrating christmas

Cutest Tiktoks Of Dogs Getting Ready For Christmas

Yuletide and good boys!
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a list of cute frog photos that Will Make You Happy | thumbnail includes text saying 'super cute frogs' and two photos of frogs

Cute Frogs: 11 Cute Frogs That Will Make You Happy

These frogs will definitely spark joy!
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cats reacting to snow | thumbnail includes two pictures including a picture of cat footprints in snow going around a chair and a cat sitting on a snowy tree making a ridiculous face 'The circle of nope'

Circle Of Nope: Cats Experiencing Snow For The First Time And Regretting It

Instant regret.
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an amazing story about a stray kitten being adopted after two little girls found it | thumbnail includes a picture of the kitten

Stray Kitten In Azerbaijan Rescued By Two Bikers (Video)

From Azerbaijan to Scotland
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 12 reddit text images surrounding discussion of dog in dog friendly areas, offended woman | thumbnail "As I was walking around a lady approached me and she had her service dog with her. She asked me why do I not have my dog's "service dog" tag on him and I told her its not a service dog. She was smiling and talking in a passive aggressive tone to me and said " then why would you bring a regular pet in here?". I told her "because l'm allowed to?

Man Brings Dog To Pet Friendly Mall, Karen With Service Dog Gets Unreasonably Offended

Kindness is free
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12 images and gifs of cats with advent calendars | thumbnail left black cat with cat nip from advent calendar, thumbnail right tabby cat with cat advent calendar

Festive Felines Enjoying Cat Advent Calendars, Countdown To Christmas

Cat advent calendars, mind blown
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