
original story about a bobcat kitten getting mistaken for a house cat and getting adopted | thumbnail includes two pictures including a bobcat peeking from behind a tree and a bobcat stretching on a log

Abandoned Bobcat Kitten Mistaken As Housecat, Gets Rescued, Starts Acting Like One Anyways

posts of animals newly adopted this week | thumbnail includes a picture of a white cat with different colored eyes 'This is Vienna; I brought her home from the shelter about a week ago. She’s between 10-12 years old and was surrendered by a previous owner. The shelter told me she kept getting passed up because of her age, and I just couldn’t leave her there. I already love her so much it hurts. u/Plus-College-9155'

Meet The Newly Adopted Faces Of The Week (18 Images)

Video story about a deaf dog that got adopted by two dads | Thumbnail includes one of the dads hugging the deaf dog 'and the rest is pretty much history.'

Forgotten About Deaf Dog Gets Rescued By Two Loving Dads (Video)

original story about a fox getting rescued | thumbnail includes two pictures including a fox smiling at the camera and a fox standing on a log

Abandoned Fox Gets Rescued And Beats Medical Odds, Now Enjoys Stimulating Activities

16 screenshots from a subreddit about a story of an abused dog showing signs of trust towards new owner | Thumbnail includes a screenshot of the title of reddit post and part of reddit post 'The depth of dogs' trust blows me away, I never had dogs before these two. The depth of that little dog's trust in me touched me so much I can't explain it. Like, this is a living creature, one who's had a whole life before me that I'll never know about. I suspect abuse, as he and his sister are terrified'

Heartwarming Story Of Abused Dog Showing First Signs Of Trust With New Hooman

video of dog being rescued from fast waters | thumbnail image of dog and zoomed out image of dog in water highlighted by red circle

Doggo Amazingly Rescued By Swift Water Response Team After Multiple Failed Attempts (Video)

story about five newborn kittens getting rescued | thumbnail includes two pictures of tiny white kittens

Five Newborn Kittens With Their Umbilical Cords Still Attached Get Rescued And Find Warm Forever Home

story about a kitten coming up to a woman's porch and getting adopted by a cat | thumbnail includes two pictures including a kitten looking through a door into a house and another of a kitten and a cat looking at one another through a glass door

Kitten Comes Up To Porch Door, Wanting To Get Inside, Ends Up Getting Adopted By Another Cat

story about a stray cat getting rescued | thumbnail includes two pictures of a sick-looking cat

Awwdorable Tabby Cat Survives Street Life, Seeks Simple Living Indoors

video of a man keeping a grocery store lobster as a pet | thumbnail includes a picture of a lobster with its claws tied

Man Decides To Keep Grocery Store Lobster As Pet, Giving It A Second Chance (Video)

story about a dog getting rescued and learning to love humans | thumbnail inldues two pictures one of a dog behind bars and another of a dog smiling

Lonely, Abandoned Dog Learns To Focus Excitement Into Play Through Training and Love

video of wolf waking up | thumbnail cute image of wolf lying down in nature

Critically Cute Wolf Flaunts Her Fierce Wake-up Routine (Video)

story about a pregnant cat getting rescued | thumbnail includes two pictures including a cat hugging a kitten and another of five kittens

Good Samaritans Find An Abandoned And Neglected Pregnant Cat, Give Her A Safe Place To Give Birth

Video of homeless man and rescued dog | thumbnail includes a screenshot of the homeless man and dog 'I've learnt how to give love, more importantly receive it,'

Homeless Man Rescued Mistreated Dog, Now The Dog Rescues Him Back Every Day (Video)

story about a dog getting rescued and learning to love humans | thumbnail inldues two pictures of a dog and puppies

Abandoned Mother Beagle Births 11 Puppies, Finds Foster Home With Dedicated Volunteer

story about a kitten with a clef nose getting rescued | thumbnail includes two pictures of a kitten with a cleft nose

Kitten Born With Two Noses Gets Rescued And Is Given A Second Chance At Life