true facts

18 pictures of text and cats | Thumbnail includes three pictures including 'Cat', 'Cat - I AM DEFINITELY NOT A SPY', and 'Font - In the 1960s, the CIA tried to spy on the Kremlin and Russian embassies by turning cats into listening devices. The program, called Acoustic Kitty, involved surgically implanting batteries, microphones and antennae inside cats.'

Operation 'Acoustic Kitty': Learn About The Hilarious CIA Fail Involving Training Cats To Be The Fluffiest Spies In The Cold War (Viral Twitter Thread)

10 pictures of cats | Thumbnail includes two pictures including 'Cat' and 'Cat' and one comment including 'Font - The trick is playing music that is attuned to their specific preferences.'

Does Your Cat Seem Stressed? New Study Shows That "Cat Music" Can Help Cats Feel Calmer In Anxious Situations

reddit thread about not declawing your cats | thumbnail includes one reddit post 'Font - Frosty-Net9303 6d DO NOT DECLAW YOUR CATS!! Advice ● ... DON'T DECLAW. It is NOT the same as clipping the nails. The procedure removes the entire first part of the knuckle, and makes it extremely sensitive/painful for cats to walk on certain textures, especially litter. There is no benefits for the cat to declaw, only harm. DO NOT DECLAW! EDIT: It should only be done when it's needed'

PSA: Reddit Users Explain The Importance Of Not Declawing Your Cats

12 embedded photos and videos from Reddit with animal facts | Thumbnail includes a lynx walking on snow 'Lynx have evolved enormous paws to distribute weight better in the snow'

Animal Facts Friday: Top 12 Fascinating Facts About The Animal Kingdom (April 15, 2022)

why do cats boop rub tap hit their head against humans | thumbnail includes text saying 'Why do cats bang their forehead on humans?' and a photo of a cat doing a boop

Why Do Cats Boop Their Forehead On Humans: Internet Responds

A Quora thread about rare little known facts about animals | thumbnail includes a picture of two hippos eating a  Zebra and the text ' A Hippopotamus will devour a floating Zebra if they're given half the chance....'

People Share Perception-Changing Facts About Animals

collection of facts about alpacas | thumbnail includes a picture of two alpacas 'Glasses - ICANHAS CHEEZ BURGER Alpacas are thought to have been domesticated more than 6,000 years ago by the Incas.'

Paws For This Week’s Animal Facts: 13 Things To Know About Alpacas

collection of facts about hedgehogs | thumbnail includes a picture of two hedgehogs 'Erinaceidae - Hedgehogs have around 5000 to 7000 spines on their back. Each quill/ spine lasts about a year before dropping out and being replaced. IGANHAS BURGER'

Paws For This Week’s Animal Facts: A Hedge Up On The Competition

collection of facts about tigers | thumbnail includes a picture of a white tiger 'Bengal tiger - Tigers are the true king of the jungle. They're bigger, ICANHAS BURGER stronger, and heavier than all other cats (including lions). Plus, they really do live in the Asian jungle'

Paws For This Week’s Animal Facts: It’s The Eye Of The Tiger

collection of facts about koalas | thumbnail includes a picture of a koala eating a leaf 'Vertebrate - The fingerprints of a Koala are so similar to that of humans they are occasionally confused at crime scenes ICANHAS CHEEZ BURGER.'

Paws For This Week’s Animal Facts: Very High Koala-ty

collection of facts about foxes | thumbnail includes a picture of a fox 'Red fox - Although foxes are related to dogs, they act more like cats. They climb trees, use their whiskers to navigate, and even stalk their prey like cats ICANHAS BORGER'

Paws For This Week’s Animal Facts: Fox Edition

list of facts about animals | thumbnail includes a photo of a panda with an egg and the text 'The egg of a panda is larger than that of an ostrich'

19 Totally Real Animal Facts That Definitely Aren't A Joke

collection of original ICanHasCheezburger animal facts | thumbnail includes one picture of a bear 'Plant - A family in China adopted a dog and raised it for two years before they found out it was actually an Asiatic black bear. They reportedly figured it out when they realized the dog couldn't stop growing. Turns out, this sort of mix-up happens fairly often ICANHAS CHEEZ CBURGER'

Paws For This Week’s Animal Facts: Totally Strange and Absolutely Amoosing

list of facts about animals | thumbnail includes a picture of a decorator crab 'Decorator crabs pick up plants and animals in their environment and stick them onto their body to camouflage themselves and look fabulous. u/Gnodima'

15 Unexpectedly Awwducational Facts About Animals

tumblr thread about draft horses | thumbnail includes two pictures of women sitting on draft horses 'Organism - I never made a post about draft horses. :T They are the gentle giants of the horse world, sometimes growing as large as 20 hands and over 2000 lbs. The tallest horse in the world is an American-type Belgian horse named Big Jake (I think???).'

Tumblr Thread: The Gentle Giants Of The Horse World

list of 15 giraffe images | thumbnail left giraffe being fed, thumbnail right one large giraffe and two small giraffes gathered close to a basket of food

Beautifully Long Necked Giraffes And Scientific Facts

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