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A Youtube video about a pregnant cat that adopted her own hoomans which later helped her birth her kittens | Thumbnail includes a picture of a man and a tabby cat and a picture of a cat nursing her kittens

Pregnant Stray Cat Adopts Hoomans That Later Help Her Birth And Nurse Her Kittens (Video)

Good for her
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'Babe, come home': Cat Calls for His Pregnant Partner Through a Stranger's Window to Return to Him, a Modern Love Story

'Babe, come home': Cat Calls for His Pregnant Partner Through a Stranger's Window to Return to Him, a Modern Love Story

Ro-meow and Juliet
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imgur viral thread about an injured mom cat going through tough labor and giving birth | thumbnail includes a picture of a cat cuddling a newborn kitten 'The next baby got stuck in the birth canal... I called the emergency vet and took her to the hospital.  A stuck baby is an emergency for the mama cat and other babies in her belly kittycrazy88'

Injured Pregnant Street Cat Gets Rescued, Goes Through A Difficult Labor, But Thankfully, There's A Happy Ending

It was hard, but she stayed strong <3
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thread about a pregnant cat getting adopted and giving birth | thumbnail includes two pictures including a bunch of kittens and a cat holding a bunch of kittens 'So...one day my husband was taking out the trash and this cute Lil thing just came right up to him and was begging for pets... She followed him home and wouldn't leave our porch! She adopted us pretty quickly... SURPRISE! HERE'S SIX KITTENS mindlessmichelle'

Sweet Cat Comes Up To Human, Asks For Help, Adopts Her Chosen Human, Then Unexpectedly Gives Birth To 6 Kittens

Twists and turns but with the happiest ending.
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viral imgur thread about rescuing a cat who turns out to be pregnant and adopting one of the babies | thumbnail includes two pictures including a pile of kittens and a kitten sitting on a woman's chest 'A friend contacted me about a super friendly cat who was dumped near her farm, asking if I'd help find her a home. 2 days later I realized she was preggo crlast86'

Woman Rescues Cat Who Turns Out To Be Pregnant, Immediately Foster Fails And Adopts One Of The Kittens

We would have become foster failures too with such cuties.
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A YouTube video about a cat that was obsessed with her hooman's baby bump and is now obsessed with the baby | Thumbnail includes a kitten laying on a human belly bump and a cat laying with a baby

Kitten Was Obsessed With Her Hooman's Belly Bump, Now She's Obsessed With Her Little Sister (Video)

Their bond grows and strengthens every single day
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4 TikToks about a Bengal cat, her kittens, and their human | Thumbnail includes a mom cat laying on a white bed with her kittens and giving away one kitten to her human and a tiny kitten being fed out of a bottle by a human '*handle with care His little paws 🥺'

Cat That Just Gave Birth Trusts Her Hooman To Bottle Feed Her Kittens

The purrfect relationship
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6 TikToks of a pregnant cat named Ellie | Thumbnail includes two photos of Ellie and an x-ray of her belly 'POV: Every night I stay up and watch her belly'

6-Month-Old Kitten Goes In To Be Spayed, Ends Up Announcing Her Pregnancy Via TikTok

There's a bun in the oven
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twitter thread about a bunch of people rescuing pregnant cats and adopting them and their babies | thumbnail includes a picture of a cat cuddling a bunch of kittens and one tweet 'Cat - www Frances and Family @francesandfam 8 months ago I brought Frances inside. 2 days later she gave birth. I never thought I could ever love anything as much as I love them. 6 cats was never part of my plans but I wouldn't trade them for anything in the whole world. Thank you for helping us all stay a family.'

Twitter Thread: Adopting Pregnant Cats And Wholesome Stories Of People Keeping Their Babies Too

Adopting whole feline families <3
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viral imgur thread about a cat unexpectedly giving birth on Easter | thumbnail includes two pictures of a mom cat lying with a bunch of newborn kittens 'Surprise Easter kittens! kittycrazy88'

In An Awwdorble Surprise, Cat Gives Birth During Easter, Goes Viral And Takes Over Everyone's Hearts

Going viral over and over and over again.
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3 pictures of a white and gray kitten that may be pregnant, 7 Reddit comments from thread discussing if the cat is pregnant or not | thumbnail features text that say "Is this cat pregnant or she's just gaining weight? She used to be skinny just month ago" and behind the text are two images of the cat, the left image is the white and gray striped cat standing on dirt and the right image is the white and gray striped cat eating kibble off the ground

Is This Stray Cat Pregnant or Just Fat? A Wholesome Reddit Thread We All Could Learn From

Is There A Doctor on Board?
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story about a couple fostering a pregnant cat | thumbnail includes a picture of a cat with four kittens sucking it 'Yesterday my wife asked me how I'd feel about fostering a pregnant cat for a few weeks while she gave birth to and raised kittens. I was kinda busy so I mumbled "Sure, that would be cool someday." Well, I was greeted this afternoon by a very pregnant cat. I guess today is someday. Wish us luck. u/JephriB' 'Jade, the pregnant foster cat my wife brought home as a 'surprise' last'

The Wholesome Journey Of Fostering A Pregnant Cat And Helping Her Birth The Kittens

'It looks like the cat we were fostering ran out of ink as she formed these kittens.'
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story about a pregnant cat getting rescued | thumbnail includes two pictures including a cat hugging a kitten and another of five kittens

Good Samaritans Find An Abandoned And Neglected Pregnant Cat, Give Her A Safe Place To Give Birth

They took her into their own home <3
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story about a dog getting rescued and learning to love humans | thumbnail inldues two pictures of a dog and puppies

Abandoned Mother Beagle Births 11 Puppies, Finds Foster Home With Dedicated Volunteer

Yes, 11 of them.
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Story about a pregnant cat showing up with her two kittens at a person's doorstep and waiting to be rescued | thumbnail includes two pictures including a cat and kittens in front of a glass door and a kitten lying on someone's lap

Pregnant Cat Waits At A Door With Her Two Kittens, Asking The Humans Inside For Help

Two kittens and an unexpected extra surprise in her belly.
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stories of Pregnant Stray Cats Finding Forever Homes | thumbnail includes tweet from twitter saying 'A few days ago I fed this cat. Then she disappeared and suddenly appeared with her kitten'

Twitter Thread: Pregnant Stray Cats Finding Forever Homes

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