I Can Has Cheezburger? Newsletter


collection of pet adoption stories from cheezburger users thumbnail includes a picture of a tiny kitten cuddling with a huge dog '"I got a message from a friend saying they had found an abandoned kitten on the side of the road. He... had both eyes matted shut from infection, and one eye severely swollen. I spent all the money I had at the time ($300) to get his eye removed to save his life. He is about to be 4 now, and he has never and will never want for food or love ever again. Cayden is my b'

Cheezburger Users Share Their Pets' Wholesome Adoption Stories

Share yours too!
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story about identical looking horse pony and dog being friends thumbnail includes a picture of a horse a pony and a dog with black spots on white fur standing in order of height with their owner and a little girl

Horse, Pony And Dog With Identical Spots Are BFFs

Not all BFFs look the same... but these ones do!
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wholesome tumblr animal posts thumbnail includes two pictures of a tiny fox including one where it's standing by someone's leg and another where it's biting someone's leg 'Human - onlylolgifs baby arctic fox tries to eat a man alive ambrena tag your extreme horror please Source: lolgifs.net #gif 1,230,147 notes ...'

Wholesome Tumblr Posts For A Wholesome End To The Week

Only wholesome, only positive, only animals.
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collection of the most positive animal news stories of December 2020 thumbnail includes two pictures including one of a dog with prosthetic hind legs wearing a medal and another of two tiny possums sitting on someone's fingers

Thirty Most Positive Animal News Stories Of December

Only good news.
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collection of the most positive animal news stories of 2020 thumbnail includes a smiling man surrounded by dogs and a roaring baby mountain lion | To remind everyone that 2020 wasn't all bad.

Forty Most Positive Animal News Stories Of 2020

To remind everyone that 2020 wasn't ALL bad.
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collection of wholesome and positive tumblr posts about animals thumbnail includes two pictures including a tiny worm on someone's hand shedding its skin and another of a tiny worm with its skin shed 'Finger - mysoulonfleek This little lizard jumped on me and started rubbing on my fingers. After some time I realized he was getting rid of his old skin. Mr. Tiny Lizard choosed me to be his "helping-hand" in this important Stage of his life and I feel very honored the-inferno-within This is so fuc'

Positive Tumblr Animal Posts For a Positive Week

Positivity and nothing else!
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story about a rescued dog travelling the world that is helping others rescue other dogs thumbnail includes two pictures including a dog and a man in the desert and another of a man holding up two puppies and a dog behind him

Rescued Dog Travels The World Helping Rescue Other Dogs

Most pawsitive story of most positive doggos.
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wholesome and positive tumblr posts about dogs thumbnail includes one tumblr post 'Text - ryoubakvra most blessed social interaction of the day? there was a dog in the car next to me at a stop light and his owner noticed me cooing over him so she rolled the window down and i rolled mine down and she shouted "HIS NAME IS CHECKERS!" and i said "HI CHECKERS!" and checkers, that amazingly good boy, lit up like a christmas tree and wagged his beautiful tail Source: ryoubakvra 189,896 notes'

Tumblr Dog Positivity And Nothing Else

doggo pawsitivity
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collection of wholesome and positive tumblr cat posts thumbnail includes one short tumblr thread 'Text - got-stars-in-your-eyes My husband and I are surprising our 6 year old by taking him to Disney for his b-day tomorrow. We've been in the car for 4+ hours and he still thinks we are on our way home from school. He keeps saying "looks like we're almost home!" Bless his heart. got-stars-in-your-eyes Update: we arrived to Disney World, he thinks we tooka wrong turn and is very concerned about who'

Wholesome Cats And Tumblr Make A Perfect Match

only positivity - tumblr style
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collection of wholesome and uplifting dog tweets thumbnail includes a picture of a man holding up a huge rescue dog with one hand and hanging up Christmas lights with the other hand 'Blue - A T DomesticGoddess T A @Domesti75300137 A rescue dog's first Christmas'

Wholesome Dog Tweets For Some Needed Positivity

get ready for them feeeeels
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pictures of dogs smiling thumbnail includes two pictures including one of a dog smiling slyly and another of a dog grinning ridiculously right at the camera

Wholesome Boost Of Sunday Joy With Silly Smiling Doggos

you thought dogs can't smile? think again.
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motivational uplifting art animals quotes message artist illustrations beautiful positivity kindness aww inspiring | okay if not where want be yet s already impressive far Lutest Kate COME. giant squid | going make through okay Latest Kate fox

Lastest Animal Movitational Art By Artist Kate Allan

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wholesome doggo dogs funny cute lol aww animals uplifting positive | Sookie and Ivy @sookieandivy no rain can stop my shine dog_rates cute dog pit bull wearing a blue raincoat | jacks @packiejam if could just have moment ur time show u this poodle in front of a greenhouse pushing a cart filled with plants

Mega Doggo Collection For A Fantastic Week

Wholesome and funny
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Body positivism

tumblr thread paulinqe the thicker your thighs are the more kittens can lay on your lap this is the body positivity post i've been waiting for. slaps thighs these bad boys can hold up to 20 kittens
Via Cats On Catnip
pokemon positivity inspirational cute

Pokémon Positivity For Those Who Need It

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