
I ain't seeing no buffalo, but there sure as heck are a bunch of deer around here. One of the cutest, and surprisingly menacing creatures, at least to suburbia, is the deer. Don't let those doe eyes and bushy tails fool you, turn your head at the wrong time and your Rhododendrons are gone! So check out all this stash of deer products you won't be disappointed in, and forget about your lost gardening award.

video of a fawn visiting a woman every day and becoming friends with her dog thumbnail includes two pictures including a dog and fawn standing next to each other and a dog cuddling a woman

Affectionate Fawn Visits Lady Every Morning And Becomes BFFs With Dog (Video)

pictures of fawns hanging out with other animals thumbnail includes two pictures including one of a fawn resting curled up on a dog's paws and another of a fawn and cat touching noses

Wholesome Fawns Being Deer Friends With Other Animals

video about a baby deer asking a woman to rescue it

Couple-Day-Old Deer Fawn Asks Woman To Rescue It

pictures of animals with the most beautiful antlers thumbnail includes two pictures including one of a group of deer surrounded by mist and another of a deer standing in a field of flowers

Animals With The Most Magical-Looking Antlers

collection of deer memes thumbnail includes two pictures one of a group of deer hiding from the rain 'Wildlife - I GUESS THEY'RE NOT RAIN-DEER TAW' and another of a deer making a face at the camera 'Wildlife - "You should smile more!" Me:'

Deer Memes Always Lead In The Right Deerection

dik diks antelope adorable baby animals aww cute tiny small pics | bottle feeding very small smol tiny little dik dik with an eye dropper bottle

Baby Dik-Diks Are So Tiny It Hurts

A Beautiful Video Of Deer Enjoy Cherry Blossoms In An Empty Park In Japan Goes Viral | cute group of deer sitting among fallen flower petals on the ground under blooming trees

A Beautiful Video Of Deer Enjoy Cherry Blossoms In An Empty Park In Japan Goes Viral

snapchat cute deer happy - 9402407680

Blessed pic

rare mouse deer

A Rare Mouse-Deer Rediscovered in The Forests of Vietnam

cute pudo deer

Meet The Pudú, The World’s Smallest And Cutest Deer

deer funny wedding photos

Deer Crashes Wedding And Brings Newlyweds Pure Joy

friendship cute deer - 9329636608

They’re Deer Friends

fawn deer rescue

Fawn Stranded In Lake Get's Rescued But It Gets Even Better

deer in japan

Photographer Captures Beautiful Every Day Moments Of The Urban Deer In The Streets Of Nara, Japan


Man Helps Fallen Bambi

court movies deer bambi punishment - 7369221

Deer Poacher Received An Unusual Punishment Of Having To Watch "Bambi" Monthly n Prison