
twitter thread about people adopting cats who saved their lives | thumbnail includes one picture of a cat sitting on a cat tree and one tweet 'Font - milkman! @milkmanthecat A year ago today, broken as a man could ever be, I walked in to a shelter. The very last cat I met was a shy, scared little boy with his face buried deep in a corner. I was drowning; you were my life raft. Happy Gotcha Day, Milkman. I love you more than you'll ever, ever know. 2:14 PM Mar 12, 2023 179.3K'

Heartwarming Stories Of Cats Who Saved Their Human's Lives At Just The Right Time (Twitter Thread)

13 reddit images, cat brings human three slices of cheddar cheese

Considerate Cat Thoughtfully Brings Human Three Slices Of Cheddar Cheese In Act Of Kindness, Redditors Respond In Wholesome Fashion

twitter thread about a man faking drowning and a cat not reacting to it | thumbnail includes two pictures including a man drowning and a cat sitting on the edge of a pool with a drowned man behind it and one tweet 'Font - Rob @thegallowboob this guy faked drowning to see his cat's reaction and it went exactly as expected 12:21 AM - Sep 15, 2022 - Twitter for iPhone 23.2K Retweets 1,707 Quote Tweets 225.3K Likes'

Twitter Thread: Man Fakes Drowning, Cat Reacts Entirely Predictably, And The Internet Memes The Heck Out Of It

viral reddit thread about a cat refusing to let its owner sleep at night | thumbnail includes one part of a reddit thread 'Font - toboso OP 1d I have 5 cats and 4 of them are quiet at night like little angels but my god Aloe here does not want me to sleep. Like clockwork every morning she's scratching at walls and doors, knocking things over, running around, trilling, touching my face, climbing on the curtains and trying to get in our closets (even tho we have blocked them off w panels of'

Cat Refuses To Let Her Human Sleep At Night, Owner Begs The Internet For Advice, & Reddit Hilariously Provides (Viral Thread)

viral twitter thread about Tom Brady adopting a kitten | thumbnail includes one tweet 'Tom Brady @TomBrady Anyone who thinks I have time to come back to the NFL has never adopted a 2 month old kitten for their daughter. 8:30 PM - Mar 7, 2023 - 28.7M Views 12.5K Retweets 2,163 Quote Tweets 214.1K Likes ...'

Tom Brady Discovers The Struggles Of Taking Care Of A Kitten, The Internet Cannot Stop Laughing (Viral Tweets)

viral reddit thread about a man letting a cat into his shop to hide from the rain | thumbnail includes one picture of a dirty white cat 'Cat - r/aww u/ 11 2 1 1 Year 1 12 471.0k 1 2 Been feeding a stray cat for a few days, and today i let her in the shop because of the rain. He immediately felt like home, so i decided to let him stay in his new home. Quick ins Installation rapi Installazione rapida Schnelle Installation / Einric 21'

Man Lets A Stray Cat Into His Shop To Hide From The Rain, Cat Immediately Makes Himself At Home (Wholesome Viral Thread)

14 tweets cat barging into neighbor's house

Twitter Thread: Neighbor's Fluffy Orange Cat Barges Right In To New Tenant's Apartment, Offers His Presence As Housewarming Gift

viral reddit thread and video about cats and their weird drinking habits | thumbnail includes three pictures of a cat standing on top of a shower and on top of a man's head to be able to drink directly from the faucet 'Jaw - r/Animals Being Derps 8 days ago by Ryoto Yokoyama Thirsty 483K 7 997 ….. x'

Cat Drinks Water Directly From Shower While Standing On Man's Head Goes Viral, Sparks Discussion About Other Hilarious Cat Drinking Habits

twitter thread about how good cats smell | thumbnail includes one tweet 'Font - Liya/mochipanko @mochiipanko Yesterday I randomly talked about how I love sniffing my cat, because he smells like a mix of teddy bear, baby and fresh laundry. Then I found out it's apparently a common phenomenon among cat owners. More descriptions: warm sunlight, fresh baked bread, futon drying in the sun. 1:18 PM . Mar 9, 2023 726.9K Views 1,679 Retweets 774 Quote Tweets 17.7K Likes'

Cats Who Smell Like Home: The Strange Yet Wholesome Phenomenon Of Cats Smelling Like People's Favorite Things (Viral Tweets)

viral twitter thread about fully grown cats who are very small in size | thumbnail includes one picture of a small ginger cat and one tweet 'Font - jaz @garbagejuic3 I always tell ppl I have a small cat and I feel like this photo really emphasizes it she's at least 3 years old (I got her off the streets so her age is debatable) 2:10 AM Mar 6, 2023 2.1M Views 2,316 Retweets 395 Quote Tweets 55.3K Likes'

Twitter Thread: Cute Pictures Of Fully-Grown Cats Who Are Still Oh So Smol

viral tweets about cat training going hilariously wrong | thumbnail includes one tweet 'Font - FESS Fesshole HOLE @fesshole I've trained the cat to use the video doorbell when she wants to come in. She stands on the little ledge under the bell and hits it until it goes off. I was all proud of her until people in the same style houses started posting videos of her setting their bells off at all hours. 12:25 AM. Mar 5, 2023 1.4M Views 492 Retweets 29 Quote Tweets 19.3K Likes'

Cat Gets Taught To Ring Doorbell To Come In And Starts Doing It To All The Neighbors: When Cat Training Goes Wrong (Viral Tweets)

viral twitter thread about a cat faking an injury so that people will let it come inside | thumbnail includes three pictures of a cat lifting its paw and sitting and one tweet Cat - Gabriele Corno @Gabriele_Corno Watch a drama queen cat fake injury in hopes of coming inside

Drama Queen Cat Hilariously Fakes An Injury In Hopes Of Coming Inside And Goes Viral For It (Twitter Thread)

viral reddit thread full of stories about cats visiting their neighbors | thumbnail includes two pictures of a white cat covered in pink lipstick kiss marks 'Rectangle - r/aww u/Nabo92.3d 23 2 1 1 [OC] My cat showed up at my house like this today. Apparently, we have a cat lover in our street.'

Hisstercial Stories Of Conniving Cats Living Double Lives With Their Neighbors And Getting Double The Love (Viral Thread)

viral reddit thread about a person taking their cats on a walk in a stroller | thumbnail includes two pictures including a woman with a cat in a stroller and two cats in a stroller 'Rectangle - r/cats u/R_OP_16d. 1 11 1 12 1 Join 2 My SO got a buggy so she can take her blind bengal and his brother outside. We got a lot of hate for it, what do you guys thinks? Cringe or no? Cat Picture'

Person Takes Their Cats On A Ride In A Stroller And Gets A Bunch Of Hate For it, The Internet Comes To Their Defense (Viral Thread)

viral reddit thread about a person adopting a mouse that its cat caught | thumbnail includes two pictures including a cat on its back and a mouse in a cage 'Snow - r/aww 2 days ago by Lindsayls Boring Six months ago my cat caught a mouse and he just...keeps living... so this is Winky. 52K 3 1.7K GIF'

Cat Caught A Blind Mouse But Didn't 'Finish The Job', So The Family Adopted The Mouse And Gave It A Pawsome New life (Viral Thread)

viral reddit thread about a cat getting poisoned and another cat coming to hug and comfort it | thumbnail includes

Someone Cruelly Gives Rat Poisoning To A Cat, His Sweet Adopted Sibling Comes To Comfort Him With Cuddles (Viral Thread)