Lolcats Newsletter


Cute is a subjective word used for describing small, pleasing and non-threatening features, typically found on people, animals, objects and even ideas.

fresh cat memes every caturday - thumbnail includes two memes one of cat with impossibly bright smile and one of sad cat being dominated as cat meme of 2020 | use toothpaste 10/10 dentists recommended: | Since 2020 is nearly over nominate Crying Cat as meme year embodies 2020 perfectly. made with mematic

Party The Old Fashion Way With Caturday (28 Cat Memes)

Happy Caturday
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tumblr thread explaining what cats think when we kiss them as well as what cats and dogs think when we accidentally step on them thumbnail includes a picture of a girl kissing a cat 'Kitties rub their heads against their chosen people as a method of scent marking, but not of ownership. Instead, they're getting their scent on you because they know that you're a family, but you smell "Funny" compared to them. They're trying to make you smell like their family.'

Tumblr Explains Cats' Thoughts When Humans Kiss Their Heads

do they think we're trying to eat them or do they know it's affection?
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cat medley filled with cuteness, laughs, wholesome cat pics and glow ups - thumbnail of kitten "This kitten showed up in my yard last night when it was cold out. I gave it food and water and a blanket and it seems quite happy to be here today."

Cat Medley: Cuteness Galore, Funnies, Rescues And Glow Ups

Cats, cats, and nothing but cats
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list of all things cats, from funny to cute - thumbnail of text screenshots of a cat at the vet, "My cat has been at the vet for a few nights due to some health concerns and the vet nurse sends little messages and pictures every night"

Cat Goodies: Funny And Wholesome Cat Pics

Warms the heart
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original cat memes by i can has cheezburger users lolcats - thumbnail  includes two cat memes  one of a smiling happy cat"kittie contentment" and a black cat sitting in a chair"that awkward moment when you realize the chair isn't broken"

Top 25 Memes of The Week - Cheezburger Users Edition #167

ICH users original cat memes
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wholesome animals, story about a white lion and a tiger who are best friends thumbnail includes a picture of a white lion and a tiger playing together

White Lion and Bengal Tiger Best Friends Since Childhood

An incredibly adorable friendship between two big cats
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most viral and adorable cat videos trending on instagram - thumbnail includes two images one of cat in bath "does anyone else have a cat that isn't scared of baths?" and one of a cute cat mid-meow

Instagram Cats: Funniest, Cutest And All-Around Best Of The Week (Videos)

Best of the best
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this week's best cat tweets thumbnail includes two pictures including a black kitten biting someone's arm and a black panther biting someone's hand 'Nose - Cats @SpaceCatPics i see no difference

The Week's Most Supurrb Cat Tweets (October 23th)

time for some twitter puuuurfection
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pictures of vampire cats with their teeth peeking out thumbnail includes two pictures including a cat with teeth that peek out and pupils blown wide and another of a cat screaming over a human's shoulder

Spooktober Special: Vampire Cats With Their Teef Peeking Out

The spookiest, fluffiest, most adorable vampires
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pictures of cats and small cats that look just like them thumbnail includes two pictures of the same two cats including one in which the big cat is yawning and the small one is not and another in which the small cat is yawning and the big cat it not

Cats With Their Adorable Mini-Me's

The tiniest most adorable copycats
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original cat memes by i can has cheezburger users lolcats - thumbnail includes two images "cat - 1 cement - 0" "start training your catslaves early for the best result" cat riding a crawling baby's back

Top 25 Memes of The Week - Cheezburger Users Edition #165

ICH users original cat memes
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pics and vids of the cutest animals of the week - thumbnail of man with a stray kitten "A stray kitten just came up and took a nap on my lap. Best moment in this whole miserable year."

Time To Take In The Weekly Dose Of Cute (#104)

So. Much. Cute.
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week's best top and funniest animal memes - one of animal selfies "everyone in their online classes now" and one of a raccoon stealing food "me at 3 am"

Morning Wake Up Call: Fresh Animal Memes (October 11th, 2020)

30 Animal Memes
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first entry of meowmoirs diary of a cat written from a cat's perspective getting adopted thumbnail includes a picture of a cat glaring and text over a notebook page 'Cat - Meowmoirs: Getting Adopted October 9, 2020 "I used my glare of doom on them to warn them off but two humans kept looking into my cage awing and cooing" ACANH CHEEZ URGE'

Meowmoirs: October 9, 2020 Getting Adopted

The very first entry in our new cat diary series! Time to get adopted.
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original cat memes by i can has cheezburger users lolcats - thumbnail includes two images one of 7-day trial cats and one of cat touching screen "I know this is your last nerve... and i'm about to touch it" | started as 7-day free trial. then forgot cancel

Top 25 Memes of The Week - Cheezburger Users Edition #164

ICH users original cat memes
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medley of cute, funny cats and tribute to cats who have recently passed the rainbow bridge - thumbnail of cat laying on paper towel when his bed is right beside him untouched | We got him a bed, but then a paper towel fell on the floor, so nevermind

Cat Medley: Cuteness, Funnies, Mourning And Loss

Cats, cats, and even more cats
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