
viral imgur thread about a cat who always looks a little surprised thumbnail includes two pictures of a surprised cat

Perpetually Mildly Surprised-Looking Cat (Viral Thread)

collection of funny tumblr posts and threads about animals thumbnail includes a picture of a tiger with the captions 'FACT OF THE DAY: zebras' stripes are not always black and white. sometimes they are black and orange' and 'this is a giraffe' 'Tiger - officialunitedstates FACT OF THE DAY: zebras' stripes are not always black and white. sometimes they are black and orange throwing-lego this is a giraffe Source: officialunitedstates 1,056,997 notes'

Silly And Funny Tumblr Posts About Animals

viral thread about a dog who broke his leg thumbnail includes a picture of a dog lying on his side with a broken leg '"This is Samuel the night he broke his leg. He stole some firewood and zoomied a bit, followed by a hop in the air to grab the firewood back after taken away. Big snap and big cries. I held his leg while Doc wrapped and splinted his leg. I could feel and hear the bones scrape together as he was wrapping it." - punmom'

Heartwarming Recovery Story Of Dog That Broke Its Leg From Overexcitement

viral twitter thread about cats sleeping on their faces thumbnail includes two pictures of cats sleeping with their faces pressed to the floor and a tweet 'Font - rina @m1kiu a thread of cats sleeping on their face 6:43 AM Feb 22, 2021 · Twitter for iPhone 47.2K Retweets 2,567 Quote Tweets 158.9K Likes'

Viral Twitter Thread Of Pawdorable Cats Sleeping On Their Faces

viral imgur thread about seven wolfhound puppies getting adopted thumbnail includes two pictures one of seven wolfhound puppies and another of one wolfhound puppy '"Throwback to when I was taking care of 7 wolfhound cross puppers. These little guys were dumped in the bush, emaciated and scared. They all got adopted and are doing well now!" - RareWolf3'

Taking Care Of And Getting 7 Wolfhound Cross Puppies Adopted

viral imgur thread about a puppy who was left at the shelter once finding her forever home thumbnail includes two pictures of a dog including one with her belly up '"She had been adopted and returned once already, and was terrified of being in the car. I think she associated it with being taken back to the pound." - FactWino'

Puppy Scared Of Being Returned To Shelter Again Finds Forever Home (Viral Thread)

viral imgur thread about a cat with cancer turning 13 thumbnail includes two pictures of a calm looking cat '"She lost a front leg to cancer in 2017 and I found a similar tumor in her other front leg. Thankfully, it's not growing as fast and doesn't seem to bother her as much... Happy birthday Goobs!" - ReluctantGenius'

Three-Legged Senior Cat That Has Cancer Celebrates 13th B-day (Viral Thread)

tweets and pictures of baby animals yawning thumbnail includes two pictures including a bunny yawning and an owl yawning

Awwdorably Tired Baby Animals Yawning (Tweets)

viral thread about a cat who was rehomed 5 times finally finding its forever home thumbnail includes two pictures of a ginger cat 'A rescue kitten who has been re-homed 5 times. We saw his little face on the ad, called... and they basically told us he would pee on everything we owned... We've had him almost 3 weeks now, and would you believe it not a single incident outside the litter box!! He was scared at first of course but he warmed up quick and is seriously the sweetest boy.-bythez'

Nervous Kitty Re-Homed 5 Times Finally Finds Forever Home (Viral Thread)

mean bird names - thumbnail of bird called "go-away-bird" "why even go into this line of work?" | Stu Royall @stu_bot300O Why even go into this line work? More images Go-away-bird go-away-birds, Crinifer, are genus bird turaco family. Unlike many brighter forest dwelling turacos these are birds African open country and have drab grey and white plumage. Wikipedia

Birds Who Were Named By People Who Clearly Hate Birds (Twitter Thread)

a tumblr thread guide about adopting cats thumbnail includes a picture of a sleeping kitten 'Font - Cat Adoption Guide Adding a new feline friend to your household is a process that can be both exciting and scary, especially for first-time cat owners and even the cats themselves. With so many things to consider, it can feel as though a million things could go wrong. Thankfully, there are many things you can do to make the transition as smooth as possible!'

Informative Guide To Adopting A Cat (Tumblr Thread)

viral thread about a dog who likes to pee on tangerines thumbnail includes a picture of a dog next to a tangerine bush '"He loves peeing on the mandarins. Shhhh! Don’t tell my husband! Don’t worry! I washed them, and smelled them. Plus, you don’t eat the skin anyway!" - Demikmj'

Hooligan Doggo That Likes To Pee On Tangerines Goes Viral

adoption story of a sick kitten | His proposed bill came to a little over $800, his owners opted to just pay for the exam and leave. I got the feeling they didn't really care for his well being, and so I made them an offer: let me have him, and I would take care of him like he was m own. The accepted

Neglected Sick Kitten Finds New Forever Home (Viral thread)

Pictures of baby animals thumbnail includes two pictures including one of a baby seal and another of a baby wild cat

Teeny Weeny Baby Animals For A Happier Day (Pics)

story of a cat with brain damage thumbnail includes a picture of a cat lying on a human '"My dad holding my brain damaged cat... He was blind and barely able to walk. Since then he has shown a lot of progress. A LOT considering he was dead. He’s my tough little guy." - KDC0982'

Heartwarming Story Of A Survivor Brain Damaged Cat

funny and informative tumblr thread about helping cats eat slowly thumbnail includes a picture of a cat trying to eat from a challenging bowl 'Cat - Kitties who eat too fast get THE PUNI SHMENT B OWL Sometimes cats eat so fast they puke bruh. It's not healthy. pancakemilkshake'

Informative And Funny Tumblr Thread About Helping Cats Eat More Slowly