
viral imgur threads about pumas | thumbnail includes two pictures including a baby puma roaring and a puma chilling 'Today I would like to tell you... facts about the Puma. Unfortunately if you have seen a normal cat then you already know almost everything about them as Pumas are the same but bigger... jonjohnjonjohn'

Thread: Pumas Are The Same As Normal Cats, Just Bigger

viral imgur thread about an animal that has 20,000 teeth | thumbnail includes a picture of a creepy-looking snail with teeth

The Animal With 20,000 Teeth: Informative Yet Funny Viral Thread

viral thread about Echidnas | thumbnail includes a picture of an Echidna 'Meet Edison. He is an baby Echidna, called a puggle. He came out of an egg which his mother Edweena stored in a pouch her belly... The Echidna is the oldest living mammal jonjohnjonjohn'

Viral Thread: The Internet Discovers The Cute Yet Hella Weird Echidnas

collection of funny facts and stories about animals | thumbnail includes a picture of a goat 'Organism - In Nigeria, a goat was arrested and accused of being a person who used magic after an armed robbery. CHEEZ'

12 Funny Animal Facts: Paws To Laugh And Learn

collection of funny facts and stories about animals | thumbnail includes a picture of a guinea pig 'Guinea pig - In 2014, a guinea pig named Randy broke out of his zoo enclosure and impregnated almost 100 females, becoming a father to CANHAS CHEEZ GER over 400 babies.'

13 Funny Animal Facts: Paws To Laugh And Learn

collection of facts about camels | thumbnail includes a picture of a camel 'Camel - Camels can drink up to 40 gallons of water in one sitting. ICANHA CHEEZ BURGER'

Paws For This Week’s Animal Facts: The Camels Said It’s Hump Day

collection of facts about snowy owls | thumbnail includes a picture of a snowy owl 'Bird - Their feet are also covered in feathers, like fuzzy slippers! ICANHAS BURGER'

Paws for this weeks animal facts: Snowy Owl Edition

collection of facts about reindeer | thumbnail includes a picture of reindeer 'Organism - Some reindeer subspecies' knees make a clicking noise when they walk so the pack can stay together in a blizzard. ICANHAS CNEEZ BORGER'

Paws For This Week's Animal Facts: Rudolph The Red-Nosed Caribou

collection of facts about starfish | thumbnail includes a picture of a starfish 'Purple - Sea Stars can regenerate body parts! It can take up to a year for a lost limb to grow back. ICANNAS CHEEZ BURCER'

Paws For This Week's Animal Facts: The Starfish Of The Day

twitter thread about cool things orangutans do | thumbnail includes one tweet 'Font - professional games man @MynachMelyn Replying to @Chinchillazllla Orangutans offer mangoes to pregnant women working in agricultural fields, because in their infinite wisdom and respect they are both able to deduce another species' pregnant appearance and have compassion enough for them to share resources 11:35 PM Dec 12, 2021 - Twitter for Android 531 Retweets 40 Quote Tweets 16K Likes'

Twitter Thread: Stories Of Orangutans Being Loving And Awesome

a bunch of facts about penguins | thumbnail includes text saying 'Recently discovered fossils indicate that an ancient breed of penguins once stood taller than the average adult man today at 5-foot-10.'

Paws For This Week’s Animal Facts: WARNING This Article May Cause Immediate Need To Watch Happy Feet

collection of facts about bulldogs | thumbnail includes a picture of a bulldog 'Dog - ICANHAS CMIN BURGER. Most people expect a bulldog to be aggressive and vicious because of their history as fighter dogs, but actually most are very kind and even tempered.'

Paws For This Week’s Animal Facts: This Ain’t No Bull

collection of facts about alpacas | thumbnail includes a picture of two alpacas 'Glasses - ICANHAS CHEEZ BURGER Alpacas are thought to have been domesticated more than 6,000 years ago by the Incas.'

Paws For This Week’s Animal Facts: 13 Things To Know About Alpacas

collection of facts about polar bears | thumbnail includes a picture of a polar bear 'Sky - ICANHAS Scientists can SHEEZ BURGER gather DNA from a polar bear's footprint in the snow. A polar bear track can reveal the DNA of the polar bear and even the seal it had recently eaten.'

Paws For This Week’s Animal Facts: Have A Polar Beary Good Week

collection of facts about hedgehogs | thumbnail includes a picture of two hedgehogs 'Erinaceidae - Hedgehogs have around 5000 to 7000 spines on their back. Each quill/ spine lasts about a year before dropping out and being replaced. IGANHAS BURGER'

Paws For This Week’s Animal Facts: A Hedge Up On The Competition

collection of cute animal facts | thumbnail includes a picture of a pigmy possum The Australian Western Pygmy Possum is actually one of the largest pygmy possums in the world despite being no larger than a typical kiwi fruit. u/StcStasi''

15 More Awwducational Facts About Animals