
21 photos and stories of senior cats | Thumbnail includes a photo of three kittens and a photo of a woman holding three senior cats 'how it started vs. how it's going...16 years later'

Paying Respects To Our Senior Citizens With A Series Of 21 Senior Cat Stories And Photos

imgur thread about rescuing a mentally abused cat and introducing it to another cat | thumbnail includes two pictures including a closeup of a cat and two cats sitting next to one another 'Having been bullied by another male cat in her previous home, she felt uneasy near him. She seemed like she anticipated an attack every time she saw him. We kept them completely seperated for about 2 weeks and tried to introduce each scent to the other... It didn't really work Starkimarm'

Gently Introducing A Nervous Kitty Who Was Neglected And Scared In Her Previous Home To A New Cat (Thread)

21 cat memes | thumbnail left the simpsons meme cat "annoying the cat again, of course not" thumbnail right small kitten seated on top of telephone meme

Silly, Scrumptious, And Supurrb Cat Memes For A Better Day

collection of newly adopted cats | thumbnail includes a picture of a black cat 'This cat showed up outside my house, pregnant. I caught her and brought her to the Humane Society so her and the babies would be safe (lots of loose dogs and coyotes in my neighborhood) She had her babies and went up for adoption, so I went back and adopted her. We call her little mama. u/125491'

18 Wholesome Cats Adoption Stories From Around The Web

20 lolcat memes | thumbnail left im the before version, small and large siamese cat, thumbnail right "is it really stealing if your human doesn't yell no" cat stealing bread with meat

Top 20 Cat Memes of The Week - Cheezburger Users Edition #250

15 screenshots from Reddit about a senior cat that demands to be spooned every night before bed | Thumbnail includes a photo of a man cuddling a cat in bed and a photo of a cat sticking its tongue out 'My senior cat won't let me sleep unless I spoon him every night'

Senior Cat Refuses To Fall Asleep Unless His Hooman Spoons Him Before Bed

12 cat tweets | thumbnail left cat with shaved boots paws, thumbnail right cat hugging human hand affectionate

12 Supurrb Cat Tweets For A Caterrific Sunday

video tiger cubs born of endangered species | thumbnail siberian tiger with cubs

Fiercely Feline: Critically Endangered Siberian Tiger Cubs Born (Video)

32 photos of cats before and after they were adopted | Thumbnail includes a photo of a kitten when he was just found and a photo of the same cat a year after laying on a bed healthy 'Lil' Weezy found us in our garage one stormy night, what a difference a year makes.'

Power Of Love: 32 Photos Of Cats Before And After They Were Adopted (June 29, 2022)

video of kitten cleaning toebeans  | thumbnail image of kitten cleaning toe beans

Silly Kitten Sits In All Sorts Of Cute Positions While Aggressively Cleaning His Toe Beans (Video)

14 images of cats in sinks | thumbnail left cat curled up in sink, thumbnail right black cat sitting up in sink staring at camera "cats in sinks"

Cool Cats Comfortably Relaxing In Their Kitchen Sinks

viral thread about a family adopting three kittens | thumbnail includes two pictures including one of two kittens and a cat and another of a kitten 'We adopted a whole litter, luckily it was only 3 kittens, all ladies... Much more than we were planning on, but we found we just couldn't split these best friends up Awar'

Family Adopts A Whole Litter Of Kittens, Shenanigans Immediately Ensue (Viral Thread)

A Youtube video about a man who had a foster fail with the first cat he fostered and then became obsessed with fostering | Thumbnail includes a screenshot of a man on the computer and a cat laying near him looking at the camera 'I've fostered 18 cats'

Man Who Was Never A 'Pet Person' Fosters One Cat And Becomes Obsessed With Fostering (Video)

tumblr thread about cats meeting their humans at the door when they come back home | thumbnail includes one tumblr post 'Font - thenearsighted micror... Follow If you have a little cat. And you come home, from outside. Remember this: they cannot ask you questions in the way another human can. And you cannot tell them things the way you can amswer another human. So when they sniff you. And you let them sniff you. That's them asking about your day. #cats #text post #its true. #posts by ME'

Tumblr Thread: Wholesome Moments Of Cats Greeting Their Humans At The Door As A Sign Of Love

video of a little girl going on a walk with a cat and two dogs | thumbnail includes a picture of a girl holding a cat on a leash and two huskies in the background

Awwdorable Girl Takes A Giant Cat On A Walk Along With Two Huskies (Video)

11 images cats photoshopped cloaks | thumbnail image of lord of the ring cast with two cloaked cats photoshopped into image

Purrfect Image Of Cats Cosplaying Lord Of The Rings Gets Creatively Photoshopped