twitter thread

12 tweets of cats in weird position | thumbnail image of cat standing sideways on wooden chair tweet "yams @wedoreally cat sitting for a friend today... is this normal?? 7:08 PM · Mar 24, 2022 · Twitter for iPhone 43.6K Retweets 1,796 Quote Tweets 462.7K Likes"

Twitter Thread: Weirdo Cats Flaunting Their Feline Energy In Strange Positions

15 cat tweets curled feetsies | thumbnail image of cat sprawled out on rug with feetsies curled, tweet "Jorts (and Jean) @JortsTheCat Good luck staying that stressed once I pull this feetsies move 7:31 AM · Mar 18, 2022 "

Twitter Thread: Curled Cat Feetsies As An Adorable Form Of Stress Relief For Cat-Loving Humans

Twitter users share funny dog and vet stories | thumbnail includes a screenshot from twitter of a yawning dog saying 'Chewie update: this morning Chewie wouldn't get out of bed to go outside or even for food. I picked him up, carried him down 3 flights of stairs, got to the car, and rushed him to the emergency vet clinic. After a nail biting extended examination, I was informed my dog was lazy.'

Twitter Thread: Dogs Going To The Vet Only To Get Diagnosed As Lazy And Stubborn Drama Queens

12 tweets cats 'catting' | thumbnail blue background, tweet "Laura Lexx @lauralexx I stayed at someone's house last week and they have a cat. And I never knew this but, when you go to sleep... cats just wander about the house catting all night? You can't “put a cat to bed"?! The cat just... gets the house for a while?! Fucking nuts. 1:55 AM · Mar 14, 2022 · Twitter for iPhone 5,915 Retweets 1,454 Quote Tweets 84.8K Likes"

Twitter Thread: Human Surprised By Cats Wandering Around The House 'Catting' All Night

12 dog petting permission tweets | thumbnail blue background "Dr. Raven the Science Maven is healing ... @ravenscimaven Why are people getting an attitude with me when they ask me if they can pet my dog and I say no???? People really not used to hearing "NO" 9:59 PM · Mar 12, 2022 · Twitter for iPhone 643 Retweets 202 Quote Tweets 13.8K Likes"

Twitter Thread: Dog Owners Get Real About Denying Petting Permission

14 tweets of black dogs | thumbnail left large chonky black dog sitting on couch, thumbnail right small cute black puppy "do you think black dogs are cute?"

Twitter Users Show Off Their Black Doggos In Delightful Black Doggo Appreciation Thread

10 tweets people using their pets' products | thumbnail blue background "Dude With A Dog Named Fred @rob31857 I accidentally used my dogs shampoo this morning and now I feel like Such a Good Boy! 2:25 PM · Mar 1, 2022 · Twitter Web App 2,156 Retweets 243 Quote Tweets 39.5K Likes"

Twitter Thread: Silly Humans Accidentally Use Their Pets' Products

13 dog tweets | thumbnail dog looking up, tweet "breadxbrujeria my dog is truly obsessed with me. he just likes to follow me everywhere and stare. 5:29 PM · Feb 27, 2022 · Twitter for iPhone 2,934 Retweets 785 Quote Tweets 55.8K Likes

Twitter Thread: Enamored Dogs Staring At And Appreciating Their Humans

14 cat tweets twitter thread | thumbnail blue background " I'm not much of a cat person but we have this cat that floats around the neighborhood. It was walking by our door and I called it and it came. So I gave it a handful of cat food. Now it won't go away. Oh brother what did I do"

Twitter Thread: Rescue Cats Choosing Their Humans And Being Adopted Inadvertently

a series of pets enjoying the winter 2022 olympics | thumbnail includes tweet saying 'Introducing the cat Winter Olympics 2022'

Twitter Thread: Awwdorable Pets Loving The Olympics

twitter thread woman walked in on boyfriend grating cheese into dog's mouth | thumbnail tweet " I just walked into the kitchen to discover my boyfriend grating cheese directly into the dog's mouth"

Twitter Thread: Woman Catches Boyfriend Grating Cheese Directly Into Their Dog's Mouth

a heartwarming twitter thread about adopted cats | thumbnail includes text saying '2 months ago a stray cat started sleeping on our porch every night..of course we fed him !!!! We had him neutered and put him in an enclosed porch on our outbuilding to recover..I think he's in love with my wife'

Twitter Thread: Heartwarming Stories Of Cats Who Found Their Forever Homes

a twitter thread about cat food shortages globally | thumbnail includes text saying 'My wise wife just noted that the cat food shortage in the grocery stores is not actually a shortage of cat food, but a shortage of the food *cats happen to like", which is not only the most cat thing ever, but the very definition of a First World Problem.'

Hiss-terical Twitter Thread: Cats Refusing To Eat New Food Brands

14 tweets of cats spooning | thumbnail left and right cats spooning tweet "share photos of your cats spooning"

Purrific Twitter Thread: Adorable Cuddly Cats Spooning And Expressing Love

11 twitter text images | thumbnail background image of giant rat poster at carnival, tweet text "@Chinchillazlla when I was a kid, I paid $1 to see "the world's largest rat!" at a carnival. went inside and it was just a capybara, which I announced to everyone. got kicked out of the giant rat tent just for knowing my animals 6:53 PM · Feb 12, 2022 · Twitter for Android 11K Retweets 477 Quote Tweets 213.8K Likes"

Twitter Thread: Carnival Promotes Giant Rat Viewing, Woman Kicked Out For Revealing Dupery

13 tweets, twitter thread cats in houses of strangers | thumbnail image of cat peeking out of bathtub, tweet text "Brianna Parkins @parkinsbrea What made this morning's trip to the bathroom interesting is that I don't actually own a cat. 5:22 AM · Feb 11, 2022 · Twitter for iPhone 35.8K Retweets 2,945 Quote Tweets 459.9K Likes"

Non-Cat-Owning Twitter Users Share Their Most Ridiculously Funny 'That's Not My Cat' Moments