happy ending

twitter thread about a woman rescuing a cat that was supposed to be euthanized | thumbnail includes two pictures including a kitten in someone's palm and a cat sitting on a couch and one tweet 'Cat - haley @feederofcats 6 months ago, a puny cold baby on the brink of death was placed in my hand. i promised him i'd try my best to save him and if it wasn't meant to be, i'd love him til the last moment. 6 months later, he is the absolute terror every kitten should get the chance to become 5:35'

Woman Rescues Kitten That Was Set To Be Euthanized, He Survives And Becomes An 'Absolute Terror' (Twitter Thread)

video of a kitten with a strange lump on its head getting a removal surgery | thumbnail includes two pictures including a kitten with a large lump on its head and a cat with a cone on hooked up to machines

Super Friendly Kitten Born With A Strange Lump On Its Head Gets A Removal Surgery (Video)

video of a cat bringing food to its baby every single day | thumbnail includes one picture of a cat carrying a food bag in its mouth

A Cat Delivers A Bag Of Food To The Same Place Every Single Day: Sweet Story With A Heartfelt Ending (Video)

woman adopts a senior cat, internet convinces her to go back for his sister

Woman Goes Viral for Sitting in the Closet to Comfort Her Frightened Rescued Cat, Viewers Then Convince Her to Also Adopt His Sister

video of a kitten getting rescued by a man | thumbnail includes a picture of a meowing kitten in the snow

Tiny Kitten That Was Abandoned In The Cold Yells Out For Help, Thankfully A Kind Man Rescues It (Video)

20 screenshots from a Twitter thread where people posted photos of their cats that they adopted because their previous owners didn't want them | Thumbnail includes a picture of a white cat sitting on a carpet and a picture of a black cat lounging on a pink/purple flowery chair

One Man's Trash Is Another Man's Treasure: Unwanted And Abandoned Kittens Find A Forever Home

Idaho siamese cat velvet-the-cat stray cat cat-noises kitten Lost Cat happy ending family-cat cute cat kitty Cats cat-rescue found-cat - 1662727

Woman on a Casual Stroll Stumbles Upon Her Family Cat Who Has Been Missing for Six Weeks

video of two tigers getting rescued after being held captive for fifteen years and touching grass for the first time | thumbnail includes two pictures including two tigers in a cage and a tiger panting happily outside

After 15 Years Of Being Stuck In Train Car, 2 Abused Tigers Get Rescued And Touch Grass For First Time (Video)

wholesome viral videos cat adoption kitten cat cafe tragic sweet happy ending kitty heartbreaking Cats loving cat-rescue animals - 1645831

Cat Rescue Shares Video of Heartbroken Kitty in Search for His Furever Home Meowing Out to the Humans Through a Window

story about a kitten with a crab eye getting surgery and doing better | thumbnail includes two pictures including someone holding a half-blind kitten with only one eye in their hand and another of a kitten with a crab eye

Tiny Kitten With A Crab Eye Goes Through Surgery And Becomes The Most Majestic One-Eyed Pirate Cat

wholesome crazy cat lady rescue-cats abandoned-kittens cat lady saved-kittens kitten happy ending viral fur-family cat person Cats - 17791237

'Is this how cat-ladies are made?' Woman saves abandoned kitten from side of the road, a few days later finds four even younger kittens in a pipe

‘She immediately accepted her as her Own!’: Sweet Mama Cat Instantly Takes in Abandoned Cat Found on Someone’s Doorstep

‘She immediately accepted her as her Own!’: Sweet Mama Cat Instantly Takes in Abandoned Cat Found on Someone’s Doorstep

story about a kitten with injured ears getting rescued and adopted | thumbnail includes two pictures including a person holding a kitten and a tiny kitten near a food bowl 'Pennie came into our lives 3 months ago and it’s been a wild ride... She was found in the backyard with her eyes mostly open but ears closed. The vet estimated she was 8 days old. We waited overnight for the mother to return but rocketgnome'

Itty Bitty Abandoned Kitten With Injured Ears Gets Rescued, Makes Amazing Recovery, And Gets Adopted By Rescuers

thread about an injured cat getting rescued | thumbnail includes two pictures including two cats outside and one cat lying on its back 'This is Toby, my 2 year old FIV+ cat that I rescued last September from my front porch! He had been coming to my front porch to eat for a months and it was taking a lot of time to gain his trust sevenandahalffrogs'

Injured Street Cat Chooses Humans, Comes To Their Porch For Months And Finally Gets Adopted

13 screeshots from a Twitter thread where people posted pictures of their rescue cats along with stories of how their cats found them | Thumbnail includes a picture of a tiny kitten reaching out to a young girl and a picture of an adult cat laying on a couch with its tummy up 'Ours basically reached out and shook hands, mine tried to climb onto my shoulder from a cat tree'

Floofproof Guide On How To Get Adopted From Fellow Rescue Cats (Cat Tax Included)

imgur viral thread about an injured mom cat going through tough labor and giving birth | thumbnail includes a picture of a cat cuddling a newborn kitten 'The next baby got stuck in the birth canal... I called the emergency vet and took her to the hospital.  A stuck baby is an emergency for the mama cat and other babies in her belly kittycrazy88'

Injured Pregnant Street Cat Gets Rescued, Goes Through A Difficult Labor, But Thankfully, There's A Happy Ending