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tumblr thread about rescuing a kitten that was being attacked by raccoons | thumbnail includes one tumblr post 'Font - majoras-skull-kid Follow Not me sitting in a lawn chair with a flashlight and a hockey stick chasing away raccoons from the baby kitten underneath our deck who refuses to come out! Been trying to trap this kitten for 2 days. We were in bed and then I heard a SCREAM so now l'm on the kitten night watch. Chasing away raccoons. I've seen the same one six times now in the last 2.5'

Tumblr Thread: Rescuing A Scared And Sick Feral Kitten From Raccoons

Catching her was difficult, but eventually, she got caught <3
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imgur thread about rescuing a feral cat | thumbnail includes two pictures of a black cat 'I took me 1.5 hrs and a can of tuna to catch her in my jacket. She tore it to shreds then sh*t some nasty black tar all over it. I was ok with that knowing what the Russian lady wanted to do to her. Nobody wanted her and the vet wanted $120 to put her down. I took her home instead 5Toner'

Thread: Rescue Of A Terrified Feral Cat And The Difficulties Of Bonding With It

It was a long process, but it paid off <3
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tumblr thread about a feral pregnant cat finding a forever home | thumbnail includes one tumblr post 'Font - sermna Follow There's a mama cat living in my garage named Felicia. When she first showed up she was almost completely feral. She knew humans dispensed food, and that was about as far as her trust and interest extended for many months. But y'all, she fucked up. She had kittens in my garage last May. She was at my mercy.'

Tumblr Thread: Pregnant Feral Cat Falls In Love With New Forever Home

Became a total cuddle monster <3
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video of a feral cat becoming a couch potato thumbnail includes a picture of a scared-looking cat

Terrified Feral Cat Turns Into Chonkiest Couch Potato (Video)

So wholesome it'll make your heart melt.
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tumblr thread about a cat domesticating herself thumbnail includes two pictures including one of a grey cat snuggling on a person and another of a grey cat bleping 'Organism - tchaikovsgay Follow can y'all believe my cat domesticated herself? how wild is that. she was born in a feral cat colony and was like “fuck this shit, I want to be pampered", invited herself inside and never left. now she gets chicken stuck to her lips and screams till I give her belly scratchies'

Tumblr Thread: Feral Cat Invited Herself In And Never Left

Went in and domesticated herself.
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story about a blind senior feral cat getting rescued thumbnail includes two pictures including one of a blind cat and another of a cat lying down

Feral Blind Senior Cat Gets Adopted, Becomes BFFs With Another Cat

From hardship on the street to a loving forever home.
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viral imgur thread about two feral kittens getting rescued and learning to trust humans thumbnail includes two pictures including one of a scared kitten and another of a kitten showing its belly 'Rain took a bit more convincing. But positive association and lots of exposure to people, and soon River was about that snug life, and Rain came along right after him -straightcreepen'

Two Rescued Kitten Siblings Learning To Trust Humans (Viral Thread)

And they got adopted together!
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viral imgur thread about taming a feral cat thumbnail includes two pictures including one of a scared cat and another of the same cat relaxed 'overall she’s a real goof and it’s hard to tell sometimes that she was born and raised feral for 8 months'

Carefully Getting A Feral Cat To Trust And Love Its Owner

A long journey, but worth it.
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cat rescue blind playing aww cute handsome thor play love youtube video animals feral

Beautiful And Blind Feral Cat Plays For The First Time

Watch Thor play for the first time!
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youtube talking cute feral Cats stray Video animals - 1078022

Sweet Talkative Cat Here To Deliver A Message

"This human is saying something to me." - cat, probably.
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