
Cute is a subjective word used for describing small, pleasing and non-threatening features, typically found on people, animals, objects and even ideas.

story about a feisty kitten learning to trust humans and getting adopted | thumbnail includes two pictures including a sleeping kitten and three hissing kittens

'Spiciest' Kitten In His Litter Turns Out To Be A Snuggly Lovebug And Gets Adopted

viral tweets about donkeys thumbnail includes one tweet 'Font - Leslie ... @LlamaRamaPyjama Replying to @spindlypete and @MaraWilson My grandpa's donkey figured out how to turn off the electric fence and open the gate, and then proceeded to teach the horse so they could hang out by the lake. 7:10 AM Mar 18, 2021 - Twitter for iPhone 294 Retweets 22 Quote Tweets 10.2K Likes'

Twitter Gets Funny About Donkeys (Viral Tweets)

13 animal memes | thumbnail left horse bone diagram meme "One of the biggest fail l've ever seen. A French anatomy book trying to illustrate how horse's bones are similar to ours cheval correspondent" thumbnail right wombat leaping meme

A Bountiful Bushel Of Giggle Worthy Animal Memes

twitter thread about a cat beating up cats and getting jailed at home | thumbnail includes one tweet 'Font - naledi @naledimashishi ... My cat had been housebound for two weeks after beating up another cat in that cat's house. I let her out yesterday just to see if she was ready to be a law abiding citizen. She went straight to go beat up that cat again a she's back inside indefinitely 5:03 PM · Aug 6, 2021 - Twitter for iPhone 21.3K Retweets 3,501 Quote Tweets 133.3K Likes'

Twitter Thread: Cat Jailed At Home For Being A Corrupt Criminal

a fun thread about pet names that are similar to human names | thumbnail includes text saying 'What's the most aggressively 'human name' you could give a pet'

The Most Aggressively Human Pet Names: Internet Contributes Suggestions

tumblr thread about different ways that cats show humans that they love them | thumbnail includes one tumblr post 'Organism - gothkrispies Follow My cat, Annabel Lee, had her babies on my lap. I think she wanted to have them in the linen closet but she didn't want to be away from me either and I was watching a movie with a guy on our first date. My other cat, Joon, had her babies in the corner of my room. I put down a towel for her and the babies so they wouldn't get cold on the hardwood floor.'

Tumblr Thread: Things Cats Do When They Truly Love Their Humans

a cute thread about animals jumping around and being cute | thumbnail includes a photo of two cats scaling the wall with text '@fallingcatcult okay seriously how are y'all teaching your cats to do this'

Twitter Thread: Spider Cats Scaling Walls

collection of pictures of tiny kittens | thumbnail includes two pictures including a black kitten next to a snack and a white kitten touching someone's hand

20 Cutest Kittens Of The Week: The Tiniest Fluffiest Criminals (January 29, 2022)

video of a bunny rescuing a kitten who is stuck in a cage | thumbnail includes a picture of a cat in a cage and a bunny leaning on the cage from the outside

Bunny Rescues A Kitten Who Got Itself Stuck In A Cage (Video)

posts of animals newly adopted this week | thumbnail includes a picture of a smiling cat 'Posting for my sister this is her new kitten Finn looking like u/Thicc_flair_drip'

Meet The Newly Adopted Faces Of The Week (20 Images)

a compilation of cats mimicking their humans behavior in adorable ways | thumbnail includes two photos of cats copying their humans

Too Cute Cats Acting Just Like Their Humans

sea ruthf KISS aquatic ocean cute shark week sharks shark animals - 16311301

Shark Week But Cute: Sharks That Will Make You Say 'Awww' Instead of 'Aaahhhh'

Cute cats and kittens newly posted to tiktok, Viral, Trending

Going Deep Into Smol Kitten TikTok to Bring You the Newest Viral-Worthy Cats

video of a man playing the banjo for a wild fox | thumbnail includes a picture of a fox sitting in front of a man playing a banjo

Man Plays Banjo For A Wild Fox, It Comes Back For An Encore (Video)

an adorable mink learns how to swim | thumbnail includes a photo of the mink in the water being cute

Sly Rescue Mink Learns How To Swim (Video)

story of a cat with a terrible mouth injury getting recued | thumbnail includes two pictures of a cat with a bad mouth injury

Rescued Kitten Survives A Terrible Mouth Injury And Finds A Forever Home