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cat video, funny cat video, police, arrested, funny, hilarious, classic, fail, fails, kitten, kitty, kitties, kittens, feline, silly, drama, not proud

Nosy Cat Watches Her Owner Get Arrested From the Window and Presumably Enjoys Every Second

He is NOT proud.
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13 screenshots from a Twitter thread of judgemental cats | Thumbnail includes a picture of a grey cat squinting as if its suspicious and a picture of a black and white cat staring at the camera

13 Suspicious Cats That See Right Through Their Owners

Foolish hoomans
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Top 10 Overly Dramatic Cats That Have No Idea How Spoiled They Are

Top 10 Overly Dramatic Cats That Have No Idea How Spoiled They Are

And the Oscar goes to...
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15 photos of cats screaming | Thumbnail includes a photo of an orange cat laying in bed screaming and a photo of a black cat screaming '*Cat yelling noises*'

15 Photos That You Can Hear: Dramatic Cats Yelling, Screaming, And Complaining About Life

We relate
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A TikTok video of an orange cat sniffing a human's sock and then dramatically falling back and funny comments | Thumbnail includes three screenshots of orange cat sniffing a human's foot and dramatically falling back 'ISTG I JUST TOOK A SHOWER AND PUT CLEAN SOCKS ON LIKE 10 MINS BEFORE THIS LMAO sicamay ISTGI JUST TOOK A SHOWER AND PUT CLEAN SOCKS ON LIKE 10 MINS BEFORE THIS LMAO ISTGI JUST TOOK A SHOWER AND PUT CLEAN SOCKS ON LIKE 10 MINS BEFORE THIS LMAO'

Cat Sniffs Hooman's Foot Then Dramatically Pretends To Faint Because She's Flabbergasted By The Smell

Ohhh cat <3
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a reddit thread about a woman who doesn't like how her boyfriend talks to her pets | thumbnail includes text saying 'AITA for not liking how my partner talks to our pets?'

AITA for not liking how my partner talks to our pets?

What would you do?
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a man confesses to having swapped his wife's rescue cat out six years ago for a friendlier cat | thumbnail includes text saying 'Six years ago I switched my wife's cat with a more well-behaved lookalike.'

Man Secretly Switched Wife's Cat With A Better Behaved Doppleganger 6 Years Ago

He did what??
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a reddit thread about a woman whose boyfriend forbid her from letting her dog sleep in their bed at night | thumbnail includes text saying 'Boyfriend "put his foot down" about our dogs'

Woman's Boyfriend Commands Her To Kick Pet Dog Out Of Bedroom: Internet Weighs In

He said what?
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an article about a woman whose boyfriend is asking her to give up her cat | thumbnail includes text saying 'AITA not wanting get rid my cat move with my boyfriend who's allergic?' and ' I work in animal rescue. "I'm allergic" is the NUMBER ONE excuse used by controlling men to make women rehome pets. Dump this creep. Nta MEOW Edit Thank you for the award and nice comments!'

Woman's Creepy Boyfriend Demands She Get Rid Of Her Cat

What would you do?
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a woman kicks out her roommate and replaces her with a pet hedgehog | thumbnail includes text saying 'AITA for kicking my best friend out of my apartment and replacing them with my pet hedgehog?'

Woman Kicks Her Roommate Out And Replaces Her With Hedgehog: Reddit Storytime

An odd turn of events...
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a story about a family recovering from their son's death though the help of his dog | thumbnail includes text saying 'But, the best thing is what Dog did. For my boyfriend's father. Dad probably lost a good 30 lbs. since I last saw him when they came to take Dog away from me. He was excited to tell me all the things he has been doing with Dog. He took up bicycling, and'

Heartwarming Tearjerker: Family Heal After Son's Death With The Help Of His Dog

Get your tissues out...
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a "karen" tries to ban a woman's dog from the neighborhood for being aggressive after her husband hit on the woman | thumbnail includes text saying

Local Karen Tries To Ban Woman's Pet Dog From The Neighborhood: Reddit Storytime

Say What?
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a thread on reddit about a man whose girlfriend stole his dog | thumbnail includes text saying 'My 20M ex-girlfriend 21F took my dog while I was away at work' 'For some backstory we were together for 2 years and during that time we lived together in my apartment, I've had the dog for 3 years. We broke up about a week ago because she had been cheating on me. I let her stay in the apartment until she could find a place to go, and yesterday I came home from work to find she ha'

Woman Steals Her Ex-Boyfriend's Dog After Breakup: Reddit Storytime

Dog Thief!
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a story about a woman who wants her boyfriend to get over his pet cat dying | thumbnail includes text saying '

Woman Thinks Her Boyfriend Needs To Get Over His Cat Being Put Down: Reddit Thread

Pets Are Important Too
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13 photos of pet owners who desperately need a reality check | thumbnail includes text saying 'Today 9:15 PM I just seen ur cat under cars between oxford and Cecil on willington I actually found him last night! It must be a similar looking one but thank you!! Do I still get the 75? Today 10:47 PM You didn't find my cat... so no Delivered'

13 Super Entitled Pet Owners Who Need A Reality Check ASAP

Excuse us??
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a man makes it his mission to win over his roommate's pet cat and become the 'favorite' | thumbnail includes text saying 'I decided instead of ignoring her, I would shower her with love. My plan was simple, to steal her love. I started by giving her treats and slowly getting closer to her. And wouldn’t you know it, it worked. As I am typing this she is sitting right besides me.'

Man Gets Revenge On Roommate By Becoming His Pet Cat's Favorite Person

A dish best served with cuddles.
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