
list of funny and fresh animal memes | thumbnail includes two memes including an owl 'Nature - Barn owls when humans invented barns: Oh yeah. It's all coming together.' and a rat holding a piece of pasta 'Sleeve - Look at this photo of my rat after I gave him pasta'

Rise And Shine With Fresh Animal Memes (November 28, 2021)

Caturday cat memes | thumbnail includes two memes including a cat climbing a door 'Property - Thought some one was kicking in the back door but was mango chasing a moth up the screen door but lucky it's a steel security screen while pickles watches on' and a cat with a cone 'Photograph - bonsigh Follow the vet needed to shave my baby's legs for the anesthesia and now she just has little boots on, met gala invite when tahthetrickster Follow FINALLY BOOTS WITH THE FUR mgtip.com'

Nutritious Scrumpdillyicious Cat Memes For Auspicious Caturday Dreams

tumblr thread about sheep having long tails and pigs being scary | thumbnail includes two pictures of sheep with long tails and one tumblr post 'Dog breed - ratcoded Follow who else is in the "didn't realize sheep have long tails until i was like 20" club dimetrodone Follow'

Tumblr Thread: Sheep Have Long Tails And Pigs Are Hella Scary

12 reddit based text images | thumbnail "Your home your decision. I can't see how they get to demand anything when it is your house. DO NOT offer to pay for a hotel. I'm not even sure at this point l'd offer to let them stay at my house even with my dog. The entitlement of people amazes me. There are ONLY way 3 reasons l'd say to board your dog: if someone has an allergy "

Family Requests Thanksgiving Host Board His Dog In Kennel, Host Refuses And Even Offers To Pay For Hotel

collection of comments about moments that pets were caught doing funny things | thumbnail includes one Facebook comment 'Font - Kimberly Sneed I had an older cat a few years ago who figured out that he liked most of the attention he got after he got a wound that caused him to limp for a few days (it was relatively minor.) After those few days, I couldn't figure out why his leg didn't seem to be getting better. He would limp around with a "Oooooohhh, poor me. I'm so bad off. It'

Funny Things Pets Were Caught Doing When They Thought Their Owners Weren't Looking

a collection of posts about cats | thumbnail includes a picture of a cat in someone's hands 'This moggy is a hero. After the barn went up in flames, she woke up the family, not only saving their lives but most of the animals too. u/plushkins'

Cat Medley: Cuteness Galore, Funnies, Rescues, And Appreciation

tweets about cows getting stuck in things | thumbnail includes a picture of a cow stuck behind a pipe and one tweet 'Window - stuck cows only @wagyurach ... Here she is. my least favourite cow on the farm: 1:18 AM - Nov 19, 2021 - Twitter for iPhone 1,636 Retweets 340 Quote Tweets 21.7K Likes'

Tweets Of Goofy Cows Getting Stuck: They Are Okay, Just Having A Bad Day

funny stories of giving cats baths | thumbnail includes one Facebook comment 'Font - Debra Fisher I had a cat that had a thing for warm baths. We couldn't keep her out of them. The kids would start to fill the tub up, walk away, and return to find Scarlet O'Hairy standing in the bathwater with a blissful look on her face. "MOM! SCARLET'S IN MY BATH AGAIN!" I can't tell you how many times I heard that before I convinced the kids to shut the bathroom door so she couldn't get in'

When Cats Need Baths: A Small Collection Of Ridiculous Stories

animal tumblr posts | thumbnail includes one tumblr post 'Font - dreamlogic RIP RIP RIP i can never interact with my neighbor again holy fuck i was outside w/ my cat just now. and he went behind a shrub for a bit, and me not realizing my neighbor was on the other side of that same shrub, poked my head round and said way louder than necessary, "my SCRUMPTIOUS darling boy, what ever are you doing over there??" and this 40-something man i very rarely speak to handled it w/ remarkable'

Tumblr Animal Posts Of Hilarity And Peculiarity

list of funny and fresh animal memes | thumbnail includes two memes including a cat biting someone's foot 'Cat - Every morning Finley wakes up and chooses violence' and a pregnant dog doing a photoshoot 'Photograph - Googled "New Mom" and was NOT disappointed...'

Rise And Shine With These 25 Animal Memes

Facebook comments that cat people can relate to | thumbnail includes two Facebook comments 'Rectangle - Patti Esposito The sound of hacking wakes you from a dead sleep. 57 Like · Reply · Hide Message - 2d' and 'Font - Phoenix Rising Every figurine is velcroed to the shelves so they dont get knocked off. 133 Like · Reply Hide Message 2d Edited'

Hissterical Things Cat Owners Can Relate To: ICanHasCheezburger Users Edition

Caturday cat memes | thumbnail includes two memes including a before and after cat picture 'Cat - I found Mick in my garage three months ago before taking him in. He's come a long way' and a cat sitting next to a destroyed toilet paper roll 'Cat - Locked my cat in the bathroom while I made a meal because he was being annoying. Revenge was had'

Titter Away Through Another Purrfect Caturday: Cat Memes

tumblr thread about horses having not enough toes | thumbnail includes one tumblr ask 'Rectangle - anonymous asked I recall at least one of you guys having worked with livestock animals. Why are cows so damn indestructible while horses keel over and die if mercury is in retrograde or a dog barked in Kazakhstan?' 'ask-a-vetblr Follow gettingvetted here. Let me tell you a story about how livestock animals work.'

Tumblr Thread: Horses Don't Have Enough Toes

this week's collection of pictures that are worth more than 1000 words | thumbnail includes two pictures including a cat with four ears and a man holding up a giant fish

Pictures Worth More Than 1000 Words (25 images)

a collection of posts about cats | thumbnail includes a picture of a black cat with white spots 'My girl has vitiligo. She was solid black when we got her, and every year she gets a few more spots! u/Polywordsoup'

Cat Medley: Cuteness Galore, Funnies, Rescues, And Appreciation

tumblr posts of dogs being too excited to play evil roles in movies | thumbnail includes one tumblr post 'Font - lentilswitheverything Follow In the Lion the Witch and the Wardobe movie (the one with Tilda Swinton, not the BBC one) the wolves all have CGI tails. Because they're actually Malamute or Huskie crosses and wouldn't stop wagging their goddamn tails all the time because they were so excited to be playing with all these nice people on this nice set with their nice handlers just out of s'

Tumblr Thread: Actor Doggos' Wagging Tails Ruining Their 'Evil Dog' Movie Shots