
video of three leopard cubs playing around in a rehabilitation center | thumbnail includes two pictures including a cub being fed and two cubs playing

3 'Spicy' Leopard Cubs Get Rescued, Play Fun Enrichment Games In Preparation For Release Into The Wild (Video)

13 screeshots from a Twitter thread where people posted pictures of their rescue cats along with stories of how their cats found them | Thumbnail includes a picture of a tiny kitten reaching out to a young girl and a picture of an adult cat laying on a couch with its tummy up 'Ours basically reached out and shook hands, mine tried to climb onto my shoulder from a cat tree'

Floofproof Guide On How To Get Adopted From Fellow Rescue Cats (Cat Tax Included)

Rescued Senior Cat Steals Our Hearts With His Signature Chubby Cheeks and Musky Meow

Rescued Senior Cat Steals Our Hearts With His Signature Chubby Cheeks and Musky Meow

Original I Can Has Cheezburger story about stray kitten rescued and adopted | thumbnail includes two pictures of -the kitten prior to care and after he was released from the incubator

Sick And Lonely Kitten Gets Rescued, Survives Against All The Odds, And Looking For Purrfect Forever Home

A Youtube video about a wobbly kitten named Grasshopper that was adopted by his fosterers | Thumbnail includes a picture of a young girl laying on a couch with a blue blanket over her and a cat laying on top of her chest, thumbnail also includes a picture of a large brown dog cuddling with a small grey kitten

Wobbly Foster Kitten Falls In Love With Every Member Of The Family And Gets Adopted (Video)

12 screenshots from a Reddit thread where people discuss heartwarming moments of when their cats first started showing signs of trust | Thumbnail includes a picture of a white torti cat sleeping on a woman's shoulder 'My wife use to rescue feral cats and adopting out those that could be socialised. She kept those that couldn't. It took a lot of time, patience, and love before they would trust us. But that moment when they first come up to you to cuddle and fall into a deep, totally relaxed'

Overwhelmingly Heartwarming Stories Of Adopted Cats Showing First Signs Of Trust

Original I Can Has Cheezburger story about hotel living cat rescued and reunited with owner | thumbnail includes two pictures of cat after surgery and with original owner

Long-Lost Cat With Severely Broken Tail Rescued And Reunited With Family

Original I Can Has Cheezburger story about paralyzed kitten who has humans rally around her to deliver her to care and safety | thumbnail includes two pictures of her airplane journey and scooting around in her Lego cart

Rescue Effort For Paralyzed Cat Restores Faith In Humanity As She Now Scoots Around In A Lego Wheelchair

imgur thread about two kittens getting rescued and adopted at different times | thumbnail includes three pictures including a kitten with injured eyes a kitten on the road and two kittens cuddling

Kind Person Rescues Two Unhealthy Kittens From The Streets And Creates A Wholesome Little Forever Home

Tiny Ginger Kitten Rescued After Hiding for Several Days Under a Family’s Deck in the Countryside

Tiny Ginger Kitten Rescued After Hiding for Several Days Under a Family’s Deck in the Countryside

20 screenshots from a Twitter thread where people post photos of their cats as kittens versus now as adults | Thumbnail includes a picture of a tiny kitten in a human's palm and a photo of the same kitten after it's grown a bit 'started from the bottom now we here'

20 Pictures Of Cats That Started From The Bottom (Streets) But Made It To The Top (Bed Sheets)

A Youtube video about a woman who after 6 months of recovering from a stroke goes back to fostering kittens because it gives her life purpose | Thumbnail includes a picture of a woman in a hospital wearing a mask and a robe and a picture of a tiny premature black kitten

6 Months Post Stroke, Woman Is Finally Able To Foster Kittens Again, Says It Gives Her Purpose (Video)

Original I Can Has Cheezburger story about - spicey cat getting attention she needs to get adopted to a great home - | thumbnail includes two pictures of - cat shaved like lion walking around and cat shaved like lion sitting in a bed a looking somewhat inquisitive

'Spicy' Cat Gets A Funky Haircut To Remove Matting, Immediately Finds Relief And Starts Opening Up

12 screenshots from a Twitter thread where people share photos of cats that they adopted from PetSmart | Thumbnail includes a screenshot of a white cat sunbathing 'Not many know, when I was adopted 8 years ago from petsmart, I was one of two cats there and I was on clearance for 50% off. CLEARANCE!'

People Show Pictures Of Their PetSmart Cats That Cost Them Almost Nothing But Are Now Priceless

Original I Can Has Cheezburger story about -big cat as a social butterfly - | thumbnail includes two pictures of - cat sitting and acting cool and eating food from a red bowl

A 'Social Butterfly' Chonky Cat Has Sadly Been Rehomed Multiple Times And Is Seeking Her Forever Home

Original I Can Has Cheezburger story about a stray cat rescued no undergoing a battery of medical exams to get better | thumbnail includes two pictures of the extent of her injuries and how much she enjoys being cared for by humans

Concerned Citizen Brings A Sweet Injured Cat To Safety, Helping Her Persevere Despite Her Many Medical Issues