
viral imgur threads about a recovering sloth thumbnail includes two pictures including a sloth playing with a girl's hair and a sloth hanging from a toy castle 'After MONTHS of not being able to use her arms, she finally can use her hands to itch! And she’s so happy! TheSlothVet'

Shenanigans Of An Adorable Recovering Sloth (Viral Posts)

collection of cat pictures from a viral thread thumbnail includes two pictures including a calming cat in the sun and another of a cat showing off its belly

Carefully Compiled Calming Cat Collection (Viral Thread)

viral imgur thread about a cat who was abused by its previous owner getting adopted and going through surgery successfully thumbnail includes two pictures including a cat with a cast and another of a cat with a cast being hugged '"We weren't sure if his leg was too damaged to repair since the band had been on there for weeks. But his surgery went really well! The surgeon was able to repair his severed Achilles tendon, remove the dead tissue, and piece his leg back together." - thecomfycat'

Abused Cat Gets Adopted And Has Successful Surgery To Fix Broken Leg (Viral Thread)

viral thread about caterpillar to butterfly and moth transformations thumbnail includes two pictures including a green caterpillar and a butterfly

Stunning Transformations: From Caterpillars To Butterflies

viral imgur thread of a Wild Animal Tech sharing a day in her life thumbnail includes two pictures including a woman holding an owl and another of a baby duckling inside of a plate on a scale

Working As A Wild Animal Tech (Viral Thread)

viral imgur thread about a an overly affectionate cat who doesn't understand personal space thumbnail includes two pictures including a cat lying down and another of a cat snuggling a person's neck '"Does anyone else have a really needy cat that doesn't understand personal space?" - ItsMoni'

Overly Affectionate Cat Doesn't Understand Personal Space (Viral Thread)

viral imgur thread about a day in the life of a dog groomer thumbnail includes two pictures of dogs shaking paws with a person ''Day in the life of a dog groomer S4mmantha'

Pictures Depicting A Day In The Life Of A Dog Groomer (Viral Thread)

viral imgur thread about a cat with behavioral issues getting adopted thumbnail includes two pictures including a kitten and another of a cat and a dog cuddling '"Gorgeous cats like Kyrie get a LOT of attention and people tend to... say they’re okay with the behavior problems and then return the cat a week later because they aren’t perfect... Well, we hit the jackpot for Kyrie." - adrianontherocks'

Terrified Kitten Falls In Love With New Adoptive Family (Viral Thread)

viral twitter thread about a sick miniature puppy getting adopted thumbnail includes two pictures of a miniature puppy and a tweet 'Dog breed - Molly Knight @molly knight I have news. This is George. He's 10 week old miniature pinscher mix. He was homeless and had parvo. I agreed to foster him two weeks ago. And now he is my dog. 11:35 PM Jan 18, 2021 - Twitter for iPhone 2.8K Retweets 580 Quote Tweets 98.3K Likes'

Fostering A Homeless And Sick Miniature Puppy (Viral Twitter Thread)

viral thread about a senior cat who cries when his owner takes his sweater off thumbnail includes two pictures of a cat wearing a sweater 'This is Steve. He's 18 and cries if I take his sweater off rosytroll'

Awwdorable Senior Cat Cries If His Sweater Is Taken Off (Viral Thread)

tumblr thread about elephants being the sweetest animals thumbnail includes part of the thread 'Text - and they aren't really "scared of mice" but they will get upset and try really hard to get away from a mouse because (we think) they are really afraid of stepping on the mouse!!! they know they are big and have big stompy feets and they are afraid of stepping on other animals!!!'

Tumblr Thread: Elephants Are The Sweetest Animals

imgur thread about a kitten getting used to its new home thumbnail includes two pictures including a tiny kitten sitting on the stairs and another of two cats on a bed together '"She lived in our bedroom for the first weeks and wouldn't come down but a few steps." - MickDuncher'

Scared And Sweet Adopted Kitten Discovering New Home (Viral Imgur Thread)

viral imgure thread of a sick dog getting rescued and adopted by a NASA pilot thumbnail includes two pictures including a malnourished dog on the ground and another of a happy dog on grass '"While super sweet, Dobby was not in great shape when we first met her. She was malnourished and had a pretty bad case of mange."  -kdoremus105'

Journey Of Malnourished And Sick Dog Getting Rescued By NASA Pilot

imgur threads about two newborn puppies with cleft lips and an older dog with a cleft lip thumbnail includes two pictures of newborn puppies with cleft lips

Welcoming And Taking Care Of Two Newborn Puppies With Cleft Lips

viral imgur thread about a dog who hated the new adopted puppy at first then grew to love it thumbnail includes two pictures of a Labrador and a Labrador puppy '"we got a puppy a month ago, and our two year old lab HATED her. little pup wanted to be best friends and couldn’t understand what she did wrong. last week, big pup finally gave her a chance" - monachopsisss'

Dog That Hated Adopted Puppy At First Now Loves Her (Viral Thread)

viral imgur thread about two feral kittens getting rescued and learning to trust humans thumbnail includes two pictures including one of a scared kitten and another of a kitten showing its belly 'Rain took a bit more convincing. But positive association and lots of exposure to people, and soon River was about that snug life, and Rain came along right after him -straightcreepen'

Two Rescued Kitten Siblings Learning To Trust Humans (Viral Thread)