
twitter thread about a cat bringing a leaf to a shop owner in exchange for fish | thumbnail includes a picture of a cat holding a leaf in its teeth and one tweet 'Font - Justice @UnionRebelMs Seeing people come to buy fish and handing the owner, money, this cat went out and got a leaf to pay for her fish. On the first day, the owner of the shop thought this was very cute, so he gave her a small fish. Now everyday this cat comes in to buy a fish with a leaf. 5:01 AM - Jan 5, 2023'

Story About An Adorable Cat Who Brings A Leaf To A Shop Owner Every Day In Exchange For Fish Goes Viral (Twitter Thread)

viral reddit video and thread about a person adopting a senior cat that no one wanted | thumbnail includes three pictures including two pictures of a sick looking ginger cat and a ginger cat with its tongue out

Person Adopts The 'Sick Cat No One Else Wanted' And Gives The Senior Kitty A Second Chance At Life (Viral Thread And Video)

viral reddit thread about a person who left an instruction sheet to their cat sitter when they went on vacation | thumbnail includes a paper with cat photos and a bunch of text on it 'Going on vacation, decided to leave a kitty cheat sheet for the sitter u/tananda7' 'Brown - Name: Ned (AKA: Nedward, Nedley) Age: 15 Description: Smaller orange brother, watery irritated eyes, darker orange Likes: Attention, belly rubs, water (seriously, refill a water dish in front of him to see'

Person Leaves A Hissterical 'Kitty Cheat Sheet' For Their Cat Sitter, And The Internet Immediately Memes It

viral reddit thread about a person rescuing a kitten with a bad case of ringworm | thumbnail includes two pictures including a sick kitten and a healthy white cat 'Day 1. Poor little guy he was cold and newly naked from ringworm. His tail looked like a rat tail and it was the worse case of ringworm my vet had ever seen u/PricklyPanda75'

Person Finds An Extremely Sick Kitten Outside And Rescues It; Months Later, The Kitten Has The Best Glow-up (Viral Reddit Thread)

video and comments reacting to time lapse cat

Human Cat Owner Records Time Lapse Of His Cat Adorably Watching TV While 'Survivor' Is On, Cat Is Totally Entranced

viral thread about a person strapping a camera to their cat and filming the cat outside | thumbnail includes three pictures including one of a cat with a camera on it and two from the perspective of a cat 'Where are they going? u/MrKitterstheCat'

Person Straps Camera To A Cat And Catches All Of Its Hissterical Shenanigans With Other Cats (Viral Thread And Video)

reddit threads and videos about cats who think that if they move very slowly they won't be seen | thumbnail includes two pictures of cats including a black cat '' and a colorful cat 'Gandalf thinks if he moves super slowly, I’ll let him sit in between me and my laptop'

Funny Cats Thinking That If They Move Slowly, Their Humans Won't See Them (Viral Videos And Threads)

viral reddit thread about a person making a cat a bow out of toilet paper and the cat really loving it | thumbnail includes one picture of a cat wearing a toilet paper bow around its neck 'Cat - r/aww u/ThrowAwayNzProblem • 5d 1 2 11 11 My cat Louie was messing around with toilet paper and I decided to tie a loose "bow" around his neck to see what it looked like.. It's been an hour. He absolutely REFUSES to let me remove it. 20.6k 496 Share +R'

Cat Becomes Obsessed With A Toilet Paper Bow, Reacts Hissterically When Human Takes It Away (Viral Thread)

viral reddit thread about people trying to keep their cats off counters | thumbnail includes one picture standing on a counter covered in tin foil 'Hood - r/cats u/titsafun.3d. 1 I was told to try aluminum foil. Advice 26.3k 786 As 13 FRIGIDAIRE Share Join M +'

People Attempting (And Failing) To Keep Their Cats Off Counters By Hissterical Methods: Funny Viral Thread

twitter thread about an advice column asking if people should turn off the light while their cats are eating | thumbnail includes one tweet 'Font - worms cited @christapeterso ... Once my beloved ex bf saw me feed wet food to Jen's cats and he was just aghast I served it to them in can shape. He was like "you don't fluff it up for them???????" Amber Sparks @ambernoelle Apr 22 This might be the most wholesome advice column question I have ever seen Show this thread'

Is It Wrong To Turn Off The Light While Cats Are Eating: Viral Twitter Thread Asking The Impurrtant Questions

viral reddit video and thread about a man failing to harness train his cat | thumbnail includes three pictures of a man letting go of a cat in a harness and the cat fallingTraining 'my cat to wear a harness u/loopylimez'

Hissterical Reactions Cats Have When People Attempt To Train Them To Wear Harnesses (Viral Video And Thread)

video and thread about cats who like being brushed with a toothbrush | thumbnail includes three pictures of a cat getting brushed by a toothbrush 'If you get a wet toothbrush and pet a cat it, it supposedly reminds them getting clean by their mother u/pietradolce'

Petting A Cat With A Toothbrush Supposedly Reminds Them Of Being Cleaned By Their Mother, Reddit Reacts (Viral Video And Thread)

13 reddit comments pictures of cats inspecting baby

Cats Carefully Inspect Their New Human Baby Sibling, Baby Passes Vibe Check But Just Barely (Viral Thread)

viral twitter thread about cats who have been returned to shelters finding their forever homes | thumbnail includes one tweet 'Font - latke @latkedelrey adopting and then abandoning a cat because it did normal cat things (needed time to warm up to you, had a bathroom accident, scratched furniture, wanted to play) is sinister behavior and if you do it you will burn in hell for eternity 7:54 AM - Apr 11, 2023 · 4.5M Views 13.9K Retweets 878 Quotes 108.9K Likes 1,173 Bookmarks'

Wholesome Stories Of Cats Who Were Abandoned For Ridiculous Reasons Finally Getting Adopted (Viral Twitter Thread)

twitter thread about people adopting senior cats | thumbnail includes one tweet 'Font - sarah schauer @sarahschauer picture this: you're at a cat shelter, a really old cat slowly makes their way towards you and sits at your feet. Your partner comes running up with two kittens and says "we can go now." The old cat reaches up to touch you but you stand up to go. You guys walk out 1:44 AM - Nov 10, 2022 - Twitter for iPhone 973 Retweets 483 Quote Tweets 42.3K Likes'

Wholesome Stories About People Choosing To Adopt Senior Cats Over Kittens (Twitter Thread)

viral twitter thread about a person deciding which cat to go to while two cats ask for their attention simultaneously | thumbnail includes a picture of two cats lying in two different rooms and one tweet 'Font - Josh Trebach, MD @jtrebach ETHICAL DILEMMA: both cats are meowing for you to come play with them but are in separate rooms and are watching you so they will know if you choose the other cat what do u do'

Man Faces Ethical Dilemma Of Choosing Between His Two Cats, Here Are The Internet's Funniest Responses (Viral Twitter Thread)