twitter thread

13 screenshots from a Twitter thread where people share photos and stories about adopting senior cats in order to make their last years as comfortable and loving as possible | Thumbnail includes a picture of a woman wearing a blue mask and holding her adopted senior cat 'This woman adopted this 20-year-old cat from a shelter because she didn't want him to spend the end of his life alone in a cage.'

Cat People Adopt Senior Cats To Give Them The Best Last Years Of Their Lives: Twitter Thread

18 screenshots from a Twitter thread where people share photos of their cats that look like they've just seen a ghost | Thumbnail includes two photos of surprised black cats with big wide eyes 'I believe this is a #blackcat thing - Loki stares at empty spots and then becomes very spooked.'

18 Photos Of Mostly Black Cats That Look Like They've Just Seen A Ghost: A Twitter Thread

27 screenshots from a Twitter thread where people post their talkative cats | Thumbnail includes a photo of a cat from a low angle and a photo of a cat sitting on a couch 'Little cat screams at me while i type this This chatty boy has entire conversations with us'

27 Chatty Cats That Won't Stop Talking To Their Owners: A Funny Little Twitter Thread

25 screenshots from Twitter of cat people show casing their rare brown cats | Thumbnail includes a photo of a small brown kitten in a blue blanket and a brown cat laying on a red matte 'Apparently brown cats are very rare'

A Big Brown Collection Of Cat People Showcasing Their Rare Havana Brownie Cats

twitter thread about a feral cat getting adopted | thumbnail includes two pictures including a malnourished black kitten and a black cat lying in someone's lap and one tweet 'Cat - ... John Bull @garius Well the paperwork is complete. This stupid floof is now officially our cat. So it's finally time to give him his own thread. Twitter: OFFICIALLY meet Napoleon. Let's look at his nine month journey from a hungry, desperate feral to snuggly duvet monster. /1 ALT $9 ALT 2'

Twitter Thread: A Cat's Journey From A Hungry, Scared And Desperate Feral To Snuggly Duvet Monster

10 cat tweets students thanking cats | thumbnail left and right cats helping human's research, tweet "Sami Schalk @DrSamiSchalk In one of my student's final project acknowledgements they thank their cat. 10:59 PM · May 9, 2022 · Twitter for iPhone 5,738 Retweets 1,711 Quote Tweets 100.5K Likes"

Twitter Thread: Feline-Loving Graduate Students Shout Out Their Supportive Cats In Research Acknowledgements

21 screenshots of a Twitter thread where cat owners share photos of their cats in washing machines | Thumbnail includes two photos of an orange cat in a washing machine and a white cat in a washing machine 'We're going to space!'

A Twitter Thread Of Cats Conspiring A Trip To Space Via Washing Machines

14 cat tweets, cat checkpoint | thumbnail left cat meme "CatTikToks Cat checkpoint. Share your most recent cat photo. This is a cat checkpoint. Show me the most recent cat in your phone." thumbnail right cat meme megatron cat outfit

Cat Checkpoint: Twitter Users Share Their Most Recent Cat Photos And Memes

22 photos and short stories of people adopting feral cats | Thumbnail includes black and white kitten 'I've raised a daughter who went to the shelter to adopt a stray cat, and a son who took pictures of this mess of a kitten to show his friends and took her to sleep with him. Let's face the truth here: she's not (yet) anywhere near cute, and that doesn't bother him at all.'

Mother Praises Her Daughter For Adopting An 'Unadoptable' Cat

12 twitter images, cat rotisserie chicken twitter thread | thumbnail image of cat in refrigerator going for rotisserie chicken tweet "Steel A Jeeg R Elden Ring (PS4) @DogBarkingBees PSA this is NOT OKAY cats only do this when they are EXTREMELY hungry for an entire rotissererie chicken VERTICAL ROOrs GREEN BUTTER LIVING LETTUCE Ready GOO Pepperoni 7:38 AM · Apr 21, 2022 · Twitter for Android 173.4K Likes 16.3K Retweets 749 Quote Tweets"

Twitter Thread: Satirical Funniness Stirred Up By Hongry Cat Going Wild For Rotisserie Chicken

20 screenshots of a Twitter thread about cats interrupting zoom meetings | Thumbnail includes two pictures of a ginger and white cat 'Fun story I just heard about a friend of a friend: while in zoom court, her cat walked across the screen. When she tried to move him off camera, the legal reporter asked for the name of her "legal assistant." And that's how Stan the cat got entered into an official trial record.'

Stan The Cat Crashes Zoom Court And Gets Entered Into An Official Trial Record

20 screenshots from a Twitter thread about cunning cats | Thumbnail includes a collage of two of the same photos of a cunning cat 'This is the look of a cat who has managed to con two breakfasts out of us this morning.'

Crafty Cats Con Their Way Into Being Fed More Than Once For Breakfast

30 screenshots from a Twitter thread of chunky cats | Thumbnail includes two pictures of orange and white cats 'My vet said I'm overweight, but I think I'm just extra fluffy'

Vet Calls Cat Thicc And Chonky, Body Pawsitive Twitter Cats Say Otherwise

17 screenshots from a Twitter thread about cats and their funny names | Thumbnail includes a screenshot from a tweet 'One of my greatest joys in life is when Jeff calls the vet to make an appointment and they ask for his name, and he says, Jeff. Then, they ask for our cat's name, and I watch him gather his strength before he tells them, Baby Jeff.'

People Confusing The Vet With Their Funny Cat Names

10 tweets cat thread | thumbnail blue background "charlie @chunkbardey sooo important to keep your cat stimulated by asking it questions like "who's my cute guy" “who's the smallest little guy" "who's my tiny little cutie pie mr man" "where's my little friend. where is my tiny little friend" 6:01 PM · Apr 17, 2022 · Twitter for iPhone 10.6K Retweets 707 Quote Tweets 94.2K Likes"

Twitter Thread: Cat Loving Humans Emphasize The Importance Of Keeping Cats Stimulated In The Silliest Ways

12 dog tweets thread, dog takes own poop bag to trash | thumbnail blue background tweet text "At the dog park this morning, a woman picked up her dog's poop, tied it, and handed it to her dog. Then THE DOG TOOK THE POOP BAG AND RAN UP THE HILL TO A TRASH CAN. The dog missed the can, so the woman called out “fix it" and THE DOG PICKED IT UP AND PUT IT IN THE CAN"

Smart Doggo Throws Away His Own Poop Baggy, Dog-Owning Twitter Users React In Awe: Twitter Thread