
twitter thread about people wanting to adopt kittens before they are ready to be adopted | thumbnail includes one tweet 'Font - Elle Em @elle em People: I would like to adopt a kitten Me: ok well they will be available in like six weeks People: no I want one now Me: they're still bottle-feeding People: ok but they're small and cute now Me: they will be small and cute in six weeks People: no they will be old Me: 12:49 PM - Mar 31, 2022 - Twitter Web App 929 Retweets 128 Quote Tweets 29.4K Likes'

Explaining Why It's Important To Adopt Kittens Only When They Are Ready: Twitter Thread

viral imgur thread about why it's bad to use spray bottles on cats | thumbnail includes one picture of a cat 'Why you shouldn't use a squirt bottle on your cat, and what to do instead adrianontherocks'

Why Using Squirt Bottles On Cats Can Be Harmful Sometimes (Viral Thread)

tumblr thread discussing letting indoor cats go outside | thumbnail includes a picture of a cat yelling at a door and one tumblr post 'Font - pangur-and-grim Follow man, I have very little sympathy for people who're like "I gotta let them play in traffic, my cat WAILS and acts MISERABLE unless I let them outside!" because like. .so does mine? at a certain point each day Grim decides she wants out, and until that happens she a) follows me about SCREAMING, and b) sits atop whatever l'm'

Tumblr Thread: People Debate Whether Indoor Cats Should Be Let Outside

new collection of animal facts from r/awwducational | thumbnail includes a picture of a bat holding onto a person's finger 'Bat toes are specially designed to relax in a locked position. This means that when bats are clinging on to the roof of a cave or tree, they are actually relaxing their feet. It takes energy to release their grip and open up their little toes before taking off to fly in the night u/JMyers666'

Unexpectedly Cool Yet Wholesome Animal Facts: 18 Awwducational Posts

video about inner workings of cocooon | thumbnail animated image of cocoon, green background

Inner Workings Of Caterpillar Cocoons Explained (Video)

viral imgur threads about pumas | thumbnail includes two pictures including a baby puma roaring and a puma chilling 'Today I would like to tell you... facts about the Puma. Unfortunately if you have seen a normal cat then you already know almost everything about them as Pumas are the same but bigger... jonjohnjonjohn'

Thread: Pumas Are The Same As Normal Cats, Just Bigger

viral imgur thread about an animal that has 20,000 teeth | thumbnail includes a picture of a creepy-looking snail with teeth

The Animal With 20,000 Teeth: Informative Yet Funny Viral Thread

video of koala footage at night, men commentating on it | thumbnail close up image of koala on tree branch

Koalas Being Anything But Lazy At Night (Video)

explanatory video why cats have vertical pupils | thumbnail animated image of cat face close up, bold large text "why do cats have vertical pupils" light green blend background

Why Do Cats Have Vertical Pupils: Explanatory TED Ed Lesson (Video)

collection of funny facts and stories about animals | thumbnail includes a picture of a goat 'Organism - In Nigeria, a goat was arrested and accused of being a person who used magic after an armed robbery. CHEEZ'

12 Funny Animal Facts: Paws To Laugh And Learn

vide of defensive turtles and snakes | thumbnail image of snake intertwined with turtle

How Turtles Defend Themselves Against Snakes (Video)

collection of funny facts and stories about animals | thumbnail includes a picture of a guinea pig 'Guinea pig - In 2014, a guinea pig named Randy broke out of his zoo enclosure and impregnated almost 100 females, becoming a father to CANHAS CHEEZ GER over 400 babies.'

13 Funny Animal Facts: Paws To Laugh And Learn

collection of facts about bulldogs | thumbnail includes a picture of a bulldog 'Dog - ICANHAS CMIN BURGER. Most people expect a bulldog to be aggressive and vicious because of their history as fighter dogs, but actually most are very kind and even tempered.'

Paws For This Week’s Animal Facts: This Ain’t No Bull

collection of facts about polar bears | thumbnail includes a picture of a polar bear 'Sky - ICANHAS Scientists can SHEEZ BURGER gather DNA from a polar bear's footprint in the snow. A polar bear track can reveal the DNA of the polar bear and even the seal it had recently eaten.'

Paws For This Week’s Animal Facts: Have A Polar Beary Good Week

tumblr thread about the difference between rabbits and hares | thumbnail includes a picture of a hare and a part of a tumblr thread 'Rabbit - ratcoded Follow if you don't know the difference between a hare and a rabbit you've never gazed into the cold wild eyes of a hare and known that if it could speak it would speak backwards' 'gallusrostromegalus Follow Jack Rabbits are North American Hares and they're the WORST to encounter at night becuase'

Tumblr Thread: The Crucial Difference Between Rabbits And Hares

collection of facts about hedgehogs | thumbnail includes a picture of two hedgehogs 'Erinaceidae - Hedgehogs have around 5000 to 7000 spines on their back. Each quill/ spine lasts about a year before dropping out and being replaced. IGANHAS BURGER'

Paws For This Week’s Animal Facts: A Hedge Up On The Competition