
23 pictures of cats and text | Thumbnail includes two pictures of cats and one picture of text including 'From pregnant stray to indoor queen of the castle!'

Pregnant kitty gets saved from life on the streets by kind person, she transforms from scared stray to confident mom with her litter of cute kittens: 'She [is] an amazing mom!'

Pigeon Befriends Pregnant Black Cat and Attempts to Make a Nest for Her, Animal Wholesomeness Ensues

Pigeon Befriends Pregnant Black Cat and Attempts to Make a Nest for Her, Animal Wholesomeness Ensues

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Update: 'TULIP LIVES': Fragile feline defies the odds, surviving a second heart surgery after getting abandoned in the woods

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Sweetheart kitten meowraculously uninjured after a freeway accident, then gets saved up by a passerby, turning an afternoon of car trouble into a heroic feline rescue: ‘He couldn’t just leave him’

Heartbroken Grandmother Who Lost Her Beloved Cat During the Palisades Fire Rejoices When They Get Reunited 2 Months Later: ‘You resilient beauty!’

Heartbroken Grandmother Who Lost Her Beloved Cat During the Palisades Fire Rejoices When They Get Reunited 2 Months Later: ‘You resilient beauty!’

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Fiddy the stray cat delivers flowers daily to her favorite hooman, who later discovers she’s pregnant and helps her kittens find furever homes

'How will they survive in the rain?': Scared stray mama cat refuses to allow hooman to take her kitten in, hooman persists, leading to the awwdorable adoption of the furry family

'How will they survive in the rain?': Scared stray mama cat refuses to allow hooman to take her kitten in, hooman persists, leading to the awwdorable adoption of the furry family

13 pictures of animals and text, 10 pictures of text, and 1 video of animals | Thumbnail includes one picture of a cat including '14 M She adopted a kitten so her dog would have a friend', one picture of a cat and dog, one picture of a cat and dog including 'form of a little tuxedo cat.', and one picture of text including 'Kitten cures mastiff sister's mystery illness'

Pawrent adopts bold kitten to help heal her doggo’s mystery illness, their fuzzy friendship helps the doggo recover and they form the purrfect family: ‘So much trust between this tiny kitten and 120 lb. mastiff’

23 pictures of cats and text | Thumbnail includes two pictures of a black cat and one picture of text including 'Neighbors dumped this sweet girl when they moved. Looks like I've got a new cat now.'

Family moves out and leaves their sassy black cat behind, kind neighbor steps up and rescues the wholesome house panther: ‘She loves her new life’

‘Welcome home’: Sweet couple visit animal shelter to adopt a cat, only to discover there is only one left, they immediately take the fluffy feline to her furever home

‘Welcome home’: Sweet couple visit animal shelter to adopt a cat, only to discover there is only one left, they immediately take the fluffy feline to her furever home

26 pictures of cats and text | Thumbnail includes one picture of cats

Guy finds 19 cute cats on his farm after discovering it is a popular place to dump "unwanted" pets, he adopts them all: '[Mice] and gophers no longer a problem'

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Fantastical Feline Funnies That Add a Scratch of Whimsy to Being a Cat Mom or Dad

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Cat-whispering toddler goes viral, sneaking cheese to his feline best friend and getting caught on video by a proud mom: 'You're so sweet, Bubba'

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Butterscotch, the orange floof, steals the heart of a skeptical husband, turning him into a cat person one cuddle at a time: 'I wouldn't give her up for anything'

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Cat rescuer fights back when a wacko neighbor tries to steal the kitten she saved, claiming that 'Tuna' was theirs all along, feline stays with the family that chose her: ‘This cat is my soul animal’

video of an injured bobcat being rescued then becoming a foster mom to a bunch of other bobcat kittens | thumbnail includes one picture of a fully grown bobcat surrounded by bobcat kittens

'She takes those kittens in as if they are her absolute own': Rescued bobcat who cannot be released into the wild becomes the best foster momma, raising every kitten who needs a mom