
15 before and after photos of cats and kittens post adoption | Thumbnail includes a picture of a half-dead looking cat and a picture of the same cat after he's been rescued and adopted looking healthy and beautiful

Power Of Love: 15 Before And After Photos Of Adopted Cats And Kittens

collection of cute posts about cats | thumbnail includes a picture of a cat with an interesting black and white fur pattern looking up at the camera 'Olive wondering why I was 45 seconds late with her breakfast this morning u/throwawayfeelings7'

Time To Take In The Weekly Dose Of Cute Cats (#198)

A Youtube video about a dog that comes to his cat brother and demands to be cuddled and groomed | Thumbnail includes a picture of an orange cat grooming a yorkie

How The Tables Have Turned: Cat Becomes Server To Doggo (Video)

story about a kitten with a crab eye getting surgery and doing better | thumbnail includes two pictures including someone holding a half-blind kitten with only one eye in their hand and another of a kitten with a crab eye

Tiny Kitten With A Crab Eye Goes Through Surgery And Becomes The Most Majestic One-Eyed Pirate Cat

video of lions reuniting with a man and the man bringing them catnip | thumbnail includes a picture of a man and a lioness headbutting

Loving Lions Reunite With Their Favorite Human After Time Apart, He Brings Them Catnip As A Gift (Video)

26 pictures of cats being cats | thumbnail three panels side by side cats doing random things, upside down, walking on tv

Cool Cats Show Off Their Charisma And Uniqueness By Being Their Cute Little Selves

A Youtube video of 4 Pallas kittens climbing all over their mom and her being incredibly patient | Thumbnail includes a Pallas cat laying on the ground with kittens climbing all over her

Mama Pallas Cat Demonstrates Impeccable Patience As Her Kittens Jump And Climb All Over Her (Video)

collection of newly adopted cats | thumbnail includes one picture of two cats cuddling 'Timmy on the right had his tail cut in half by children, Shani left, was rescued alone with head injury, and is deaf due to it. They were adopted separately from Dubai at 6 and 7 months about two months ago. They both love fighting each other :) u/CheapSid'

Meet The Newly Adopted Faces Of The Week (September 2, 2022)

13 indoor cats going outside looking shocked | thumbnail three panels side by side indoor cats outside

Cautious Indoor Cats Get Their First Taste Of The Great Outdoors And Their Facial Expressions Say It All

15 photos of cats painting on canvases and holding an exhibition | Thumbnail includes a picture of a tabby cat choosing the pain she's going to use for her painting and a picture of another tabby wearing a pizza scarf painting on a canvas

Two Picatsos Put Their Hearts And Souls Into Their Art & Hold An Exhibition For Display

video of a senior cat being taken on a stroll in a carry wagon | thumbnail includes a picture of a cat sitting in a carry wagon

15-Year-Old Super-Senior Cat Goes For A Leisurely Stroll In A Carry Wagon (Video)

22 screenshots from a Twitter thread where people posted photos of their foster fail cats | Thumbnail includes a picture of an african american woman wearing glasses and smiling at the camera with her cat staring at her, thumbnail also includes a picture of two cats sleeping together and cuddling on a couch ''m also a failed foster mom. Luna and I have been rocking together for 10 years! Like how can I not adopt someone that looks at me like this 24/7?! My foster fails..."

22 Foster Fails Who Went From Stray To Stay

A Youtube video about the bond between a woman and her senior cat and their story | Thumbnail includes an old photo of a little girl holding a small white and orange cat and another picture of the same girl and cat except now they're older

Woman Tells A Heartwarming Story Of Her Life Long Cat Companion (Video)

collection of newly adopted cats | thumbnail includes one picture of a kitten 'I got a kitten today! His name is McChicken because I originally left the house for McDonalds, and then came home with a kitten. oops. u/_SetSailForAss'

17 Newly Adopted Faces For A Wholesome Weekend

original ICanHasCheezburger song about foster failing | thumbnail includes a picture of a woman holding a guitar and a cat next to her on a table

A Wholesome Song About The Unbidden Desire To Foster Fail (Video)

15 cats on top of heads like hats | thumbnail left orange cat on human's head, thumbnail right cat on top of dog's head like hat

Silly Series Of Cats Who Happen To Double As Hats