happy ending

pictures of cats before and after getting adopted | thumbnail includes two pictures including a dirty white kitten held in someone's hand and a cat biting someone's finger

35 Pictures Capturing The Amazing Transformations That Cats Go Through Before And After Adoption

story about a person who moved with their cat despite their family's protests | thumbnail includes two pictures of a cat sitting on a window ledge seat 'Font - Posted by u/cheesecakecaramel 9 hours ago 2 3 2 2 UPDATE: A few months ago my family told me it was animal ab se to move abroad with my cat (15hours flight). Reddit told me to get my shit together and take her with me. Well, here's Pistachio, happily watching over her new city and proving all my family wrong! Cat Picture'

Despite Family's Advice To Not Move With Their Cat, Reddit User Takes The Cat On The Flight And Proves Family Wrong (Viral Thread)

little girl and shelter kitty are soulmates

'My daughter for whatever reason, went right to this cage': Little girl and sad shelter cat are kindred spirits reunited in wholesome fashion

24 pictures of cats, people and text and 1 video of cats, people, and text | Thumbnail includes five pictures including 'Bicycle - literally came with a cat.', 'Cat - That's how one cat', 'Cat - became two cats,', 'Cat - became three cats, became', and 'Cat - four cats.'

Woman Buys House And Finds Not One, Not Two, But Four Abandoned Cats Left By Previous Owners, Adopts Them All So Everyone Has A Happily Ever After (Pictures & Video)

List of funny and wholesome cat memes | thumbnail includes two pictures including one of two cats staring out a window with text 'Cat - Trent Garrett @trent8612 Just pure wholesome vibes from my loving cats ...' and cat sleeping in a flowerpot 'Flower'

15 Wholesome Cat Stories And Memes To Brighten Up Any Grumpy Boss So That They Cancel The Weekly Meeting

reddit thread about a person sneaking a stray cat from a guard and giving it a home | thumbnail includes one reddit post 'Font - r/AmltheA hole u/TeeEi91.1d Join 1 AITA for sneaking a stray cat away from the security guard at my work? Not the A-hole There is this stray cat at in front of my work, and I have been feeding him for almost 3 weeks now. He is always hungry (judging by the way he hurriedly wolfs down all the food), and he is very affectionate with me and my colleagues. I'

Person 'Sneaks Away' Stray Cat From Security Guard, Guard Gets Angry, Leaves Rescuer Wondering If They Did The Right Thing (AITA)

wholesome rescued-ginger-cat orange-cat happy kitty cute cats wholesome-cat-story happy ending rescued-orange-cat ginger cat Cats - 19726341

Heartless Guy Tries to Put Down Sweet Orange Kitty with No Medical Records Explaining Why, Vet Tech Rescues Him and Finds Him a Furever Home Using TikTok

girl rescues kitten thrown away in the trash, police find the criminals bring justice for the kitten

'I’m so glad this baby is getting justice': Woman finds kitten double bagged in the trash, police discovers criminal's name in that same garbage, culprit gets arrested & justice is served

viral reddit thread about a person adopting a mouse that its cat caught | thumbnail includes two pictures including a cat on its back and a mouse in a cage 'Snow - r/aww 2 days ago by Lindsayls Boring Six months ago my cat caught a mouse and he just...keeps living... so this is Winky. 52K 3 1.7K GIF'

Cat Caught A Blind Mouse But Didn't 'Finish The Job', So The Family Adopted The Mouse And Gave It A Pawsome New life (Viral Thread)

viral reddit thread about a cat getting poisoned and another cat coming to hug and comfort it | thumbnail includes

Someone Cruelly Gives Rat Poisoning To A Cat, His Sweet Adopted Sibling Comes To Comfort Him With Cuddles (Viral Thread)

viral reddit thread about a cat who got shot in the chest and has been living with a pellet in its chest for a year | thumbnail includes one section of a reddit post '3 weeks ago I started fostering this beauty. She's had a tough life, she lived on the streets for around 13 years according to the people of the neighbourhood. She was in a foster home for 8 months before coming to me, but wasn't getting along with the other cats so I took her in. I fell in love instantly with the sassy lady'

Vet Finds A Bullet Stuck In Cat's Chest, Turns Out The Cat Had Been Living With It For At Least A Year (Viral Thread With A Happy Ending)

reddit thread about a 'cat that no one wanted' getting adopted | thumbnail includes one reddit post 'Font - r/cats 20 hr. ago Posted by abbsjanko Tortoiseshell : Adopting the cat that no one wanted In the beginning of November, after years of throwing around the idea, my husband and I decided we were ready to adopt a cat. Working from home and being completely alone the majority of the day was taking a toll on my mental health. So we decided to start looking for a companion. I found Jodi's'

Reddit User Adopts 'The Cat That No One Wanted' And Shares Their Heartwarming Story (Viral Thread)

video of a green cat showing up and people rescuing it | thumbnail includes one picture of a dirty green cat

Green Cat Appears Out Of Nowhere, Rescuers Thankfully Save Him And Go Investigate What Happened (Video)

twitter thread about the Dallas zoo losing a clouded leopard | thumbnail includes one tweet 'Font - Dallas Zoo @DallasZoo The Zoo is closed today due to a serious situation. 6:20 PM - Jan 13, 2023 - 42M Views 11.7K Retweets 5,999 Quote Tweets 198.1K Likes'

Zoo Announces That They Lost A Clouded Leopard In The Funniest Way, The Internet Reacts (Viral Thread With A Happy Ending)

twitter thread about a cat that was eating poison getting rescued | thumbnail includes two pictures including a sad cat and a happy cat lying on its side and getting petted and one tweet 'Cat - PAWSChicago PAWS CHICAGO @PAWSChicago Our team found Tom, sick and alone, and eating rat poison. He'd been living as a stray all 5 years of his life so far, and well...it shows. His survival skills must have been to make friends with every creature he met, because this cat doesn't have a mean'

Friendly Cat Who Was Found Sick, Alone And Eating Poison Gets Rescued And Makes An Amazing Recovery (Twitter Thread)

A Youtube video about an indoor cat that was abandoned and then rescued into a new home | Thumbnail includes a picture of a black and white cat laying on a wooden floor while a human hand wearing a blue plaid shirt pets him

'He had all the signs of an indoor cat who was suddenly forced to try and survive outside in the cold': Abandoned Cat Gets A New Home (Video)