
video about a cat with epilepsy getting rescued, treated and adopted | thumbnail includes two pictures including a cat with a needle in its arm in a carrier and a cat with a red ball

The Heartwarming Journey Of A Cat Who Has Epileptic Seizures Getting Rescued, Treated, And Adopted (Video)

story about surgeries for a cat that cost ten thousand dollars | thumbnail includes two pictures of an orange cat 'The $10,000 Purr - The Teddy Story SmolCatDad'

Kind Man Rescues Kitten With A Severe Limp, Surgeries End Up Costing 10,000$ (Viral Thread)

collection of stories celebrating pets with imperfections | thumbnail include a picture of a ginger cat in a box and one Facebook comment 'Cat - Michelle Timpe Quan We adopted Jax from Seattle Humane as a senior kitty. He was a street cat and his ears were damaged from fighting and his scratching at ear infections. His ear "imperfections" are what people comment on immediately. He has the sweetest personality. OD 3 Like Reply Hide Send Message 6h'

Celebrating All The 'Imperfect' Pets: Seniors, Sick Pets, Rehomed Pets, Returned Pets And More

story about a sick stray cat getting rescued and taken care of | thumbnail includes two pictures including a cat reaching out to the camera and a cat placing its paw on a person

Cat Who Cried In Pain Whenever Touched Gets Rescued, Recovers, And Finds The Purrfect Forever Home

tweets about a minute changes and adoption senior and sick pets thumbnail includes a picture of a senior cat 'Vertebrate - Kristen @CripCamper2020 I went to adopt a kitten today. Instead I ended up adopting a 7 yr old chubby tub of love with sad eyes that were begging for a mommy. It was love at first sight. I can't wait to bring him home and spoil him silly. Meet Eli. 3:35 AM Jan 14, 2021 - Twitter for Android 2.4K Retweets 489 Quote Tweets 63.6K Likes'

People Tweet About Changing Their Minds And Adopting A Senior Pet At The Last Second

a reddit am I the asshole about a poor family who refuse to pay for their cat to go to the vet | thumbnail includes text saying 'If their cat is sick, they need to step up. Get a second job. Donate plasma. Make some sacrifices to get this cat to a vet. Losing weight, but still eating... first two things that come to mind are cancer or hyperthyroidism. Also, could be kidney disease or diabetes. But a vat that loses weight and is still eating is a very sick cat.'

Family Refuses To Take Sick Cat To Vet: Redditors React

14 text based reddit images | thumbnail "haefari • 11d Riley: Border Collie Mix Yeah not every dog can handle it. It's a fun treat but only if your dog's body can handle the whipped cream 6 Reply 1 679 3 BanananaSquid · 11d Every dog is so different! I have two dogs that both can handle a ton of dairy. We jokingly call one of them a "cheese st". The only time she ever had a problem was when she nabbed a WHOLE WHEEL of brie off the coffee table at Thanksgiving"

PSA: Puppuccinos Aren't Always A Good Idea

list of text appreciating bosses who understand pet emergencies | thumbnail text "So glad my company is great about this as well. They all know that my dog is my baby, and he will come before anything else. Earlier this summer he actually broke a leash while we were hiking about 3 hours away from home and went missing for 16 hours. Thad people from work arranging to come out and help look for him, my boss telling me to now worry about work they will handle things until he is found "

Appreciation Post For Employers Who Respect Pet Emergencies

imgur thread about rescuing a paralyzed stray cat | thumbnail includes two pictures of an injured cat 'Paralyzed Rescue Cat D*ldoDantes'

Thread: Heartwarming Rescue Of A Paralyzed And Injured Stray Cat

story about a feral kitten being rescued | thumbnail includes two pictures of a kitten '"We socialized her by using a toothbrush to brush her and talked to her. We watched as she slowly came out of her shell" - Tram'

A Rescued Feral Kitten Slowly Learns To Love Her Humans

viral imgur thread about four sick and injured kittens getting rescued | thumbnail includes two pictures of sick and injured kittens 'A friend called me "there's a tiny kitten there, alone and sick". Of course I came rushing, and the neighbours came out of there houses, handing me 3 more sick kittens from different litters... Knowyourcats'

Thread: Rescuing And Taking Care Of A Group Of Injured Kittens

imgur thread about a senior sick blind and deaf dog getting adopted | thumbnail includes two before and after pictures of a blind dog '15 years old, blind, deaf, heart disease, arthritic, skin infections, and her owner recently passed away. I had never really considered adding another dog to the family, but for some reason I couldn't stop thinking about this one MrPuckett'

Thread: Senior, Blind, Deaf And Sick Dog Finds A Forever Home

story about a stray sick kitten getting adopted and transforming into a gorgeous white cat | thumbnail includes two pictures including a sick stray cat and a fluffy white cat '"She was so pitiful to look at. Her skin was infected and wounded and she smelled very bad," - Nur Hamizah'

Wounded And Sick Stray Cat Gets Rescued And Completely Transforms

stray cat brings kittens to vet - thumbnail of stray cat with kitten and then vet with kitten

Stray Cat In Turkey Brings Her Sick Kittens To Vets For Help

viral imgur thread about a cat with cancer turning 13 thumbnail includes two pictures of a calm looking cat '"She lost a front leg to cancer in 2017 and I found a similar tumor in her other front leg. Thankfully, it's not growing as fast and doesn't seem to bother her as much... Happy birthday Goobs!" - ReluctantGenius'

Three-Legged Senior Cat That Has Cancer Celebrates 13th B-day (Viral Thread)

adoption story of a sick kitten | His proposed bill came to a little over $800, his owners opted to just pay for the exam and leave. I got the feeling they didn't really care for his well being, and so I made them an offer: let me have him, and I would take care of him like he was m own. The accepted

Neglected Sick Kitten Finds New Forever Home (Viral thread)