
twitter thread about people adopting cats who saved their lives | thumbnail includes one picture of a cat sitting on a cat tree and one tweet 'Font - milkman! @milkmanthecat A year ago today, broken as a man could ever be, I walked in to a shelter. The very last cat I met was a shy, scared little boy with his face buried deep in a corner. I was drowning; you were my life raft. Happy Gotcha Day, Milkman. I love you more than you'll ever, ever know. 2:14 PM Mar 12, 2023 179.3K'

Heartwarming Stories Of Cats Who Saved Their Human's Lives At Just The Right Time (Twitter Thread)

UPDATE: Lilo the Orange Kitten is Saved From Drowning in a Flooded Trash Can, Then Gets Adopted by Her Rescuer 's Furrever Family

UPDATE: Lilo the Orange Kitten is Saved From Drowning in a Flooded Trash Can, Then Gets Adopted by Her Rescuer 's Furrever Family

Women Goes to Home Depot for Gardening Supplies, Ends Up Rescuing a Tiny Feral Kitten

Woman Goes to Home Depot for Gardening Supplies, Ends Up Rescuing a Tiny Feral Kitten

twitter thread about a dog saving a baby | thumbnail includes a picture of a dog and one tweet 'Last night the dog kept breaking into the nursery and waking the baby. She's been sick, and I was getting so fed up with him. Until...'

Heroic Dog Saves Baby's Life: Twitter Thread

story about a man who saves cats in the Fukushima nuclear zone thumbnail includes a picture of a Japanese man lying on the floor next to a cat

Man Saves The Forgotten Cats At The Fukushima's Nuclear Zone

story about a bear cub getting rescued thumbnail includes one picture of a bear cub

Rescued Lost And Injured Bear Cub Will Be Released Into The Wild After Winter

story about two kittens being rescued from getting crushed in a recycling plant thumbnail includes a picture of two newborn kittens with their eyes closed

Two Newborn Kittens Rescued From Recycling Plant

story about a small dog falling off the side of a cliff and getting rescued by firefighters thumbnail includes two pictures including a firefighter holding a dog in their arms on a cliff and another of the dog being returned to its owner

Small Dog Heroically Rescued From Cliff

story about a baby elephant that was hit by a motorcycle while crossing the road getting cpr and surviving as well as being returned to its mother thumbnail includes two pictures including a baby elephant lying on the road and receiving cpr and another of the baby elephant back with its mother

CPR Revives Baby Elephant, It Returns To Its Mother Safely

story about a rescued dog travelling the world that is helping others rescue other dogs thumbnail includes two pictures including a dog and a man in the desert and another of a man holding up two puppies and a dog behind him

Rescued Dog Travels The World Helping Rescue Other Dogs

story about an owl that got hit by a car and was rescued thumbnail includes a picture of an owl in a box being petted by a kid and another of an owl on a car window petted my a man

Owl Hit By A Car Rescued By Family On Their Way Home

story about a puppy who was abandoned and tied to a park bench with a note thumbnail includes two pictures including the dog with the note on the park bench and another of the dog with its new owner

Puppy Abandoned And Chained To Bench With Note Gets Adopted

story about a cat found almost frozen to death in a dog crate finding a new foster home thumbnail includes two pictures including a cat in a green sweater sniffing the camera and another of a cat in a green sweater held in a vet's hands

Cat Abandoned In The Freezing Cold Finds New Foster Home

collection of stories of rescued animals and their rescuers thumbnail includes two pictures including a cat with a gunshot wound and another of an owl with singed wings

Heroes Of The Month: Celebrating Rescued Animals And Their Rescuers (November 2020)

story about a kitten who was found frozen to a truck tire getting adopted by the man who saved her thumbnail includes two pictures including one of the kitten wrapped up in blankets and held by a vet and another of the tiny kitten wrapped up in blankets up close to the camera

Kitten Found Frozen To Truck Tire Adopted By Man Who Saved It

story about an owl that was rescued from inside of a Christmas tree getting released back into the wild thumbnail includes two pictures including an owl inside a box surrounded by Christmas tree parts and another of a woman letting a tiny owl go and the owl flying away

Tiny Owl Rescued From Christmas Tree Is Set Free