
original ICanHasCheezburger story about two kittens looking for a forever home | thumbnail includes two pictures including a kitten and another of two kittens

Kittens Dropped Off At Local Shelter Waiting To Grow Bigger So They Can Play With The Big Cats

A listicle with facebook comments about people's foster fail experiences with cats | Thumbnail includes a screenshot of a facebook comment on a blue background 'My other foster fail was also from a batch of kittens I fostered. All the siblings were adopted except him. He had more white than the others especially tips of ears, so a number of people said they worried about him getting skin cancer, another person said he was too ugly to adopt. So I kept him. He ended up growing into a stunning'

Foster Fail Stories From Our Favorite People: The ICanHas Community

10 tweets, student calls teacher feral cat | thumbnail  blue background tweet text "Me: So my husband -- First grader: You have a husband? Me: I do, the whole time you've known me. First grader: Oh. I always thought you were feral. Me: Er, do you mean 'single'? First grader: Whatever the word is that you use for stray cats"

Twitter Thread: First Grade Teacher Gets Mistaken For Feral Cat In Adorable Exchange With Student

12 cat tweets | thumbnail left drawing black cat by min zhan, thumbnail right cat with several phone cameras taking pictures "the price of beauty"

This Week's Most Supurrb Cat Tweets (July 8, 2022)

original ICanHasCheezburger story about a senior cat looking for a forever home | thumbnail includes two pictures including a cat with a funny face and a cat inside a cat tree

Senior Cat Looking For Furrever Home Reveals His Big Purrsonality To Humans

12 pictures of cats with big ears | thumbnail three panel images cats with large ears

Ears For Days: Cool Cats Show Off Their Big, Floppy, Adorable Ears

video of calico cat fiending for lettuce | thumbnail image of calico cat eating lettuce

Mochi The Calico Goes Wild For Crisp Lettuce Leaves (Video)

12 sphynx tweets | thumbnail image of sphynx cat making bolognese with human woman, twitter "way to wake up on a Saturday is with a photo of a sphynx cat cooking Bolognese."

Sphynx Tweets: Fabulously Hairless Cats Take Over The Twittersphere

15 screenshots of a story about a man who thought he adopted a stray cat but the cat ended up having another owner | Thumbnail includes a photo of a black cat looking at the camera 'I took Tux to the vet to get his microchip placed (a requirement for the move) and when the vet scanned him they found he already had a microchip installed. I was stressed (at this stage I had had him for five years)'

After 5 Years Of Caring For A Rescued Senior 'Stray', Man Finds Out He Had An Owner All This Time

imgur thread about an abused cat running into someone's home and getting adopted | thumbnail includes two pictures including a picture of a kitten on a pile of clothes and a cat in a box 'We were sure we were giving an elderly cat a comfortable place to die in peace... He didn’t die and he wasn’t old. He was an eight month old kitten someone had abused, starved, and thrown away inmyotherpants79'

Previously Abused Kitten Chooses New Humans, Runs Into Their Home, And Gets Adopted (Thread)

collection of cute posts about cats | thumbnail includes two pictures of a cat lying on a field 'Cat randomly came to my house, no chip, and I live in the middle of the wilderness. He has made me extremely happy in my time of need. u/notchyotacos'

Time To Take In The Weekly Dose Of Cute Cats (#189)

A Youtube video about a kitten that was stuck in a car tire and then rescued, fostered, and adopted | Thumbnail includes a kitten stuck in a car tire

Woman Rescues A Tiny Kitten That Was Stuck Inside A Tire And Finds Her A Forever Home (Video)

11 reddit images big cat, op advice | thumbnail image of OP holding long cat in front of him full length, text "Picked up this guy as a kitten and he never stopped growing, he just turned 1! I'm 6 foot 2 for reference. Any chance he's got Maine coon or savannah in him? He's 15 lbs! 6 2"

Cat Owner Turns To Reddit For Insight When His Long Boi Rescue Grows

21 photos and stories of senior cats | Thumbnail includes a photo of three kittens and a photo of a woman holding three senior cats 'how it started vs. how it's going...16 years later'

Paying Respects To Our Senior Citizens With A Series Of 21 Senior Cat Stories And Photos

imgur thread about rescuing a mentally abused cat and introducing it to another cat | thumbnail includes two pictures including a closeup of a cat and two cats sitting next to one another 'Having been bullied by another male cat in her previous home, she felt uneasy near him. She seemed like she anticipated an attack every time she saw him. We kept them completely seperated for about 2 weeks and tried to introduce each scent to the other... It didn't really work Starkimarm'

Gently Introducing A Nervous Kitty Who Was Neglected And Scared In Her Previous Home To A New Cat (Thread)

21 cat memes | thumbnail left the simpsons meme cat "annoying the cat again, of course not" thumbnail right small kitten seated on top of telephone meme

Silly, Scrumptious, And Supurrb Cat Memes For A Better Day