
2 TikToks and funny comments about a stray cat that broke into a woman's house, got a bath, food, and treats and then left 'A stray cat found a way to get into my house Watch until the end'

Stray Kitten Breaks Into Woman's House, Scores A Warm Bath Then Dips

thread about a woman adopting a fifth kitten | thumbnail includes two pictures including a sick looking kitten and a cat with its tongue out 'FINE, Terri, keep it till we get back, I will take care of this poor thing, but you should know that I will name it after you, and I will enjoy yelling 'Terri, stop pooping in my flowers!!!' maelennfromterokkareu'

Woman Begrudgingly But Lovingly Adopts A Fifth Kitten In A Wholesome Viral Thread

Office Employees Hear Meowing Coming from the Ceiling, Find Several Kittens Stuck and Abandoned in the Vents

Office Employees Hear Meowing Coming from the Ceiling, Find Several Kittens Stuck and Abandoned in the Vents

2 TikToks of a mom cat holding her kittens and funny comments | Thumbnail includes two screenshots of an orange cat holding her grey kittens

Cat Holds On To Her Favorite Kitten For Her Dear Life As The Vet Gets Ready To Examine Them

7 TikToks about a rescued cat named Azula and her overcoming her anxiety | Thumbnail includes a cat in a bed, a cat sleeping, and a cat grooming itself 'The shelter had me sign papers saying she was extremely anxious and hated new places. This is day one. I think she likes me. Azula has been home for a week now and I can confirm this cat does not have anxiety.'

Woman Who Was Warned About Her Rescue Cat Being Extremely Anxious Begs To Differ

A TikTok video of a cat dad helping his cat get down from a high cupboard | Thumbnail includes a cat on a blue cupboard and a man helping the cat get down 'When we first started dating and he said he didn't like cats.. to rescuing a panic crying sucky baby who found a new spot in the house, but couldn't figure out how to get down'

Man Who Used To Hate Cats Rescues His Girlfriend's Cat From The Highest Cupboard In The House

4 TikToks of a woman feeding four stray cats for over a year | Thumbnail includes two cats standing with their paws up against a door, three cats eating out of one bowl, and a cat looking inside a window

Woman Wasn't Able To Adopt Four Stray Cats So They Became Her Feral Pets Instead

Youtube video of a stray cat meowing for help because of her injured foot and then getting the help she needed | Thumbnail includes a stray cat sitting in bushes

Injured Cat Meows Nonstop Until Finally Getting The Medical Attention She Needed (Video)

33 before and after photos of cats that were previously abandoned but then found amazing humans to take care of them and nurse them back to health | Thumbnail includes a before picture of a neglected orange kitten and an after picture of human hugging cat

Power Of Love: 33 Before And After Glow Up Photos Of Cats Post Adoption

story about a mom cat keeping her kittens safe until humans came to rescue them | thumbnail includes two pictures including a cat under a crate and a cat with a few kittens

Cat Mom Keeps Her Kittens Safe Under A Trunk From Rain Until They Are Found And Taken Into A Warm Home

story about a kitten losing his sister and finding anther kitten to spend life with in a shelter | thumbnail includes two pictures including a kitten and another of two kittens side by side

Kitten Who Sadly Lost Its Brother Meets Another Rescued Kitten And Instantly Chooses It For Life

8 TikTok videos about a cage-free cat sanctuary in Minnesota | Thumbnail includes two screenshots from TikTok with a lot of cats 'This is your sign to visit our cage free sanctuary'

Cage-Free Cat Sanctuary Provides Refuge For Cats In Hopeless Situations

A youtube video about a senior cat that got rescued by a lady in France | Thumbnail includes a close up of the rescued orange cat 'geobeats'

Asymmetrical Senior Cat Mike Gets Rescued By Woman Who Was Abandoned As A Baby Herself

story about a shy kitten getting rescued and learning to love humans | thumbnail includes two pictures including a kitten sitting on a woman's shoulder and four kittens in a carrier

Kitten Rescued Alongside His Siblings, Shyest Of The Litter, Turns Out To Be A Huge Cuddle-Bug

A short video of someone helping a stray kitten with their inflamed eye | Thumbnail includes a screenshot from the video with the mother cat observing as the human helps her kitten

Stray Mommy Cat Says Thank You To Human For Treating Her Kittens Inflamed Eye

An article with 4 Tiktoks about a cat that was rescued from the streets | Thumbnail includes three screenshots with an orange cat 'FaceTimeing Santa to tell him to change my address the dumpster to my forever home this year: Her first cuddle of being rescued  Wants cuddles and pets regularly now My feral kitten after one year'

The Story Of Nala: From Feral Feline To TikTok Sensation Paying Her Bills