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thread about a boyfriend wanting his girlfriend to put her cat down because he got sick and her refusing and dumping him | thumbnail includes a section of a reddit thread 'earlier this week, i had to rush one of my kitties to the emergency room... i had asked my boyfriend to come along for assistance since it was a joint decision for us to get the cat. his first words to me were "it's best we euthanise him. it's for the best" to which i told him no.'

Insensitive Boyfriend Tells His Girlfriend To Euthanize Her Cat Because He Got Sick, Girlfriend Refuses, Dumps Him, And Her Cat Is Doing Much Better

Biggest red flag
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thread about someone not letting their friend rename their cat | thumbnail includes one section of a reddit thread 'not letting my friend rename my cat I (27F) recently adopted a cat named clover form a shelter. My friend Emma (27 F) helped me to get supplies and she has been suportive, but she dislikes the name clover and keeps suggesting more "elegant" names like Seraphina or Athena.'

Entitled Friend Wants To Rename Friend's Cat, Calls Them 'Ungrateful And Controlling' When They Choose To Keep The Cat's Current Name

Who do you think is in the wrong?
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video of a blue cat being rescued and helped | thumbnail includes two pictures of a blue cat

Unusual Blue Cat Appears Out Of Nowhere, Rescuers Go On A Mission To Catch It And Unravel The Feline Mystery (Video)

Definitely not where we expected this to go
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viral reddit thread about not inviting to a dinner party someone who doesn't eat in houses where there are cats | thumbnail includes one section of a reddit thread 'AITA for not inviting someone for dinner because she made a big deal out of how she doesn't eat at the homes of people who have cats? A while back I posted a picture to my IG Stories of my cat sitting NEXT TO my counter as I was cooking. On his own stool. He was watching. Again, he was NEXT TO my counter. Not anywhere near'

Person Says She Doesn't 'Doesn't Eat At The Homes Of People Who Have Cats', Then Doesn't Get Invited To Dinner Party And Makes A Big Deal About It

Is she right or wrong?
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thread about someone asking their neighbor to give away their cat because their kids are allergic to it | thumbnail includes one section of a reddit thread 'Am I wrong for not giving my cat away even though my neighbors kids are allergic to him? I got a lil cat almost a year ago now. We live in a house decided to two apartments. My neighbors live upstairs and didn’t had a issue with our cat. Recently I allowed my cat to go downstairs where the basement is... and went'

'Why don't you give him away': Neighbors Ask Person To Get Rid Of Their Pet Cat Because Their Kids Are Allergic To It

Do you think they were wrong or not?
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Weird and funny Cat shelter names pics and video | thumbnail includes three images one image shows a cat sitting on a shelf ‘Shelter cat names’ ‘But they get progressively weirder’, the other image shows a cat smiling on its back with its paws in the air ‘Doja cat’, the last image shows a cat staring intensely to the left of the camera ‘Fireball’

Cat Shelter Shares The Weird And Funny Names They Give Their Fluffy Residents

They get progressively weirder, you have been warned
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viral thread about someone having to get a restraining order against the person who gave them a cat | thumbnail includes one section of a reddit thread 'Filing a Restraining Order Against a Crazy Cat Lady Boomer...But She's the REAL Victim I went with my sister to pick up the cat and met her owner (let's call her Karen). Firstly, Karen's house smelled so badly of cigarettes and cat feces that I had to go outside a few times during the visit to keep myself from retching. Karen originally'

'I'm the real victim here': Person Files A Restraining Order Against Crazy Cat Lady Karen After She Gives Them A Cat Then Decides She Wants It Back

The real victim
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Goofy Caturday cat pics | thumbnail includes two images one image shows a kitten nibbling their parent’s toes ‘Show me your goofy cat pics!’, the other image shows a cat looking surprised in an empty suitcase ‘When You realized you forgot to scratch the couch today’

Goofy Caturday Pics To Get You Ready For The Kooky Cat Celebrations

We are getting super silly this Caturday
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hissterical memes of cats being weird | thumbnail includes two images one image shows a tweet of a conversation ‘me:*buys catfood*’ ‘cat: :]’ ‘me:*buys same catfood*’ ‘cat: :]’ ‘me:*buys same catfood*’ ‘cat: :]’  ‘me:*buys same exact catfood*’ ‘cat: :]’ ‘me:*buys 96 pack of exact same cat food*’ ‘cat: no ty don’t like it’’, the other image shows a cat hiding in a footstool putting its eyes against two holes in the stool with its paws poking out from below

Hissterical Memes, Pics And Tweets Of Cats Being Weird Little Guys And Gals

For all those moments they are clawminal we have this list
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26 pictures of Reddit comments including black cats, text, and household items | Thumbnail includes one picture of a black cat looking at asparagus, one picture of a black cat with its head inside a boot, one picture of text including 'Asparagus! Jerry is weird.' and one picture of text including 'This is a daily occurrence'

20+ Comical Comments From Cat Pawrents About Their Void Cat's Purrfectly Peculiar Proclivity For Weird Household Items

Asparagus, really?
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Hissterical clawminal cat memes | thumbnail includes two images one image shows a cat cleaning itself with one of its legs on a computer screen ‘When I forget to feed her, she’s like…’, the other image shows a cat lying on fabric ‘Skitty wanted to lay on my fabric. I don’t want Skitty laying on my fabric, so we compromised, and Skitty gets to lay on my fabric’

Wholesome Memes And Tweets Of Cats Being Weird Little Guys

Because you don’t have to put up with this nonsense
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Relatable random cat memes | thumbnail includes two images one image shows a cartoon man holding a kitten ‘YOU ARE SAD’ ‘TAKE THIS’, the other image shows a cat giving a thumbs up with two emoji thumbs up beneath it.

Relatable Random Cat Memes For The Hoomans Whose Week’s Been Weird Enough Already

Furrier than Freaky Friday
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26 pictures of animals | Thumbnail includes one picture of Britney Spears with a cat and a photo of a chinchilla with a cat face

26 Purrplexing and Pawsitively Bizarre Kitty Snapshots For An Oddly Comical Caturday

Bet you weren't expecting to see this today
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24 pictures of cats | Thumbnail includes four pictures including 'Cat', 'Cat', 'Font - I think I accidentally adopted a fish', and 'Font - He’s not very excited about “take your cheesy gremlin to work day”'

24 Feisty Felines Engaging In Simply Silly Shenanigans And Being The Adorable Little Weirdos They Are

Cats are nature's silliest creation
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31 pictures of cats and text | Thumbnail includes two pictures including 'Table - Weird fact but my cat spend most of the time under my bed, he sleep there all the time..so this bed locker is always open for him' and 'Carnivore - She sleeps in the toy box on top of all the toys she's like a little dragon with her hoard'

Unpredictable, Cute, and Chaotic Floofies: Cat Connoisseurs Competing For The Weirdest Thing Their Cats Do Proves That All Cats Are Wacky Weirdos

These cats put the cook in cooky
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46 pictures of cats being silly and engaging in cat behavior

45+ Purrfectly Silly Pictures Of Cats Being Nature's Glitchiest Creation

There seems to be a glitch in the cat matrix
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