
13 tweet text based images about cat as artists | thumbnail left torn up toilet paper on roll "choosing to see my cat as an artist Bowie Bernstein-Morrow (b. 2020) A Shred of Dignity, 2021 Mixed media on drywall"

Twitter Thread: Choosing To See Cats As Artists Instead Of Mischief Makers

story about a cat who always looks sad | thumbnail includes two pictures of a sad looking kitten with a genetic condition

Kitten With Rare Condition Who Always Looks Sad Becomes A Total Cuddle Monster

15 dog memes | thumbnail dog meme left burden heavy "me the burden of having the hottest most iconic friends" thumbnail right "me: okay time to sleep my brain: Top So mistaker DVD made You've"

Nothin But Doggos: 15 Mood Lifting Memes For A Better Day

video of rare white albino buffalo calf | thumbnail image of white albino calf

Super Rare Strikingly Beautiful Albino Buffalo Calf Born In India (Video)

twitter thread spider getting smooshed | thumbnail tweet "my parents are fighting bc my mom letting big spider live kitchen window bc he's "perfect halloween" and my dad killed "

Twitter Thread: Husband Disposes Of Window Spider That Wife Thought Was 'Perfect For Halloween'

24 animal memes and tweets | thumbnail left gecko meme you mess with gecko you get a pecko thumbnail right cat tweet "don't talk to me or my son or my sons son or my sons sons son ever again"

24 Animal Memes And Tweets For Laughs And Good Vibes

a collection of posts about cats | thumbnail includes a picture of a kitten sprawled out over a tired man 'How are you supposed to get up when this happens? u/JayToThePop'

Cat Medley: Cuteness Galore, Funnies, Rescues, And Appreciation

18 pictures of cute spider | thumbnail left red background grey fuzzy spider, thumbnail right spider sitting in leaf cute

18 Cute Spiders To Help Change Your Perception About These Furry Legged Critters

video of a group of cheetah cubs meeting another group of cheetah cubs | thumbnail includes a picture of five cheetah cubs looking at a carrier with a cheetah cub poking its head out of it

Totally Not Scared Rescued Cheetah Cubs Make Friends With More Cheetah Cubs (Video)

list of thread dogs taking care of humans | thumbnail text "I was reading a book the other night and a character I was really invested in died. I know it's pathetic but I was sobbing away and my wee girl jumped onto my chest, licked my face and kept butting me with her head. She wouldn't leave my side for hours. We don't deserve dogs"

Heartwarming Instances Of Dogs Taking Care Of Their Humans And Not The Other Way Around

video of dog who independently takes public transportation | thumbnail image of dog on ferry "Boji is a regular commuter on Istanbul's public transport"

Stray Dog Becomes A Regular On Istanbul's Public Transport, Goes Viral (Video)

50 pictures of animals in costumes | thumbnail left frog with wizard costume, thumbnail right horse with harry potter costume

50 Spectacular Animals Decked Out In Their Halloween Best

40 images of angry animals | thumbnail left angry duckling thumbnail right three angry chickens looking at camera

40 Angry Animals Who Have Had Enough But Still Look Adorable

 photos of incredible animals before and after being adopted | thumbnail includes two photos of a stray cat, before and after adoption

Power Of Love: Before And After Adoption Glowups

pics of the cutest animals of the week | thumbnail includes a picture of a puppy 'this little guy welcomed himself into my house the other day, I took him back over to the neighbors. Well, this morning he came back and I asked if I could buy him and they just gave him to me lol. If anyone has an idea of the breed please let me know. u/lsqueakerzl'

Time To Take In The Weekly Dose Of Cute (#156)

video of meerkat pups | thumbnail three meerkat pups in sandy area

Awwdorable Meerkat Pup Trio Born At Dubbo Zoo (Video)