
story about a dog who lost its leg to abuse then got rescued | thumbnail includes two pictures including a dog leg x-ray and a dog on a vet bed with its leg amputated

Dog Tragically Loses Leg, Gets Rescued And Learns To Love Humans Even More Than Before

a man saves his cat from the tree its stuck in with the help of the internet | thumbnail includes photo of the cat and text saying 'I have no idea how my cat made it so far up this tree, but he’s been there for probably 5 hours minimum and doesn’t seem to know how to get down. I’ve called everyone I can think of, and now the crows are circling and'

Internet Bands Together To Rescue Cat From Tree

posts of animals newly adopted this week | thumbnail includes a picture of a cat 'Welcomed this sweet fella to our home yesterday. He’s spent his entire 5months of life in a shelter so this home thing is new but he’s figuring it out u/Curious-Variety-7570'

Meet The Newly Adopted Faces Of The Week (13 Images)

a thread about a Syrian cat sanctuary | thumbnail includes text saying 'Syrian cat sanctuary'

Inside A Syrian Cat Sanctuary

story of a stray cat coming back to a family who was nice to him and getting adopted | thumbnail includes two pictures including a grumpy cat sitting on someone's shoulder and a stray cat getting petted

Cat Who's Done With Outdoor Life Comes Back To Couple Who Were Kind To Him And Gets Adopted

story about a stray cat approaching a human family and asking them for help with the kittens she birthed in their yard | thumbnail includes two pictures of a grey cat with kittens

Cat Comes To The Family She Chose and Asks Them For Help With Her Newborn Kittens

a woman traveling the world with her cat Bindi | thumbnail is a photo of Bindi the cat outside having a good time

Rescue Kitten Travels The World With Her Human (Video)

11 reddit text images cats gaining trust with humans | thumbnail image of tabby cat on bed text "We've had our rescue cat, Butterscotch, for about 2 months. He's pretty traumatized, and we haven't been able to get close to him or pet him. Today, he hopped right up on the bed next to me and let me give him some love! "

Wholesome Recollections Of Rescue Cats Building Trust With Their Humans

list of discussion about working in animal shelters | thumbnail "And yet I saw a man today insisting to return a puppy because it was "very aggressive" and he "feared for his safety" so much so that he kept the puppy in the crate. He sent us a video of the "aggression" and my whole team almost died. The puppy was on his back and chewing on his shoelace.... that's it. Calmest example of puppy play l'd seen. Yes, he is no longer allowed to adopt from us."

Beautiful And Less Beautiful Every Day Animal Shelter Occurrences

a heartwarming twitter thread about adopted cats | thumbnail includes text saying '2 months ago a stray cat started sleeping on our porch every night..of course we fed him !!!! We had him neutered and put him in an enclosed porch on our outbuilding to recover..I think he's in love with my wife'

Twitter Thread: Heartwarming Stories Of Cats Who Found Their Forever Homes

posts of animals newly adopted this week | thumbnail includes two pictures of a cat with one eye 'My recently rescued kitten, Maitie. u/justaredditaccountx'

Meet The Newly Adopted Faces Of The Week (20 Images)

video of a horse befriending a senior horse and teaching it how to have fun | thumbnail includes a picture of two horses walking together

Gentle Giant Horse Teaches Neglected Senior Horse How To Enjoy Life Again (Video)

story about a kitten who was found on a wall getting rescued and adopted | thumbnail includes two pictures including a kitten on a wall and a kitten wrapped up in blankets in a hospital

Kitten Found On Concrete Wall Gets Adopted And Makes A Complete Turnaround

an adorable video of a squirrel getting adopted | thumbnail includes a photo of the pet squirrel looking cute

Lonely Baby Squirrel Steals Hearts After Adoption (Video)

story about a dog who got viciously attacked by three other dogs getting adopted | thumbnail includes two pictures including a happy white dog and an injured white dog

Heartwarming Rescue Of A Dog Who Was Terribly Injured After Getting Attacked By Three Dogs

wholesome adoption before and afters | thumbnail includes a dog before being adopted and a dog after

Before And After Adoption Glowups (February 15, 2022)