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Caturday cat memes | thumbnail includes two memes including a cat behind a glass wall 'Cat - Do you hear them Clarice? Are the lambs still screaming?' and a cat complaining with a dog behind it 'Cat - Sarah (dog) stole a bite of Stella's food and Stella came running to me in the kitchen to literally bitch about it. ADOPT!'

17 Funny Cat Memes, Curated By a Very Specific Cat-Lady

Happy Caturday!
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tumblr thread about Australian birds being jerks | thumbnail includes a tumblr post 'Font - millshouse why has nobody mentioned the fact that in australia there are 3-4 months a year where everybody just accepts that they're going to get attacked by magpies. It is literally called "swooping season" and these birds will fly down to peck your fucking face, and people get their eyes ripped out and shit, it's fucking brutal. sociopathic-italian-grandmas My teacher had to go to hospital and have'

Tumblr Thread: Unbelievable Stories Of Australian Birds Being Jerks

Jerks but still cute.
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imgur thread about a cat constantly watching its human | thumbnail includes two pictures of a cat looking into the camera 'Feels like I'm always being watched... udontknow'

Thread: Suspicious And Funny Cat Is Always Watching Its Human

Something is v sus.
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animal tumblr posts | thumbnail includes one tumblr post 'Font - theverge.com US government plans to use drones to fire vaccine-laced M&Ms near endangered ferrets a The US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) has a plan to save the endangered black-footed ferret, and it involves candy. The agency has proposed delivering vaccines to a ferret colony in Montana.. Lizzie Plaugic joyeuse-noelle: burntcopper: There is nothing about this title I don't like. The best part of this title is that'

Tumblr Animal Posts Of Hilarity And Goodness

Tumblr animal goodness.
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list of funny and fresh animal memes | thumbnail includes two memes including a snail 'Product - Screw it, l'll start my own country' and a cat driving a car full of cat trees 'Road surface - Parkour'

Rise And Shine With Fresh Animal Memes (October 17, 2021)

Fresh animal meme deliciousness.
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collection of original ICanHasCheezburger animal facts | thumbnail includes one picture of a bear 'Plant - A family in China adopted a dog and raised it for two years before they found out it was actually an Asiatic black bear. They reportedly figured it out when they realized the dog couldn't stop growing. Turns out, this sort of mix-up happens fairly often ICANHAS CHEEZ CBURGER'

Paws For This Week’s Animal Facts: Totally Strange and Absolutely Amoosing

Laugh and learn.
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collection of animal memes | thumbnail includes two memes including a puppy in a backpack 'Dog - Friend: hey we're going on a hike so pack some supplies Me:' and a hawk held in a person's hands 'Watch - My mother caught a hawk while it was diving to get her chickens and it just has the most confused face ever that this could have gone so wrong'

Smol Animal Memes Dumperooni For An Additional Dose Of Laughs

Animal meme deliciousness.
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animal tumblr posts | thumbnail includes one tumblr post 'Font - Dear Anyone Who Hates Cats elder-kelly: broadwayfangirlblr: My cat literally sleeps next to my face until she thinks I'm asleep and then she'll move to the end of my bed. If I wake up at night she'll go back up to me head and stay with me until I fall asleep again. In the morning she'll follow me when I call her. She's a precious lil nugget. idk it's still a bad musical'

Tumblr Animal Posts Of Hilarity And Unexpected Knowledge

Tumblr animal goodness.
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list of funny and fresh animal memes | thumbnail includes two memes including a scary bird 'Plant - I feel like this thing could rip my soul out by just looking at me' and a cat on a plant 'Plant - Don't ask questions. I am plant'

Rise And Shine With Fresh Animal Memes (October 10, 2021)

Fresh animal meme deliciousness.
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collection of animal memes | thumbnail includes two memes including a raccoon in a cookie jar 'Photograph - I am jar. Cookie in me plz' and a cat with a lizard hanging off its jaw 'Cat - Hooman i requires your helps, dis tiny dinosaur bited me'

Another Small Scrumpdillyicious Dump Of Animal Memes

Fresh and deeeeeelicious
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Caturday cat memes | thumbnail includes two memes including a cat holding a leaf in its mouth 'Cat - When you realise it's 4am and you're late for running up and down the hallway' and a shocked black cat 'Cat - The hunter returns from a successful hunt with a fresh kill gdip'

Choo Choo: Hoppin' On The Caturday Meme Train

Happy Caturday!
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tumblr thread about a crane choosing a zookeeper as her new mate | thumbnail includes a picture of a man standing next to a crane 'Walnut immediately began paying special attention to Chris--and ignoring the eligible male crane in a nearby enclosure. Walnut initiated their courtship, performing the opening moves of a mating dance.'

Tumblr Thread: Crane Chooses Zookeeper As Her New Mate

A love story for the ages (?)
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collection of Facebook comments about cats' weird hobbies | thumbnail includes a picture of a cat lying in a funny way in front of the TV and one Facebook comment 'Dog - Megan Marie Loki sploots like a corgi, carries around a plastic wrapped bag of microwave popcorn, balances toys on his face, loves being skritched with the pasta spoon, makes an "Arooooo" noise instead of meows, tips over like a fainting goat and spends his free time in my hallway on his back. He's a little different but a'

When Cats Go Cray Cray: Funny ICanHas Cat Habits

They be cray cray sometimes.
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list of funny and fresh animal memes | thumbnail includes two memes including a frog jumping off a person's hand 'Hand - Milky Way Astronomers @MAstronomers When you take a photograph of a frog at the moment it activates its hyperspace drive...' and a dog in a wheelbarrow 'Dog - "My dog is too old to go on walks anymore, so my brother put her in a wheelbarrow and went around the neighborhood." ACE'

18 Very Funny Animal Memes, That Is All

Fresh animal meme deliciousness.
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Caturday cat memes | thumbnail includes two memes including a black cat with bat ears 'Dog breed - So do you want a bat or a cat? Me: Can you do both?' and cats hiding in different places 'Tap - Just cats that don't want to see the vet'

Fresh Cat Memes Bringing On The Caturday Dreams

Good morning, cat people. Wake up, stretch yo limbs, blink those eyes open, and get ready for the bestest day of the week. Mmhm, it's Caturday, and we have stuff to do. Don't worry though, we know you're all cat people like us. The activities that we have planned for this Caturday are safe for all of us. They start with some catnip shenanigans, then there are some snacks coming at you, then naps, more snacks, more naps, and of course, there are some fresh and hissterical cat memes for you to la…
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This week’s collection of cat tweets | thumbnail includes one tweet 'Font - Amy Lynn @AmyAThatcher I was just in the garden having a cigarette and on my phone, not really paying attention. I thought a cat came up and sat next to me on the step. I reached to pet it and it was a fucking possum. Scared the shit out of me . 4:54 AM - Sep 27, 2021 - Twitter for Android 638 Retweets 120 Quote Tweets 13.1K Likes'

16 Funny Cat Tweets We Found On Twitter

Cat twitter purrfection.
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