
15 cats on top of heads like hats | thumbnail left orange cat on human's head, thumbnail right cat on top of dog's head like hat

Silly Series Of Cats Who Happen To Double As Hats

A Youtube video about a white cat that was rescued from the streets and after a bath his hair started to stand | Thumbnail includes a picture of a feral cat before he was adopted and a picture of the same cat but now he's clean, white, and fluffy

Dirty Cat Was Nothing But Skin And Bones Until He Got Rescued And Grew Feathers (Video)

24 photos of cats before and after they were adopted | Thumbnail includes a vintage looking picture of a small fluffy cat and a picture of the same cat after he's grown and become much fluffier

Power Of Love: 24 Cats Before And After Adoption (August 24, 2022)

story about a kitten with injured ears getting rescued and adopted | thumbnail includes two pictures including a person holding a kitten and a tiny kitten near a food bowl 'Pennie came into our lives 3 months ago and it’s been a wild ride... She was found in the backyard with her eyes mostly open but ears closed. The vet estimated she was 8 days old. We waited overnight for the mother to return but rocketgnome'

Itty Bitty Abandoned Kitten With Injured Ears Gets Rescued, Makes Amazing Recovery, And Gets Adopted By Rescuers

collection of cute posts about cats | thumbnail includes a picture of a cat on a counter in a glasses shop wearing a pair of colorful glasses 'This is Truffles; she works at a children’s optometrist to help them feel better about wearing glasses. u/PhoneJazz'

Time To Take In The Weekly Dose Of Cute Cats (#196)

A Youtube video about two senior cats that were adopted into a home at different times but fell in love in the end | Thumbnail includes two pictures of an orange/brown cat grooming a white and black fluffy cat

Woman Adopts Two Senior Cats And It Just So Happened That They Fell In Love (Video)

viral imgur thread with information about how to take care of senior cats | thumbnail includes two images of senior cats 'Feline behavior post senior cats adrianontherocks'

Everything Cat Owners Need To Know About How To Take Care Of Senior Felines: Informative Viral Thread

thread about an injured cat getting rescued | thumbnail includes two pictures including two cats outside and one cat lying on its back 'This is Toby, my 2 year old FIV+ cat that I rescued last September from my front porch! He had been coming to my front porch to eat for a months and it was taking a lot of time to gain his trust sevenandahalffrogs'

Injured Street Cat Chooses Humans, Comes To Their Porch For Months And Finally Gets Adopted

stories of cats and their best friends | thumbnail includes a picture of a woman with a shaved head cuddling a cat 'Me. Every time I go back into hospital, after 24 hours she starts screaming at everyone else in the house, doesn't stop until I'm home again lol Jo Kelly'

Wholesome Stories Of Cats And Their Best Friends: ICanHasCheezburger Edition

collection of pictures of tiny kittens | thumbnail includes two pictures including a kitten next to a coke can and a kitten hanging off its cage and screaming

Cutest Kittens Of The Week: 20 Tiniest Fluffiest Criminals

16 cat memes | thumbnail left cat meme looking at shrimp, thumbnail right cat just bite it nike symbol meme black background

A Fresh Litter Of Purrfectly Silly Cat Memes To Meow At This Morning

collection of newly adopted cats | thumbnail includes one picture of a black cat 'my tiny void who was the longest resident at the shelter i adopted her from. a visitor closed the kennel door on her tail (sigh) and she ended up needing surgery which led to some behavioral changes that caused her to be returned 2x. she has now been happily (and sleepily) w me for 3.5 years :’) u/binkbinx'

Meet The Newly Adopted Faces Of The Week (August 19, 2022)

cute cats, hero, heroic, animal rescue, rescue animals, rescue cats, cat, kitten, kittens, rescue story, wholesome, heartwarming, garbage, garbage man, trash truck, humanity

'People are so cruel!': Heroic trash man finds three kittens in the garbage truck compactor and saves them before they get crushed

video of three leopard cubs playing around in a rehabilitation center | thumbnail includes two pictures including a cub being fed and two cubs playing

3 'Spicy' Leopard Cubs Get Rescued, Play Fun Enrichment Games In Preparation For Release Into The Wild (Video)

13 screeshots from a Twitter thread where people posted pictures of their rescue cats along with stories of how their cats found them | Thumbnail includes a picture of a tiny kitten reaching out to a young girl and a picture of an adult cat laying on a couch with its tummy up 'Ours basically reached out and shook hands, mine tried to climb onto my shoulder from a cat tree'

Floofproof Guide On How To Get Adopted From Fellow Rescue Cats (Cat Tax Included)

20 cat tweets | thumbnail image of cat and toddler standing up looking through window " PinkMiruku Cat trying see his lil human potato is looking at RETWEETS LIKES 14,034 12,161 2. Follow"

This Week's Most Supurrb Cat Tweets (August 18, 2022)