
12 images and videos of cat with fur pattern of mustache | thumbnail left close up hamilton face, thumbnail right hamilton cat laying on pillow looking at camera

Hipster Cat With Fur Mustache Blesses Social Media With His Existence

video of a bear who missed his human friend gently sucking on his hand | thumbnail includes a picture of a bear placing its snout in a person's palm

Bear Who Missed His Human Friend Gives Him Gentle Blubbering Kisses (Video)

sad man asks the internet to cheer him up by showing photos of their pets, people oblige | thumbnail includes

Internet Bands Together To Cheer Up Man Using Wholesome Photos Of Fur Babies

pictures of firefighters saving cats from burning buildings | thumbnail includes two pictures of firefighters rescuing cats from fires

23 Heartwarming Pictures Of Firefighters Rescuing Cats

16 fuzzy moth pictures |

Heckin' Fuzzy Moths That Could Replace Your Old Teddy Bear

12 pictures and videos of sakamoto anime cat | thumbnail cat animated pink scarf big eyes, "it's sakamoto san to you"

Talking Anime Cat Demands Respect: Sakamoto-san From My Ordinary Life

14 dog snaps | thumbnail dog snap dog laying on legs of man, thumbnail right dog with shark costume on beach

Doggo Snaps Of Pawsitivity And Good Vibes

video of sloth crossing the road with help from human | thumbnail sloth at edge of road with human behind him attempting to help

Three Toed Sloth Attempts To Cross Street, Gets Help From Friendly Human (Video)

10 videos of animals being jerks | thumbnail left cat reaching for sandwich, thumbnail right two hummingbirds one pushing the other's face into birdbath

10 Videos Of Jerk Animals With No Regard For Rules Being Total A-holes

video of an elk being freed from a tire stuk around its neck for years

Elk Freed From Tire Stuck Around Its Neck for Years (Video)

viral imgur thread about a senior declawed cat who got adopted on Halloween | thumbnail includes two pictures including a curled up black cat and a black cat hiding in a cupboard '"She was declawed in her youth, poor baby. I can’t put her claws back, but I give her good foods and play with her and love her like any human family member LovesToSpooge517'

Thread: Declawed Senior Black Cat Gets Adopted And The Shenanigans Never Stop

posts of animals newly adopted this week | thumbnail includes a picture of a curled up kitten 'A poor old lady next to the supermarket was begging people to take this little baby home because she can’t afford to take care of both her mother and the kitten. I couldn’t resist! u/LyingKnee'

20 Heartwarming Stories Of Pets Who Found A Furrever Home

20 cat memes | thumbnail left cat jumping "and lift off" thumbnail right few cats sitting on kitchen table staring at light "Give us strength 'Oh Mighty Light

Top 20 Memes of The Week - Cheezburger Users Edition #213

video of whale nudging paddleboarder | thumbnail picture of whale nudging paddleboarder

Whale Gently Pushes Paddleboarder Right Along Open Waters With Fin (Video)

20 mischievous cats stealing | thumbnail left cookie with paw, thumbnail right cat with piece of bread in mouth

Kleptomaniac Kittehs Stealing Anything They Can Get Their Paws On

video of cat themed parody song | thumbnail animated cat with text "oh when you fill my dish, and scratch my ears, you give me everything I need"

Cat Parody Song: All I Need / Knead (Video)